
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The shape of the corpse king's rampant sound

"no the same?"

 Lingyue, who was on the way, was stunned for a moment, looking at what Nishimiya Glass said in the group chat with some confusion and a little doubt.

 Haibara Ai: "@Nishimiya Glass, is there anything different?"

 Faced with Haibara Ai's question, Nishimiya Glass's answer after thinking about it made Lingyue's pupils shrink!

 Nishimiya Glass: "I don't know why, but there were a lot of scary people outside my house. They kept grabbing at my door. My mother kept blocking the door with things. My sister and I hid in the house and didn't dare to make a sound. out."

 Morn: "Mission."

 Two simple words attracted everyone's attention.

 Lingyue directly opened the task interface, and then posted the task that appeared in the task interface to the group with some clarity.

 [Ding, a change has been detected in the world of sound shapes, and the mission is being released...! ]

 [Ding, the appearance of the Abyssal Reincarnator in the Sound Shape World has been detected, and the mission has been successfully released! ]

 [Ding, mission introduction: Mike, the reincarnator of the abyss, has obtained the power of the Corpse King, which can turn normal humans into terrifying infectious disease organisms, zombies. He can improve his strength by absorbing zombies. After destroying two worlds, he came In the world of Sound Shape, the zombie virus was released! ]

 [Ding, the mission goal is to completely eliminate the zombie pathogens in the world of sound shapes and kill Mike, the reincarnation of the abyss! ]

 [Ding, mission requirements: Five members can participate! ]

 [Ding, mission reward: 500,000 points, one point for every ten zombies eliminated, 50,000 points for killing Mike! A great lottery among the heavens! ]

 Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "Although it's a bit bad to say this, the reward is too generous, isn't it?"

 Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu at his feet in confusion. This mission was different from the missions in his world!

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in a world-destroying state: "Let's not talk about these issues for now. Let's choose the candidates to participate in the mission. After all, the situation at Xiao Glass is not very good!"

 Although I am happy that Nishimiya Glass is in fourth grade, the zombie virus...

 I'm afraid only myself and Moen in the group know how terrifying this is!

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in a state of annihilation: "The zombie virus is horribly contagious. In addition to air, water, and blood are all important ways of infection, so don't come into close contact with zombies!"

 The big carousel to select candidates for the mission started spinning in the group. Moen did not participate in the mission selection this time. The most important thing for him now is to stay with Nami.


 To be honest, except for the members of the daily series, who would care about something as low-level as zombies?

 Do you want Xiao Yan or Lan Ran to deal with zombies?

 They could sink Sun Island directly with one move.

 As for that corpse king Mike...

 Just a piece of junk worth 50,000 points!

 [Ding, the personnel has been confirmed! ]

 Five avatars appeared in the group chat, and Tony, who thought he was the most handsome person in the group, opened his mouth wide. Because those five people are...

 Five vortexes formed in each world. In a dark basement, the dim light could not hide the smile under the little white coat.

 "What is this, sister?"

 In Nishimiya's house, Nishimiya Yuzuru looked at the five blue whirlpools that suddenly appeared around him and his sister with great uneasiness.

 As if she felt something, Nishimiya Yaeko, who had been staring nervously outside, changed her expression and ran to the place where the two sisters were hiding!

 "Gula la la~ Xiaojie, do you want to become my daughter?"

 In Nishimiya Yaeko's frightened eyes, a giant man over six meters tall who could only squat down in the room walked out of the five blue whirlpools!

 The half-moon-like white beard combined with the blond hair gives people a very reliable feeling!

 "You...who are you! Why did you show up at my house!"

 Looking at the white beard that obviously didn't look like a normal person, Nishimiya Yaeko burst out with the power of a mother, sprinted in front of Nishimiya Glass and Nishimiya Yuzuru, opened her hands to protect her like an old hen protecting her children. daughter! 315 Chinese website

 "Gula la la la~ Nishimiya Yaeko, as a mother, I approve of you!"

 Whitebeard didn't care at all and sat down on the floor.

 Because of the sound made by Whitebeard, the zombies wandering on the street seemed to have been guided, and once again scratched crazily at the walls and doors of Nishimiya's house. This made Yaeko Nishimiya's already pale face even paler!

 "Look at this, ma'am, you need a little glucose, maybe even a little adrenaline."

 In the blue vortex, Haiyuan Ai, who had brown curly hair and looked like a primary school student, also walked in, with a charming smile on her face.

 "Zombie? Although I don't understand why you got me, you can't slack off."

 In another whirlpool, a young man in Taoist robes walked in, with dark circles on his face that looked like decadence.

 "Master Wang Ye."

 Hui Yuan Ai looked at Wang Ye, his eyes moving slightly.

 This person is equally invisible in the group chat!

 "Is everyone here?"

 In the fourth vortex, what appeared was the leader of the group, Lingyue, whose mission remained unchanged. Without her, the space-time vortex would not be able to take shape.

 "One more person to go."

 Whitebeard laughed heartily and loudly, causing the zombies outside to go even crazier!


 A strange energy spread out, and all the zombies surrounding Nishimiya's house fell down in an instant, making no sound, as if they were dead!

 "Gu la la la~ Are you domineering in the color of Bawang? It seems that you got some pretty good things in the previous red envelope, little guy."

 "Senior Whitebeard is very grateful, and I have to thank Senior Moen for this."

 Out of the last whirlpool came an orange cat who had not yet grown up, Rainbow Cat Young Hero!

 As for why I say I haven't grown up...

 Nonsense, the grown-up orange cat has long been obsessed with oranges, and I don't know if the future blue rabbit will be able to bear it~

 The five people who participated in the mission this time were Lingyue, White Beard, Hongmao, Haiyuan Ai, and finally Wang Ye.

 It's no wonder that Tony feels weird. Except for Haihara Ai's strength, which is unknown for the time being, any other person alone can solve this mission. The lineup is quite luxurious!

 "Uh~ Old man, Young Hero Hongmao, let's finish this mission as soon as possible. If you want to take in your daughter, we can talk about it after the mission is over. I have to attend the Luotian Festival~"

 Wang also yawned, as if he had not slept well the day before, and his whole person seemed a little listless.

 "You... who are you! Why do you show up at my house!"

 Holding back the fear in her heart and swallowing, Nishimiya Yaeko had already retreated to the corner with Nishimiya Glass and Nishimiya Yuzuru.

 "Don't worry, madam, we are here to solve the crisis in this world. In addition, we are friends of your daughter Glass."

 Haibara Ai blinked at Nishimiya Glass. As the youngest of the five, she naturally gave Nishimiya Yaeko the least sense of threat.

 "So, what should we do next?"

 Wang Ye raised his head as if sensing something, with a smile on his lips.

 "Has the influence of Overlord Color been eliminated? It seems that the reincarnation has noticed us."

 Hongmao silently pulled out his Changhong Sword, and the fiery breath dispelled a little chill in the room!

 "Then let me do it first."

 Haibara Ai slowly walked to the window. A zombie suddenly rushed to the window. The ugly face scared Nishimiya Yaeko in the corner. Nishimiya Glass also stretched out his hand to catch Haibara Ai who walked to the window. , but a cold breath made her shrink back involuntarily.

 [Ice-Time! ]

