
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The card that best suits Ruki, the Digimon Queen card

In the group, Shinomiya Kaguya was not the only one who was bombarded by Fujiwara Chika's words. Everyone was discussing when Fujiwara Chika also created a god.

 Gui Yanwei: "Fujiwara-senpai's religion, is it the religion of games? Or the religion of love?"

 Miyano Shiho: "Judging from the copy of Ruki's memory, it is possible for both divine religions to be involved."

 Butterfly Ninja: "Digimon can also be regarded as a game. Is there a little bit of love between Ruki and Ryo Akiyama?"

 The members who were adults, or who had experienced adult baptism or had experienced adult baptism in the memory copy, all discussed enthusiastically. Many of the words made Ruki blush. She wanted to refute but couldn't get a word in.

 The demon fox beast on the side shook his head helplessly. As a beast tamer, he was also a arrogant girl.

 Although Digimon doesn't know what love is, they know that it's normal for ignorant boys and girls to have some signs of something wrong.

 Just pinch it off (cross it out!).

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in a state of world destruction: "@ Fujiwara Chika, do you want Ruki-chan to join your religious religion?"

 Ignoring the grieving Yato, Lingyue directly kissed Fujiwara Chika. Seeing the dimensional chat group developing in an unknown direction, she felt that it was very dangerous!

 Although no one can control the dimensional chat group, we can't let this formal group become irregular!

 You know, there are still many ignorant newbies who may want to join the group, so you can't lead them into trouble!

 Chika Fujiwara: "Haha, it's not my religion, it's Xiaofeng's religion. If you believe in her, you can let her bless you~"

 As soon as Fujiwara Chika's words came out, everyone in the group shut their mouths.

 In the dimensional chat group, there are three people who are the most special.

 One is Moen, who has unparalleled combat power and has yet to find a single enemy. If you have any major issues, you can ask this very laid-back boss to solve them. Moen is also very happy to solve trivial matters for the members of the group.

 The second one is Song Shuhang, who is also transcending the world. Maybe there are many things he can't do, but he has the almighty Senior White, and he himself is the only one in the world!

 The third one is Honjou Kaede, who joined the dimensional chat group just before Ruki!

 She is recognized as the "white senior" in the group!

 To be honest, there is nothing wrong with praying to her. Her blessings can even transcend planes.

 Kakarot in the Dragon Ball world was deeply touched by this. Previously, he hoped to find the Dragon Balls to make a wish and ask Shenron to tell him where the artificial man's base was. As a result, the Dragon Ball radar was broken. It would take several days to repair it. He was in the group. There was a complaint inside.

 Who knew that Honjo Kaede came out and said something about dragon beads, were they dragon beads? They should be able to fly. Maybe they will fly to you, so you don't have to look for them.

 Kaede Honjou, who was addicted to the game and had never seen a copy of Dragon Ball Memory, unconsciously gave his blessing. Then, before Kakarot could explain that the Dragon Balls in his world could not fly, he saw a few beads and didn't know why. He flew into Bulma's yard.

 According to the investigation of the gods, a large-scale military battle took place somewhere. As a result, the six dragon balls loaded in the cannonballs by a certain careerist were fired by his men, and finally landed in Bulma's home by accident.

 The missing four-star bead happened to be in Kakarot's hand.

 From then on, no one in the group doubted Honjou Kaede's European Emperor's power anymore!

 In other words, this guy is actually a passive prophet!

 Honjou Kaede: "Hey! Do I have a divine religion?"

 As the person involved, Honjou Kaede once again skipped class. She was very surprised and sighed, why didn't she know about this?

 Fujiwara Chika smiled. This was just an idea of ​​hers. If everyone really worships Xiaofeng before the lottery in the future, can she become a guardian messenger~

 Ruki opened the lottery system. Looking at the dazzling array of prizes that she couldn't even look at, Ruki calmed down. She didn't know if she was really moved by what Chika Fujiwara said, but she really clicked on Dongfang. He nodded, then whispered softly.

 "Senior Feng, please protect me~"

 [Ding, group member Makino Ruki started the lottery in this world and won the prize: Digimon Queen Card! ]

 Obviously, it was a prize related to Digimon. Regardless of its practicality, Ruki at least didn't get anything she couldn't use.

 Moreover, the words "Digital" and "Queen" completely fit Ruki's nickname.

 Digimon Queen!

 Ruki Makino: "The Digimon Queen Card comes from the world of Digimon. It is a card that can greatly improve Digimon. By exchanging it with the Digimon Machine, the tamer can merge with the Digimon, improving the Digimon ten times. size and all abilities."

 Ruki read the introduction of the group appraisal, her tone suddenly became excited, she hugged the demon fox beast beside her, and rubbed against the demon fox beast crazily.

 "I thought there was no possibility of fighting side by side with the Demon Fox Beast~"

 The Demon Foxmon that can evolve into Sagugamon on its own does not need Ruki's bonding blessing, which made Ruki lonely for a while. Now that the Digimon Queen card is in hand, it not only strengthens the Digimon's combat power, but also can Let Ruki fight alongside Demon Foxmon.

 As for the enhanced body shape, it was explained in the introduction that it can be big or small, but the minimum is the original size and the maximum is ten times.

 Moen: "Let me congratulate Xiaoliuki for getting what she wants most. Besides, you won't really pay homage to Xiaofeng before the lottery, right?"

 Moen was a little curious. What was the limit of Honjou Kaede's European Emperor's luck? If there was no threat to her, could he also pay her respects?

 The lottery has always been about some genius treasures that made him uncomfortable. Although he doesn't need anything, you still have to give him something interesting.

 Even if you give me some interesting genius treasures!

 Makino Ruki: "Well, I prayed, but I didn't pray for what I wanted. I could only pray for peace of mind?"

 Ruki thought for a moment, and the feeling just now was like the state of mind she had when she went to the temple and clapped her hands to pray for the lottery. The feeling was really no different from when she had any thoughts in her mind.

 Does this count as a blessing from senior Kaede Honjo?

 The group suddenly became quiet, and then heard howls of crying and screaming one after another.

 I'm not the richest man: "Oh~ If Xiaofeng had joined the group earlier, I should have been able to draw the most perfect plasma spark energy! Now this is not enough for me to improve myself!"

 Tony started to get up in Versailles. His plasma spark had always been regarded as a treasure by him, and it was impossible for anyone else to touch it.

 Faced with such a Versailles-like Tony, Sero poked his head out silently. He now had a lot of rest time.

 Zero: "In that case, you should be directly burned to ashes by the plasma sparks."

 Cero: "The fate depends on Beria. But Tony, you don't have Beria's life!"

