
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The last one, 7 Wuhai, [Germa Sixty-six] Vinsmoke Gaji!

Beihai, Kingdom of Germa.

Gaji looked at the culture tank in front of him, and the bloodshot eyes in his eyes were terrifying.

He hasn't slept for several days. He stares at the culture tank in front of him all the time, for fear that something will go wrong.

The reason is that when he was about to take a rest ten days ago, the hostile forces of the Germa Kingdom made a surprise attack. The Germa 66 army was in a stalemate while fighting with the opposite party.

The high-end combat power on the opposite side rushed directly into the palace. The four top combat powers of the Vinsmoke family were all seriously injured and unable to fight. Just when Gaji thought he was about to die, a piercing slash struck the enemy. The power was wiped out.

Shiliu, who suddenly arrived at the Germa Kingdom, only said one sentence.

"It's a month as promised. If you can't hand over what we want by then, then there will be no need for the Kingdom of Germa to exist."

That indifferent murderous aura prevented Gaji from sleeping peacefully for many days. He could only stand in front of the culture tank and silently watch the growth of the genetic clones.

"Strange, why is this set of gene sequences so active? It's like they are born with powerful genes."

Gaji, who was staring at the breeding tank, actually had many questions in his heart. For example, whose gene sequence belonged to him, why it was cultivated through human cloning, why he only had arms, and why the gene was so powerful. ·····

All this can only be revealed when the genetic sequence is completely cultivated into a complete clone.

Time passed day by day, and more than half a month slipped through my fingertips in the blink of an eye.

Jia Zhi only rested once in the past half month, and it was because he couldn't stand it any longer.

Of course, just because he's staring in the lab doesn't mean he's disconnected from the outside world.

He was still paying attention to the fact that [Death Surgeon] Tragafar Law and [Golden Emperor] Gilder Tezolo joined the King's Shichibukai.

After all, the Vinsmoke family is also one of the famous kings of the underground world. It is impossible for him not to know about the Golden Emperor's secret purchase of gunpowder arms. He is also one of the Golden Emperor's suppliers.

One month before Shiru's death was up, Gaji, whose eyes were dull, turned around stiffly and saw Shiru of the Rain, who had split the door of his research room in half with a sword. He smiled forcefully at the corner of his mouth.

In the culture tank in front of him, a sturdy figure was quietly placed in the green nutrient solution.

Gaji has never wanted to forget everything like he did today.

Short purple hair, tough face, strong body...

He, Wen Smoke Gaji, is a big shot who has dominated the North Sea for decades. How could he not recognize the former Navy Admiral [Black Wrist] Zefa who was active in the navy more than ten years ago!

The Zefa clone cultivated in the culture tank has Zefa's physical fitness, but does not have Zefa's intelligence and fighting qualities.

 "very good······"

Shiliu choked on the smoke of his cigar. He also looked at the confused Gaji with horrified eyes. He also understood the main point of the matter.

Cloning a former navy admiral, even if it were Moen's request, was too appalling!

Bulu Bulu

Looking at the robot-like "Zefa" in the culture tank, Xiliu cheered up and immediately dialed Morn's phone number.

"This is the office of Admiral [Jinwu] at the Navy Headquarters. What can I do?"

A very elegant female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Is it Nia?" Shiliu frowned. The only women who would appear on Moen's side should be Nia and Ain.

"Yes, candidate General Shiliu?"

Robin was a little surprised. Why did Shiliu suddenly call back? Shouldn't the task he received be over for some time?

"Ahem, call Lord Moen for me. Something happened."

Robin immediately became serious, walked out of the small room with the phone in hand, and then walked to Morn who was taking a nap.

Moen, who was woken up by Robin, yawned and then took the phone.

"Hey, Shiliu? Aren't you supposed to be watching the Vinsmoke family? Why did the phone caller come over suddenly?"

Xi Liu, who was on the other side of the phone bug, watched the phone bug turn into Moen's face. He breathed a sigh of relief and told everything about the situation here.

"Oh, it's okay, what I want is Teacher Zefa's clone." Moen yawned again, "It seems that Vinsmoke's research on this aspect is very good, I predict it is a It took half a month to two months, but I didn't expect it to be done in one month."

In the Vinsmoke family, Gaji looked at Shiliu with disbelief until he stared at Shiliu.

"Ahem" Xiliu lowered his head and coughed twice, "I was afraid that you wouldn't take things seriously, so I shortened the time..."

What greeted Shiliu was Gaji's desperate eyes.

Can scientific research also reduce time? ? ?

Why didn't General Morn send someone with common sense? ! !

Looking at Ame no Shiru who was full of muscles, Gaji could only swallow the bitter tears in his stomach.

"If it's done, come back with that thing and talk to Vinsmoke Gaji about it."

Moen yawned again. He played too late last night, which made him feel very low energy.


Well, I don't want to twist it, but I went drinking with Binz Shuzo, Zephas Morg and others at the Naval Academy, and they didn't disperse until early in the morning.


Shiliu hung up the phone, looked at Gaji and sighed.

"Originally, I thought I could kill a few people, but now it seems we have a cooperative relationship."

Xiliu's words made Jiazhi's scalp tingle. He had always had a higher level of ambition and was completely suppressed by Xiliu's powerful combat power, so he no longer had the arrogance of being the boss in heaven, the second in command, and the third in command.

Xi Liu touched her body and finally took out a document from her arms. She signed it readily and handed it to Gaji.

"The King's Seven Martial Arts... Recruiting Books?"

When Gaji raised his head, Shiliu had disappeared again.

The person who appeared in front of him instead of Shiliu was Iji, who had just been able to get out of bed, and was then carried by Reiju to help him in front of him again.


Gaji opened his mouth and waved his hand.

"Reiju, take Iji for treatment..."

In Reiju's unbelievable eyes, Gaji left the laboratory with a hint of loneliness and excitement.


[The patriarch of the Vinsmoke family and King of the Kingdom of Germa, Vinsmoke Gaji, announced that he would join the King's Shichibukai. ]

[The leader of the legendary army Germa 66, Vinsmoke Gaji, entered the Grand Line with a high profile! ]

[The Vinsmocks are an almost mythical family. What is their purpose in entering the Grand Line? Please read the detailed report by the World Times! ]


Dressrosa, King's Heights.




A series of crisp sounds could be heard continuously. Torebol stretched out his hands, but did not dare to make any sound.

Tenyasha, Doflamingo was sitting on the ground, his whole body was wet with wine.

"Okay, very good."

Doflamingo sneered, and then gradually turned into a wild laugh.

"Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. First it's Luo, then it's Tezolo, and now it's Vinsmoke. The Navy, you really want to have trouble with me, Dovran Mew, don't you?"

"Then let's see who can have the last laugh!"

"A new era is coming!!!"

