
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The Fury of the Warring States Period

Dasqi walked out with the documents, leaving Smoker with a melancholy look on his face.

"Am I really slacking off?" Smoker blew out a smoke ring and sat back on the sofa, holding the newspaper in his hand and muttering to himself.

Twenty years ago, Roger's smile before his death shocked Smoker. He couldn't understand why someone could smile even though they knew they were going to die.

He worked hard to grow up with doubts, and then accidentally ate the devil fruit and joined the navy.

Once upon a time, he was so high-spirited and wanted to show off his talents in the navy and promote justice.

But now, he is nesting in the place where the Pirate King died, and he is not even as good as a dog!

"Go and see the so-called future Pirate King, and then I'll ask him to be transferred to the new world."

Smoker put out the cigar in his mouth, silently walked to the wall, and took off the ten hands that had been hanging on the wall.

He has decided to return to his headquarters.

This time, he has become a little more tactful and has connections in the headquarters, so he can no longer be dismissed as before.

The new world is where this former genius belongs!


The Capital of Seven Waters, a small island located on the edge of the city.

Inside the house, which looks like a patchwork of architectural styles, there are many people who look like gangsters lying around.

Franky, whose whole body had been basically transformed by steel, steeled himself and looked at the man wearing a ridiculous rabbit mask in front of him.

"You...who are you!"

The sharp voice reached the masked man's ears, and he just raised his hand silently.

Franky felt his forehead sink, as if he had been hit hard by something, and he fell down directly.


The masked man fumbled around on Franky's chest a few times, opened a small space, and took out a thick roll of drawings hidden inside.

"What kind of [Pluto] drawing is this? Could it be fake?" The masked man took off his mask, it was Moen.

He held the drawing in his hand with a surprised look on his face.

Contrary to his expectation, there were so few drawings!

You know, Pluto is the ultimate weapon that can sink an island with one cannon.

Then the size of Pluto will definitely not be small, at least it will definitely not be smaller than the three-masted sailboat of Moria!

"You only have this stack of blueprints for such a big ship in your hand?"

Moen quickly flipped through various parameters, various parts, various...

Anyway, he couldn't understand it at all. He could recognize individual words, but when put together, it was like a heavenly book.

"Forget it, let them think about it."

Moen complained for a moment, randomly pulled out one of the drawings, took a picture directly with the image shell, and then burned the condensed light particles.

Ignoring the "dead bodies" lying on the ground, Moen came to his boat and began to work hard.

[Use images to take photos one by one. ]

After spending half a day, Moen finally took the photo and breathed a sigh of relief. He took out an anti-eavesdropping phone bug from his arms.



"Hello? Who is this?"

A gentle voice came from the other end of the phone, and a smile appeared on Moen's lips.

"Big Bear, please transfer the call to that man. I have a big business deal with him."



The voice of the phone bug came from the other end of the phone bug, and a word suddenly came to Moen's mind.

Matryoshka doll?


Bartholomew Bear's phone was also connected, and the third-party man sounded a little confused.

Because Big Bear rarely contacts them, if he does, it must be something important.

"Hey~ Dorag, how are you doing lately?"

When Moen heard the voice from the bear's side, the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.


Dorag also clearly heard Morn's voice, but the phone bug still showed the face of a bear.

"Are you calling me through Bear? I remember I gave you my phone number?"

"Well...I lost that thing a long time ago." Moen dug his ears and said with a sigh, "So I can only look for the big bear that seems to be related to you."


Dorag and Xiong on the other end of the phone were obviously silent.

Xiong felt scared for a while. He originally thought that it was Dorag who told Moen that he and Dolag had met, so it would be okay for him to continue to do Dolag. But who would have thought that this was Mo En's own guess!

 so far so good!

Moen seems to have a good relationship with Dorag, so he should not expose his identity.

Dorag was speechless for a while. The secret chess he had laid in ambush was just discovered?

"Okay, what do you want from me?"

Dorag gathered his thoughts and asked.

"I almost forgot about business." Moen picked up a fruit next to him and took a bite.

"Pluto, are you interested?"



Drago on the other end of the phone visibly swallowed his saliva, "Moen, you're not talking about the deputy of the Pirate King, are you?"

"Nonsense, I have nothing to do with that one for entertainment."

Moen rolled his eyes and suddenly remembered that Dorag couldn't see.

 "what would you like?"

Dorag's tone was very firm.

"Do you have any abandoned sons in your revolutionary army?"

Moen played with the core in his hand, his voice was very soft.


It seemed that Dorag overturned the table in shock, and the big bear on the other side coughed twice obviously.

"You want... to use people from my revolutionary army to pave the way for you?"

Dorag is indeed a political player, and Moen's ideas are right!

Moen also made no secret of his thoughts. He had just been promoted to lieutenant general. Even if he was about to go through a war at the top, it would take more than ten years to climb up.

So Morn must hold on to the Wulaoxing ship and let them take him forward!

Unless it's a decisive battle, you can't go wrong by following the Five Old Stars closely!

Dorag was obviously silent for a while, "Deputy Commander Xi, there are three more senior officials, is that enough?"

This time, it was Moen's turn to take a breath of air!

Deputy Commander!

What status does this have in the revolutionary army!

If the navy is compared to the revolutionary army, then the bargaining chip that Dorag throws out is a lieutenant general and three major generals!

"Dolag, do I want to capture him alive?"

Moen calmed down and wanted to ask more carefully.

"Just kill him."

Dorag sighed, and the bear over there explained the situation to Moen.

"Vice Commander Xi comes from Xihai. He was originally a good revolutionary fighter, but he couldn't resist the temptation and fell."

Xiong's voice was still so gentle, but his tone was a little cold.


Moen smacked his lips. He couldn't help but think of a certain king whose slogans were loud but whose behavior was mentally retarded.

The man who was once known as the "King of Chuang".

 "time and location."

"Three days later, Spring Queen Island. They will go there...to relax..."

Dorag used all his strength to say this.


This conversation ended with Moen spitting out the coke he just drank.


Marine Headquarters, Marinevando!

It is still a sunny afternoon.

There is still more than just the marshal in the navy marshal's office.

This time I was able to put together a table of mahjong.

Naval Marshal Sengoku, Naval Hero Garp, Naval Instructor Zefa, Naval Staff He!

Any of these four would be famous figures on the sea, but now they are gathered in the Marshal's office.

For, only one thing.

Spray Cap!

"Garp!" Ouch

Sengoku's voice was loud enough to be heard in the naval port, and his braids were shaking with the rise and fall of his chest.

Garp sat on the sofa with a nonchalant expression, holding a senbei in his hand and putting it in his mouth.

Zefa and He sat aside, carefully tasting the tea leaves secretly stored in the Warring States period.

"Look! Look! It's you, the Monqi family, again!"

Warring States angrily threw a document directly on Garp's face, He sat down on the sofa, grabbed a handful of senbei and stuffed it into his mouth.

Garp was slapped in the face by the document, but he didn't care. He just looked at the senbei in Sengoku's hand with some pity.

"[Straw Hat] Luffy seriously injured Branch Lieutenant Colonel Bren, Smoker asked the headquarters to set a reward of 30 million!"

He took the document casually, flipped it through quickly, and looked at Garp with a bad look.

"Garp, if I remember correctly, Luffy is your grandson. You said you wanted to train him to be a marine!"

"Ahem! Xiaohe, listen to my explanation! He doesn't blame me for this. If he does, he blames the red-haired boy. He didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup he gave Luffy. He kept shouting that he wanted to be a pirate. I It's impossible for grandpa to force him to become a navy, right~"

As Garp, who is close to the Pirate King, he doesn't care at all about his grandson becoming a pirate.

After all, there is an Ace ahead of him, right?

Zefa, who was sitting aside, sighed leisurely.

"Fortunately, I didn't give Morn to you for training. Otherwise, there might be five emperors on the sea now!"

