
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The starship that King Big Big Wolf knocked out with a hammer

Earth, the capital of China.

 Wang Ye took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and made a call directly to Feng Zhenghao, the top ten guy from Tianxiahui!

 "Hey, Uncle Feng, yes, it's me." Wang Ye's voice was very calm, not letting Feng Zhenghao on the other end of the phone hear anything was wrong, "I want Xingtong to come over here. There are some things that I need his help with. Um, yes, yes, it has something to do with that thing in the sky. Um, okay, okay, I will have someone pick me up."


 Wang also hung up the phone, and then looked at Zhang Chulan and Zhuge Qing who were watching him with a wry smile.

 "Daoist Master Wang Ye, if you are done with your work, you can talk to us about the current situation."

 Zhuge Qing squinted his eyes, with a half-smile expression on his lips.

 Zhang Chulan on the side was even more unbearable. Wang Ye almost died just now, but a little bean saved him?

 This is too unscientific...it's metaphysics!

 Wang Ye stood up and patted the dust on his pants, stretched out his hand and pulled out a blue light curtain. This hand made Zhuge Qing and Zhang Chulan's pupils shrink. They looked at each other and nodded slightly.

 We are all foxes for thousands of years, so there is no need for intrigues and chatting. When Wang Ye put the interface of the dimensional chat group in front of the two of them, Zhuge Qing and Zhang Chulan understood what was going on.

 "It's interesting, Lao Wang. Do you have those people here?"

 Zhang Chulan hugged Wang Ye's neck, and then stared at the chat group interface. At this time, the chat group was still discussing the issue of star combat effectiveness.

 Everyone found that although they were all star ratings, there was obviously a big gap between the star ratings.

 The most powerful group is naturally led by Whitebeard and Tony, strong men who can easily destroy the planet under normal circumstances.

 The weak ones are like Sakuta Azusagawa and Kyousuke Kosaka, who grew up through taking drugs and combining points. They need to use all their strength and attack the planet's weaknesses to destroy the planet's ordinary stars.

 What is worth mentioning here is that King, who was supposed to be the weakest group of people, actually converted all the divine fruits he grabbed into points, and then learned Saitama's training method. Although the effect was greatly reduced, it is still the same now. He is truly a star-exploding powerhouse, so he has no way to come to support him.

 Because Wang Ye adheres to a happy-go-lucky mentality and does not take too many divine fruits, his current strength is only at the ordinary surface level, which means that he can destroy the surface with all his strength.

 "Wow, Lao Wang, you can do it. You are a strong man on the surface level. What about me? What about me? Can you see what level I am?" Zhang Chulan became interested. This kind of evaluation sounds too impressive. !

 Wang Ye tentatively used the dimensional chat group to give Zhang Chulan an evaluation, and then the three words "not popular" made Zhang Chulan immediately decadent.

 "Haha, Taoist Priest Wang Ye is blessed by nature. Does it seem that the trouble in the sky can be solved?" Zhuge Qing looked at Wang Ye's gray hair and frowned, "But your longevity... · ·"

 As the heir of Wuhou Qimen, Zhuge Qing clearly felt that although Wang Ye's aura was very stable, his life aura was like a candle in the wind and could be extinguished by a gust of wind at any time!

 "Don't worry, I won't die yet." Wang Ye smiled bitterly. He suffered a big loss in the divination this time, but fortunately, longevity can be replenished through elixirs.

 He immediately contacted Xiao Yan to see if he could refine some elixirs to replenish his longevity. It didn't take much, three or two hundred years would be enough to live.

 Just when Wang Ye and Zhang Chulan were arguing with Zhuge Qing, three blue rays of light formed a whirlpool in the room, and the mysterious charm of it almost made Zhuge Qing fall into it!

 If Wang Ye hadn't patted him, Zhuge Qing might have lost himself!

 "Is this the world a thousand years from now?" The first person to step out of the whirlpool was a middle-aged man in black dragon robes. He had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. The majestic aura exuding from his whole body made Zhuge Qing feel his heart sink.

 "Black robe? Dragon pattern? Is this..."

 In the ancient history of China, there was a dynasty that respected black, but if it was really that person, he would be the living ancestor!

 "Taoist Priest Wang Ye, Zheng is here to support us."

 Ying Zheng chuckled and nodded to Wang Ye.

 Calling himself "political" made Zhuge Qing and Zhang Chulan swallow their saliva unconsciously.

 This is really the emperor who unified the six kingdoms through the ages, Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng!

 "Hello, Taoist Priest Wang Ye."

 The second person who walked out of the whirlpool was the gentle and pretty Butterfly Ninja. The gentle temperament she exuded made Zhang Chulan feel relaxed a lot. Then he shook his head and sighed at the beauty of the Butterfly Ninja.

 "Is there a third person? Judging from the energy exuded by the First Emperor and this girl, our helpers are very good."

 Zhuge Qing asked himself, it seems that he can't defeat any of them. Even if he breaks out the Wuhou family's secret technique, he may be killed instantly.

 No wonder, at the Luotian Dajiao, Wang Ye defeated him with just one hand of Tai Chi. If he hadn't fought to the death, Wang Ye might not have exposed the existence of Fenghou Qimen!

 This dimensional chat group is so powerful and weird!

 "Hahaha~ Is this the human world? I, the Big Big Wolf, are here!"

 In the last whirlpool, Zhang Chulan was slightly startled by the slightly funny voice, and then he looked at Wang Ye with a confused look.

 "Did I hear it wrong? I seem to hear the voice of the Big Gray Wolf in the children's animation?"

 Before Wang Ye could answer, a giant wolf that was more than two meters tall walked out of the whirlpool. With its strong limbs and sharp teeth and claws, Zhang Chulan really couldn't compare the giant wolf in front of him with the one in the animation he watched in his childhood. The inconspicuous Wolf King connects.

 "Master Wang Ye, when are we going to complete the mission?"

 The giant wolf bowed and sat down. It was too tall and could only lower its head to talk to everyone.

 "Big Big Wolf? Why have you grown so big?"

 Wang Ye was also stunned. He remembered that Big Gray Wolf was not so strong, right?

 "I ate the Devil Fruit given to me by Senior Morn. This is my human form. If I completely transform into a wolf, I will be larger, but it is obviously not convenient in this world."

 Big Gray Wolf raised his eyebrows. He was still very satisfied with his current figure. At least his wife would often stare at him~

 "Zheng Zai is thinking, our opponent is in space. Do we need to use the powerful people in this world to obtain a spacecraft into space?" Looking at the two people reminiscing about old times, Ying Zheng interrupted their conversation. The mission It's still quite urgent. If we really need to use a national spacecraft to carry out the mission, it might be too late, right?

 Big Big Wolf raised his eyebrows again and patted his chest vigorously.

 "Don't worry, isn't it just a spaceship that goes into space? Let me build it for you!"

 In the strange eyes of Wang Ye, Zhuge Qing, and Zhang Chulan, Big Gray Wolf took out a hammer from nowhere, and then the entire wolf disappeared.

 About two hours later, Big Big Wolf came back and took everyone to the top rooftop of Nedoutong Company!

 A spaceship with a relatively simple appearance, but full of sci-fi atmosphere inside, parked quietly on top of the Nadutong Company!

 After Zhang Chulan patted the outer shell of the spacecraft, he was still a little confused.

 "Now, I believe that it is the big gray wolf... except catching sheep, it can do everything!"

