
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The reliability of the time shuttle

Regarding the appearance of a Big Big Wolf with a bug in the technology field in the dimensional chat group, everyone did not feel that there was any change. Except for the occasional chat with Tony, Big Big Wolf's diving level is no less than that of the strongest diving king. Emperor Qin Shihuang.

 What's the reason?······

 I heard that Big Big Wolf got Jarvis's subroutine from Tony, and then modified it and turned it into a parenting robot, specializing in educating little Huihui.

 He is the descendant of a coward who has never even eaten sheep. He relies on the "support" of his friends to eat mutton. He does not want his son Xiao Huihui to be as coward as he is.

 Red Wolf also agrees very much with this.

 Don't look at her crazily beating up Big Big Wolf in the memory copy, and often scolding Big Big Wolf for being useless.

 There was a dreamy little white wolf over there, but Red Wolf didn't even look at it. Especially after having little Huihui, what made Red Wolf sad was that he couldn't give little Huihui a better life.

 Despite the dilapidated castle, cheap cosmetics, and even the clothes that were rarely changed every few years, the Red Wolf still guarded the rear of the Gray Wolf, allowing him to catch the sheep with peace of mind.

 Now that Gray Wolf is promising, he can get a castle of canned mutton for anything he buys, which makes Red Wolf's temper get better and better.

 (If you can meet a red wolf in reality, cherish it!)

 "Honey, I may have to go to bed very late in the past two days. You and Xiao Huihui should go to bed early."

 At the dining table, Big Big Wolf devoured a can of canned food, and then said to Red Wolf who was feeding Little Huihui thoughtfully.

 "What's wrong?" Red Wolf was a little puzzled. Gray Wolf hadn't gone out in the past few days. He was always messing around in the basement. Was there a crackling explosion?

 "People in the group have customized several sets of time shuttles with me. I want to complete them as soon as possible."

 Big Big Wolf took out another can, opened it, and continued to devour it.

 Originally, he had thought of eating it slowly and saving most of it for Little Huihui in the future, but Tony's appearance of not being short of money made Big Big Wolf completely decide to embrace this thigh!

 You know, after placing the order for the time shuttle, Tony took a video without hesitation, which contained cans of mutton with no end in sight, and even living goats and sheep...

 "The time shuttle is almost ready!"

 In the basement, Big Big Wolf put on his goggles. Placed in front of him were three Xiao Qiao devices that looked like hourglasses!

 Except for Tony, Moen and Aizen all want a time shuttle!

 "Do we still need to consider that there cannot be a causal relationship? This is a bit difficult to handle."

 Big Big Wolf began to circle around the table, his mind constantly thinking about how to erase the causal relationship through time.

 The well-known "Grandma Paradox" is the biggest refutation of being able to travel through time. If you traveled to the past and prevented your grandmother from meeting your grandfather, then there would be no you, and there would be no you to prevent your grandfather. Grandma met, and then there was you...

 Some people asked whether it could affect the past, and then more people asked.

 If you can't affect the past, how can you prove that you traveled through time and were not hypnotized?

 Unable to answer.

 The so-called historical revision is nothing more than that.

 "Yes, let me ask the dimensional chat group!"

 Gray Wolf, who had been pacing for a long time, slapped his forehead, and then opened the interface of the dimensional chat group with great interest. Now the world is basically in the dark, and only a few night owls are still chatting.

 [If you want to erase the causal influence of time travel, you need to use the flower of time. A flower of time can erase the influence of a time travel. Dimensional chat group price: one million points. ]

 Big Big Wolf was silent. His eyes glanced at the can of mutton that he had eaten when he was hungry, and then he appraised it tremblingly...

 [The canned mutton that was eaten up, value: 0 points! ]

 [Complete canned mutton, value: 0 points! ]

 The most precious canned mutton in Big Wolf's eyes is not even worth 1 point!

 "How many cans are these..." Big Gray Wolf swallowed and decided to make further improvements. Now that he knows the solution, further improvements will significantly reduce the cost!

 At least...at least it must be reduced to the point where one hundred thousand cans can erase the impact!

 As the red wolf upstairs sighed and gently put an earplug on his son, the gray wolf stayed up all night in the basement!

 The few people who placed the order don't know what Big Big Wolf is thinking. If they knew, they might laugh or cry.

 One million points can travel through time without any impact, which is absolutely acceptable to any member.

 The one with the most points now should be Zero, because his timeline is different from that of most people, and time passes much faster than in the Spiritual Time Room!

 How many years does a space journey last? However, in the short time it took for Zero to join the group, he traveled several times and traveled through time and space.

 Then the one with the most points is Thanos. He has almost collected one million points. At that time, the world will be integrated. Morn will lead the development of the world. Resources will not be exhausted by life forms and lead to the outbreak of war. The tragedy of civilization extinction!

 As for whether he has ever thought about dominating by himself, Thanos thinks he still doesn't have that ability.

 Then there is Morn. All the points are useless except for traveling through dimensions to other worlds.

 There is no way, he lacks nothing and wants nothing. Even the grand lottery of the universe in the dimensional chat group can only give him some dispensable external things.

 In comparison, people like Aizen and Whitebeard had the fewest points, and they all used them to strengthen their strength.

 In Gray Wolf's castle, Gray Wolf, who was almost exhausted, took off his goggles excitedly and looked at the small hourglass in front of him, his eyes full of excitement!

 He couldn't help but screamed up to the sky, and then the red wolf hit his head with an iron pot. Then he passed out and was dragged away by the red wolf and thrown into the bed. He slept for most of the day.


 When Gray Wolf woke up, he saw Red Wolf sitting by the bed and wiping his face with a towel.


 "I've been tired for so long and still shouting so loudly. I don't know how to take a rest!"

 The red wolf said strong words, but the movements of his hands did not stop, which made her feel distressed.

 Compared with catching sheep before, Big Big Wolf's "job" during this period is not easy at all!

 "Haha, wife, I succeeded, I succeeded! I broke through the limitations of technology, and I built a time shuttle!"

 Big Gray Wolf was stunned for a while, then he jumped out of bed, trotted to the basement and brought the three hourglasses to Red Wolf.

 "Is this a time shuttle? Why is it different from the one you used before?"

 Red Wolf was a little confused. She had never seen a time shuttle before. It looked like this!

 "This is my improved time shuttle. It can travel through the past ten thousand years at will. It has not been tested in the future. And no matter what you do when you travel to the past, it will not have any impact on the world behind! "

 Big Big Wolf's tail was raised, and he proudly introduced his masterpiece!

 "In addition, it originally required a flower of time to travel through time and space, but that was one million points! After my improvements, although time travel is limited to ten people, it only requires 100,000 points! A flower of time can travel through time. Ten times!"

 Gray Wolf's words made the corners of Red Wolf's eyes curl up. No wife would be unhappy that her husband was successful. Even if he didn't understand technology, he could tell from Gray Wolf's words that it was definitely not easy to make this thing.

 Moreover, Big Big Wolf talks about traveling ten times, but it means going back and forth ten times!

