
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Sir, can I kill someone?

"Sir, you look like an outsider at first glance. Although you are a marine, you should never go against the Kingdom Guards on this island."

The clerk looked at Xi Liu's silence, thinking that as a naval officer, his inner sense of justice burst out, and immediately stretched out his hand and pressed Xi Liu's shoulder with a very sad tone.

Xiliu ignored the clerk, just put the money on the table, wiped his mouth with a tissue and prepared to leave.

He didn't come back to eat, he came to visit the grave!

Even if he is a naval officer now, even if he is Morn's subordinate, even if he has the potential to become a naval admiral.

Now, he still can't touch King Sit!

Because, he is a navy!

This is sad!

Xiliu took his sword and left the restaurant, aimlessly looking for the place where his memories had been left.

But after such a long time, things have changed.

"Get away!"

Unknowingly, Xiliu walked to a market, which seemed to be a market opened by outsiders.

A group of kingdom guards arrogantly snatched the fruits from the stall. After one of the guards finished eating the apple, he threw the core directly on the face of the boss who was smiling bitterly.

The boss didn't dare to say a word.

"Uncle guard, your behavior is wrong!"

A familiar voice came to Xiliu's ears. Xiliu, who fell into memories again because of seeing the guard, came back to his senses and saw a guard knocking a little girl with a round head away several meters with a slap.

As soon as the little girl's father was about to step forward to care for the little girl, he was shot in the thigh by another guard and fell to the ground.

"Two barbarians from outside! How dare you call us Kingdom Guards!"

The guard who was accused by the little girl pulled out his pistol from his waist with disdain and shot the little girl's father directly.


Blood splattered everywhere. Maybe the kingdom guard's hand shook, or maybe the man was really lucky. The shot only hit his shoulder and did not cause fatal injuries.


The little girl struggled to stand up, but the guard's slap made her still a little dazed.

She looked at the crowd watching and muttering in confusion, then turned around to see her father lying in a pool of blood.

She wanted to crawl over, but a foot had already stepped on her back, bringing her into close contact with the ground again.

"Kid, the barbarians from outside are here, just obey our rules." The guard who fired the first shot had a proud smile on his lips. He turned his head and looked at the crowd around him who didn't dare to look at him. Suddenly the sound got louder.

"These two foreigners violated Article 971 of the Foreign Law of the Kingdom of West and had a conflict with the Kingdom Guards. Foreigners who violated Article 146 and 193 at the same time They are not allowed to talk to the Kingdom Guards, and there is also a law that foreigners are not allowed to speak loudly with the Kingdom Guards. The most important thing is that they violated the first article of the Kingdom's laws and refused the law enforcement of the Kingdom Guards, so they were sentenced to death according to the law! "

The guard's voice echoed in the hearts of every crowd. Some of them opened their mouths, but looking at the cold light shining in the guard's hand, they could only bury their heads in their chests and remain silent.


The little girl who was out of breath after being stepped on by the guards looked at her father who was also stepped on by the guards. Her voice was a little weak. She didn't understand what happened and why it happened like this.

"Despicable foreigners, die."

The guard who was stepping on the little girl drew his pistol and pointed it at the little girl's head. He could already imagine the scene of the head exploding and the white liquid bursting out!


The bullet was fired from the pistol, but the little girl's head was not penetrated.

To everyone's expectation, the head of the guard holding the pistol fell to the ground.

The ferocious-looking head still showed a complacent look on its face.


There was a sound of inhalation, and Xiliu stood in front of the little girl. He carefully picked up the little girl and patted the dust on her body.

Having been fighting all year round, he could easily diagnose that the little girl only suffered a slight injury, nothing serious.


After a brief delay, the rest of the kingdom guards came to their senses, all pointing their spears at Shiliu.

"Kill your people!"

Xiliu's shoulders shook, and the navy justice coat directly wrapped the little girl's body. Then Xiliu hugged the little girl directly into his arms, covered her face with one hand, and danced a few times with the long sword in the other hand. Dao Jianhua.

The kingdom guards, a total of about ten people, were like ants in front of Shiliu, unable to make any waves.


Seeing the Kingdom Guards fall down one after another, the crowd that was still standing there erupted in roars, and in just a few minutes, the market that was bustling just now was deserted.

Xi Liu walked up to the man who fell on the ground, used a long sword to help him take out the bullet, and then simply bandaged it.

Seeing the little girl running into the man's arms and crying, Shiliu recalled that night for some reason.

He seemed to be crying while holding that woman in his arms?

Are you crying?

Can't remember~




The phone bug kept shouting in Xiliu's hand, but the person on the other end never got through.

Finally, just when Shiliu was about to become impatient, the call was answered.

 "What's up?"

The voice was a little dull, as if the other party was in an inconvenient place to talk.


Xi Liu opened his mouth and told everything, including the grudge between him and King Site.

"Sir, if I want to kill someone, will it cause you any trouble?"

For this young man who brought him out of Impel Down City, allowed him to see the beauty of the outside world, and at the same time gave him great strength, Xiliu was still unwilling to have his future hindered because of his actions.


There was a resentful wailing from the other end of the phone, and then the other party snorted and spoke.

"Xiliu, except for those few guards, don't move anyone. Don't worry, King Sit won't live long."

The phone bug was hung up. Xiliu put the phone bug into his pocket and walked up to the man and the little girl.

"Take your father to the hospital first. Although the bullet has been removed, his life is still in danger if he is not treated in time."

After hearing what Xiliu said, the little girl quickly helped her father up and struggled towards the direction of the medical center they had seen before.

Xi Liu followed them silently to prevent any unsighted people from causing trouble to them again.

Back then, he could only hold the woman's body and cry. Today, there is no way he would let those bastards touch them!

In the windless zone, in the deep sea, Moen touched his head, preparing to surface with some distress.

He was going to end his practice briefly.


"Hey, this is Doflamingo, Lieutenant General Morn, do you have anything to ask me about?"

Not long after, an arrogant face appeared on the phone, it was Doflamingo.

"Two things." Moen shook the seawater from his hair and used light particles to evaporate the remaining dirt on his body.

"Oh~ two things?" Doflamingo was very smart and didn't ask if there was any reward. For people who are stronger than himself, whether they will reward you after doing something depends on whether they are willing to give you a gift.

"First, help me investigate if there are any remaining pirates who invaded Marineland and killed my teacher's family. Second, kill the king of the Kingdom of Set and the commander of the guard."


"The Kingdom of Sit? That mineral kingdom?" Doflamingo pondered for a moment, as if he was flipping through some information, and then his heart-rending laughter reappeared.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, no problem, no problem~"

"Very well, Doflamingo, please calm down the red heart of G-5. If I hear about missing children again, someone will probably go to G-5 to investigate."

The phone bug was hung up.

In the King's Heights Villa in Dressrosa, Doflamingo looked at the phone bug who had fallen silent in front of him, his face looking very ugly.

"Torebol, let someone go check immediately to see if any of the pirates who killed Zefa's family survived, and if anyone is there. Also, let Bafaro take Rao G and Baby - 5 Go to the first half of the trip and kill the king of the Kingdom of Site."

"Remember, do things quickly, otherwise..."

