
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The guardian angel of Tokisaki Madness 3, the God of Thunder and War, Hiko

Seeing Aatrox lying in front of him, being slaughtered like a sheep, Ge Xiaolun still didn't understand what happened.

 What happened to Brother Monkey who suddenly appeared in front of him, what happened to the people he brought here, what happened to the guy in the crowd who looked more like a great sage than a monkey, and that beautiful young lady. What's the matter with his fighting ability that can take down Aatrox who can rival Angel Yan with just one wave of his hand!

 "Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, are they also super soldiers? Why have I never seen them before?"

 Ge Xiaolun approached the monkey and asked cautiously.

 "I, Sun, don't understand either, but I only know that there will be no problems with the earth." Monkey shook his head, and looked at Song Shuhang who opened a space passage by tapping his chin lightly, and he could only shake his head. .

 "Please wait!"

 Seeing Song Shuhang and others preparing to leave through the space passage, Yan, who was seriously injured, struggled to stand up and looked at Song Shuhang with a hesitant look on his face before asking.

 "Queen Kesha is offline. The angels are leaderless. If you are going to the earth, can you please take me with you? The angel civilization will always be your friend."

 Seeing that the powerful and outrageous people in front of him were friends of monkeys, Yan boldly guessed that these people were other civilizations close to the earth.

 There is no existence of Song Shuhang and others in the records of angelic civilization. It is impossible for the woman who can kill Aatrox with a wave of her hand to have no name in the universe, so there is only one possibility.

 The other party is an existence beyond the angel civilization, so under this speculation, even Angel Yan can only lower his profile and ask for help.

 If she cannot rush back to Earth in time to take command of the overall situation, the angel clan will probably be completely suppressed by the demon clan in conjunction with the Styx civilization, and will eventually be reduced to barely surviving.

 "Oh? Do you want to come back to Earth with us?" Song Shuhang did not answer. Tokisaki Kurumi walked over and looked at the scarred Angel Yan with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

 "Yes." Angel Yan nodded seriously.

 "Then let me treat you first." A short gun appeared in Tokisaki Kurumi's hand, and a bullet landed on Yan's body with a bang.

 Ge Xiaolun in the distance screamed in surprise, but then he remembered that bullets were useless against angels, unless they were God-killing ammunition, and that gun that looked like a medieval musket was obviously not loaded with God-killing ammunition. Divine ammunition.

 Sure enough, under Ge Xiaolun's gaze, Yan's injuries all over his body disappeared in an instant, and he returned to the majestic and powerful angel guard again.

 "It turns out to be a healing ability."

 Ge Xiaolun breathed a sigh of relief, and then followed the monkey's steps towards Song Shuhang and others. He didn't want to be left on this inhospitable planet.

 With Aatrox dead, there is no threat to the people on this planet. He has to return to Earth to fight!

 Unlike Ge Xiaolun's calmness, Yan only felt cold all over her body at the moment. She looked at the smiling Tokisaki Kurumi and didn't know what to say for a moment.

 Time power!

 That bullet did not heal him, but restored his body to what it was before the injury. Even the weakness caused by Queen Keisha's offline was easily reversed!

 "Are you a member of the Void Civilization?"

 Yan only felt that her throat was a little dry. She had been following Queen Kesha all along and regarded the void theory of Styx boss Karsus as a fallacy. Even if she had some speculation in her heart, she would never let herself be shaken.

 But now, a person who uses the power of time appears in front of him, which makes Yan have to suspect that Tokisaki Kurumi is a member of the Void Clan.

 It has not been recorded by the angel civilization. It can reverse time without the help of the big clock, which is the only known prop that can use the power of time. In addition, it is so powerful that the parameters cannot be read at all. It is impossible for Yan to list the reasons why Tokisaki Kurumi is not a member of the Void Clan!

 "Although I really want to agree with your point of view, I'm sorry, but my strength alone is far from enough to become a member of the Void Clan like adults." Kuang San smiled, her voice was very seductive, the gun in her hand lightly He gently lifted Yan's chin, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

 "Hey, the angel's left wing guard, Thunder God of War Yan, do you want to make a deal with me?"

 Kuang San licked his lips gently, his tone full of temptation.

 "Deal? What deal?"

 Horrified by the news that even Tokisaki Kurumi was not worthy of being called a void, Hiko actually ignored the fact that Kurumi's movements were somewhat irrational.

 "Become my guardian angel." Kuang San stood up straight and extended an invitation to Yan, "In exchange, I can help you resurrect Queen Kesa."


 For a moment, even Song Shuhang, who was about to say that he had opened a space channel and let everyone chat on earth, felt confused.

 At this time, Kurumi Saki really knew how to play and actually asked Hiko to be her guardian angel!

 In the dark, Ge Xiaolun, who had become the target of everyone's attention for some reason, felt as if he was about to lose something. He opened his mouth but did not speak.

 "You want me to be your guardian angel?" Yan Ye felt at a loss as to whether the world was changing too fast.

 Aren't guardian angels female angels swearing oaths to their beloved male gods?

 Is the girl in front of me a boy?

 "That's right, if you are willing to be my guardian angel, I will help you resurrect Queen Keisha." Kurumi Tokisaki repeated it again. The other people's faces were a little weird because they understood that Tokisaki Kurumi The reason why Saki Kurumi said this.

 Moen: "@Shi Tingting three, Kurumi, when you arrive on Earth, you will reverse time and resurrect Queen Keisha. I want to see how the Styx civilization will behave after seeing Kesha resurrected. In addition, Shuhang, please restrain your breath for the time being. I don't know if the void clan among the super gods are real voids. They may just be the seeds of power left by the giant void beasts in that universe. If you scare them away, then It's hard to find."

 Song Shuhang: "Well, no problem. I'll wait until Accelerator and the others encounter an opponent they can't solve before taking action."

 Tokisaki Kurumi: "Eh? Sir, do you want me to save Queen Kesa? Then won't Hiko in the future not be able to become the Sky Blade King? What a pity, I like Hiko very much."

 Moen: "Then let Yan be your guardian angel. After all, I feel that Ge Xiaolun and Qiangwei are more compatible."

 Tokisaki Kurumi: "Sir, you are really a genius!"

 Back on the planet Ferrezhuo, Yan looked at Kurumi Tokisaki for a long time and finally nodded.

 "If you can resurrect Queen Kesha, I am willing to be your guardian angel."

 Of course, the premise is that Queen Kesha can be resurrected perfectly!

 What Yan needs is a queen who can lead the angel civilization. Whether it is Kesha or herself, it makes no difference.

