
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The dark horse that appeared out of nowhere

Seeing Groudon circling crazily and showing off in front of Sidoran, everyone fell into silence for a while.

Why bother if you can't fly? Why bother if you can't fly?

Accelerator: "I don't know why, but I always feel that Groudon is lacking in power now!"

Yuzaki Hoshizora: "Looking at it from Sidoran's perspective, its previous cognition may have been completely subverted."

Changhong Sword Master: "After all, Groudon used to be able to reach land with his feet up, and it was impossible to fly. But now he is flying non-stop in front of him. He may be very envious."

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "Actually, Xi Doran doesn't want to fly at all."

As a man who has been in contact with Xiduolan, Xiaozhi said that these are just people subconsciously thinking that Xiduolan can't fly, so it wants to fly.

In fact, Groudon has never flown in the past many years, but he has never thought about flying. After all, he is the god of the earth, not the god of the sky.

But in Hupa's previous summons, it was the only one that came back to Fang Yuan, which made it very angry, and for a while it also had the idea of ​​​​flying.

All I can say is that all of this is Hupa's fault!

On the floating island, Sidorane looked at Groudon with disdain as he landed on the ground again.

A god from the earth is flying and showing off?

This is very shameful!

Seeing that his little brother was not appreciative, Groudon snorted coldly.

This means you don't have enough cards.

Otherwise, you were summoned back then and walked back to your hometown with me. Let me see if you want to fly!

Xidulanen could not understand Groudon's thoughts at all. It turned its head and walked towards the white clouds at the border of the floating island.

It's going back. This fishing competition has nothing to do with it. It wasn't caught, it was brought here by Groudon.

"Hey, are you leaving?"

Honjou Kaede tilted her head. She thought that Xiduo Lan En would become her points when she got to this floating island. Does it seem like she still needs to fight now?

Looking at the cute Kaede Honjou, Xiduolan called out twice in a deep voice.

It's not like she can really control the gods by using some small tricks to make Groudon fly. If the other two gods know about it and attract divine punishment, not even Groudon can protect this little girl.

"Do you want to fight me?"

Honjou Kaede did not understand what Xiduolan meant, but thought that Xiduolan was challenging him.

Kaede Honjou, who was not afraid of battle, switched to the form of a mechanical god without saying a word.

Because Xiduranen's size is far smaller than Groudon, Honjou Kaede did not choose to use giant size, but instead fought in a very normal form.

Laser Cannon!

After Honjou Kaede transformed into the mechanical god form, she launched an attack without hesitation. A thick purple light shot out from her arm cannon and fell on Xi Duolan's body in an instant.

Seeing the cute human girl turn into an inexplicable mecha monster, Xiduolan was still a little unable to react, and then was hit by a laser head-on, directly hitting GG!

Seeing Xiduo Lan'en losing her fighting ability, Honjou Kaede stuck out her tongue. She didn't expect Xi Duo Lan'en to be such a bad guy and couldn't even catch a single move!

Groudon squatted on the ground, tapped Xidulan with his finger, and then turned Xidulan over with his arm.

Looking at Xiduo Lan'en who was completely unconscious, it nodded seriously.

Sure enough, it is the most correct choice to give in!

If it were attacked so severely, I'm afraid it would be a bit too much!

Honjou Kaede "caught" a lot of Pokémon here, and everyone on the other side was not idle either.

Everyone had already expected that Honjou Kaede would "stand out", so they just watched with amusement as Honjou Kaede returned Xidulan En to the floating island, and they still had to compete for the remaining nine positions in the top ten. Woolen cloth!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "It's a pity. If Senior Bai had not chosen to give up, the current score should be that Senior Bai and Xiao Feng are anxiously together."

Lingyue was a little regretful. This was the first time that the two European Emperors in the group had faced each other in a competition. However, Senior Bai withdrew from the competition early and just enjoyed the fun of fishing.

[Administrator] Bai: "Well, even without me, there are other members who can threaten Xiaofeng's performance."

Senior Bai, who had been in the wait-and-see stage, chuckled. If you keep focusing on him and Honjou Kaede, you will suffer a big loss!

On a certain island, King Big Big Wolf and Red Wolf were happily fishing. Unlike other people's ordinary fishing rods, Big Big Wolf actually made "inhumane" modifications to the fishing rods used for competitions!

Not to mention the two fishing rods coming together, there is also a special attack robot specially designed by Big Big Wolf arranged on the edge of the floating island.

After the Pokémon takes the bait, Big Wolf's self-made induction system will automatically retract the fishing line. The Pokémon brought up together will be attacked by the attack robot. At this time, the automatic fishing rod will tie up the energy cube and lower it again. This saves a lot of unnecessary wasted time.

Their results now include three King Pokémon, six Gym Pokémon, and twenty-seven ordinary Pokémon!

Dominate everyone in terms of total quantity!

Senior Bai is participating in the competition with Bai Yang this time. Bai Yang is more concerned about Big Big Wolf and his wife. The main point is that Bai Yang is very interested in Big Big Wolf's creative spirit in the memory copy.

"Perhaps they can win the championship in this competition."

Seeing the Big Big Wolf couple catching two more gym-level Pokémon, Bai Yang fiddled with his fishing rod casually.

Unlike the Togepi family that Senior Bai keeps chasing one after another, Bai Yang has not caught any Pokémon so far!

In fact, she prefers a sun elf. After all, the sun elf can be said to be the representative of the sun.

Of course, this is not because in Bai Yang's heart, Solgaleo and Sun Rock are too ugly and cannot represent the sun.

But it's a pity that Bai Yang, let alone the sun elf, didn't catch even an Eevee.

And even the Togepi that Senior Bai caught didn't want to get close to her.

"As for the champion, there is another member who has been ignored."

Senior Bai pointed with a gentle smile. A certain handsome boy hiding in the corner was frantically improving his grades!

Among the members participating in the competition this time, only a few floating islands received special treatment.

Among them, there is such a handsome guy who is tens of meters tall.


From the beginning of the game, Godzilla has been patiently fishing with a special giant fishing rod.

Because the fishing rod is huge, the Pokémon energy cubes next to it are also enlarged by Morn. This also results in many Pokémon eating the energy cubes, but they cannot catch them at all because they have no hooks to bite.

Godzilla was not in a hurry. He would occasionally lift the fishing rod to see if he had caught anything. If the energy cube was eaten, he would put the energy cube back on and continue fishing.

After going back and forth like this, Godzilla's energy cubes disappeared a lot, but the Pokémon only caught two silly Slowpoke that wouldn't leave.

This made it very distressing.

At this time, a tremor came from the fishing rod, and Godzilla immediately retracted the rod, and a dinosaur-shaped monster that looked very huge to outsiders was pulled up by it.

This is a huge Bangela!


The moment he saw Godzilla, Benjira seemed to see God!

Even if it returns to its original form, it cannot be one-tenth as big as the giant beast in front of it!

As a wild quasi-god, Bangira's way of survival is also very simple.

If you can't win, fight. If you can't, fight recklessly. If you really can't, then surrender.

After measuring the strength gap between the two sides, Bangila decided not to make any resistance.

In this way, Godzilla obtained his first King-level Pokémon.

This also makes its points look better.

After repeating the previous actions, Bangira found that Godzilla seemed to have been in vain, and it made a suggestion to Godzilla.

Tie it to a fishing line and put it down, and then it will defeat the surrounding Pokémon that come to eat energy cubes and bring them up. Doesn't this count as Godzilla's points!

Godzilla thought about it and realized that this was indeed a pretty good idea, and then Bangira was put into the lower realm by Godzilla.

Facing the Pokémon that came because of the temptation of the energy cube, Bangira launched an attack without hesitation. A series of powerful attacks swept away the surrounding Pokémon. Bangira casually piled some Pokémon together and pulled them After tying them up with a vine with a Bulbasaur flower, they dragged this group of Pokémon back to the floating island along with the fishing line!

In less than five minutes, Bangela brought thirteen gym-level Pokémon and twenty normal-level Pokémon to Godzilla.

Ordinary-level Pokémon are of little use, but thirteen gym-level Pokémon are already worth as much points as one championship-level Pokémon!

Seeing his points continue to rise, Godzilla patted Bangira on the head very excitedly, then thought about it and taught Bangira the atomic breath trick.

Although Bangira does not have an energy furnace, he can use evil, rock, or even ordinary energy to release it. The power will definitely be much stronger than that destructive death light.

Moreover, the atomic breath taught by Godzilla himself would never have the effect of destroying the stiffness of Death Ray.

Having acquired powerful skills, Bangira was directly promoted from the peak of the King to the championship level. In this way, Godzilla's points instantly increased by 300 points.

In order to repay Godzilla, Benjira worked even harder. With a limit of five minutes, he could bring several powerful elves to Godzilla every time.

That is to say, there will be no elves like Bulbasaur who are good at vine whips, otherwise it will definitely pack up all the elves it defeats and send them to Godzilla.

Moen also noticed such a wonderful combination. He looked at Bangila who was like a hard-working delivery boy defeating many Pokémon and then delivering them to his door. He couldn't help but think about what would happen if Bangila was placed in the monster world. What will it look like inside.

Perhaps, it will become Godzilla's most loyal supporter.

The time for the fishing competition is gradually coming to an end. There are only so many powerful Pokémon in the elf world. Not everyone can always catch the king-level or even championship-level Pokémon.

In the end, after Moen announced the end of the game, the champion was won by Kaede Honjo!

There was no way, in addition to Groudon and Sidoran, Honjou Kaede also successively assembled Kyogre and Rayquaza, the Fang Yuan Three Fools package, in the subsequent period.

For the mythical beast alone, Honjou Kaede gained 4,000 points, not to mention the two championship-level Vulcan Moths and nearly twenty King-level Pokémon who were later promoted by Groudon.

All in all, Honjou Kaede's points finally stopped at 10,76!

Among all the participating members, she was the only one whose score exceeded 10,000 points!

Ranked second is Mr. Godzilla. With the efforts of his younger brother Bangela, Mr. Brother has caught a total of two championship-level Pokémon, thirty king-level Pokémon, and several gym-level Pokémon. Baby, that adds up to a total of 9,733 points!

As long as there are two more king-level Pokémon, I can threaten Honjou Kaede's championship position!

But it is a pity that Bangela was seriously injured in the final battle with two championship-level Pokémon, and he was unable to repeat his previous actions.

Godzilla's ranking as second place was beyond everyone's expectations. After Moen showed the video of Godzilla's competition, everyone was shocked by Godzilla and Benjira's unique imagination.

Godzilla also said that when choosing Pokémon, he would definitely take Bangira away.

Such a caring little brother, I really feel sorry for him if he doesn't train him properly, Bangila sacrificed his life to bring back two championship-level Metagross!

After the first and second names were announced, the third one soon appeared. It was the Big Big Wolf couple that Senior Bai and Bai Yang were very optimistic about before. The fourth one was the combination of Nobita and Doraemon who also used high technology. , but because Nobita went to bed halfway through the game, he failed to enter the top three.

The fifth place is Tony and Pepper, and the sixth place is Xiaozhi and Serena. Journey Serena and Journey Xiaozhi did not make the top ten. After all, they did not bring any powerful Pokémon, so even if they encounter powerful Pokémon Pokémon can only be tamed with energy cubes, which is extremely inefficient.

The seventh chapter is about the combination of Muto Yugi and Masaki Kyoko. Their duel elves can help them quickly defeat the caught elves. In addition, Muto Yugi's divine draw attribute can also be used when fishing. They can't catch anything in total. There are few king-level Pokémon.

It's a pity that there are no championship-level Pokémon, otherwise Muto Games feels that they can hit the top three.

The eighth is the Miyano sisters, the ninth is Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit, and the tenth is Whitebeard!

