
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The defeated Gaede

Looking at the Neptune type in front of him that gradually turned black, Ace's face gradually became ugly.

When the familiar orange fire condensed in Gad's mouth, Ace waved his hand and a ring of flames rose around him without saying a word.

"Fire Ring·Fire Pillar!"

After the flames turned into a long burning pillar around him, it instantly shot upwards and hit the sky!

At this time, Gad had already taken off again, and the hot breath from his mouth was spraying towards Ace!


The two flames are intertwined, and no one wants to avoid them!

With a sneer on his lips, Ace used his arms to increase the amount of flame radiation from the Flame Ring and Fire Pillar, and the flames of the aerial duel gradually moved towards Gade.

Gad was a little confused. He didn't understand why his breath was pushed back.

The hot breath that was gradually pushed back hit Gade's face, but it didn't break the defense at all.

Ace clearly took back the Flame Ring and Fire Pillar.

"Hey, big guy. Did you eat a strange fruit? If I guess correctly, have you eaten people before?"

Ever since Gad showed off his fighting prowess, Ace had wondered if the person in front of him was someone who had eaten the Dragon Fruit and was making trouble.

After all, Kaido is dead, and the Neptune-like ability in front of him was used by Kaido in dragon form many times when Dad fought with Kaido.

Although every time I was beaten into a loach by my father and thrown into the sea.

But when I think about it, no one can be like Kaido, who can swim in the sea after eating a devil fruit, right?

Therefore, the one in front of you is most likely a small sea king in the new world, which accidentally ate Kaido's body after his death.

Then he accidentally obtained the Dragon Fruit and became a "little Kaido".

It's just that the strength of this "little Kaido" is still far behind Kaido.

Ace could feel that as long as he used Flame Emperor or Awakening, this Neptune type would not survive at all.

​But why did he do this?

If you confirm that the guy in front of you is sane, wouldn't it be better to recruit him?


Seeing that Ace stopped attacking, Gade was a little dissatisfied. He hadn't fought enough yet.

Regarding Ace's question, it can only mean that it doesn't know anything.

It was the master who gave it a second life, and it was the master who gave it supreme creation.

As for whether he has eaten someone...

Gede is not a cold-blooded monster. Its master is a human, so how can it eat humans!


Just as Gad was about to attack, he suddenly remembered that night when he first evolved, his master seemed to have really thrown something to him.

It's just that at that time, I was always thinking about killing a big guy who always bullied it, so I didn't pay attention at all after swallowing it in one gulp.

It seems that since that day, my body has become stronger day by day?

Looking at Ged who wanted to attack but stopped, Ace became more and more certain that the Neptune in front of him was sane. Compared with the Neptunes he encountered before who had lower IQs, this guy could at least communicate.

"Big guy, do you want to be my partner?"

Ace tried to move forward and began to speak dirty words.

But what responded to him was a cold ray!

"Tch, did you fail?"

Having confirmed that the other party was wise and that the negotiation had failed, Ace decided not to hold back.

The Dragon Fruit is too powerful. If the Neptune in front of us is let go, it may cause waves in the sea.

Many civilians may be swallowed by this sea king!

"Then, the next attack will not be easy to bear!"

 [fire punch]!

Unlike the orange flames before, when Ace's eyes flashed with flame patterns, his arms transformed into red flames!

The temperature was almost twice as high as before, and the flames, which were twice as solid as before, directly broke through the ice rays and hit Gade hard on the head.

This time, dozens of golden scales fell, and golden blood began to overflow from Gade's forehead!


With the pain hitting his brain, Gade's huge eyes stared at the little one in front of him. He never thought that a little one could cause such a big harm to him!

After his whole body was covered with light black armed domineering energy, the golden blood that appeared on Gade's forehead was like some strange lines, some of which were not very pretty.

I want a head-on confrontation!


Gad also came forward, his whole body covered with orange light, using the overlord color as an aid to suppress Ace's actions, the whole person... the dragon was pressed down from the air!

"Have you even learned this trick? It seems like it's no problem to call you Kaido-chan!"

A trace of surprise flashed across Ace's face, and then was replaced by excitement!

Kaido challenged Whitebeard many times, but was beaten away by Whitebeard every time.

Ace also thought about fighting Kaido, but after comparing the strength of Kaido and his own, he decided not to let his father worry about it.

Now, wouldn't it be great to have such a little Kaido to help him fulfill his previous thoughts?

Red flames spiraled up under his feet. Facing Ged who rushed down, Ace laughed loudly and then directly activated [Fire Ring·Fire Pillar]!


A slight explosion was heard in the Barati restaurant. The somewhat weak Zhepu, who was carrying his domineering aura, struggled to lie on the edge of Barati, looking at the scene below that looked like a fight between gods.

This kind of scene... He has never seen it after being involved in the Grand Line for a year!

Very pretty~

Although Gade's Dragon God Dive is very standard, the difference in distance between the two sides is too small. In addition, Gade's physical fitness is obviously not as good as one-third of Kaido, so the Dragon God Dive is very easy. Was broken through by Ace with a pillar of fire!

After the whole dragon spun and turned several times in the air, Gad felt dizzy and somewhat confused about its direction.

As for the injuries on his body, the wounds almost healed as soon as the scales fell off.

"Next, this is it!"

Ace pushed his hat handsomely with his fingers, and then showed a bold smile on his lips. He stretched out his hands and emitted a large number of green spark particles!

Gade was still in a daze, and he was completely unprepared for these spark particles, and was immediately enveloped!

"Firefly Fire Bodhidharma!"




The black mist generated by the continuous explosions enveloped Gad. In just a few seconds, Gad's body was dripping with blood!

Although the bleeding was quickly stopped, Gade has discovered that he is no match for the man in front of him!

The tricks that were very useful against big men in the past were completely useless in front of this little guy!

At this time, Gade was ready to escape!

After all, as the saying goes, following your heart is not the only choice, but it is the best choice!

As for who said it...

Gade didn't know either, it was just an idea that suddenly popped into his head~


He exhaled again, dissipating the black smoke, and Gade wanted to rush back to the sea without looking back!

It knows that the little one in front of it is different from itself. He cannot enter the water!

While thinking this, Gad involuntarily twisted his body shyly.



You are really a genius dragon!

