
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Shanhe Sheji Tu in exchange for Devil Fruit? Ao Bing's gift

Chentangguan, Li Jing's home.

 Li Jing is very different today. At least Mrs. Yin feels that her husband has something on his mind, and this should make him very happy!

 After all, ever since Li Jing learned that Nezha was a magic pill, he had never drank as happily as he did today!

 Silently wiping the table in front of Li Jing, Mrs. Yin looked at Li Jing who was blushing and didn't know what to say.

 Li Jing looked at his wife, thinking about her sacrifice for Nezha, and a tenderness surged from his heart.

 "Madam, Nezha, he can be saved!"

 The words Li Jing blurted out made Mrs. Yin's face change drastically, and then she grabbed Li Jing's hand, her eyes full of anxiety.

 "Master, master, are you telling the truth?"

 Mrs. Yin's anxious look made Li Jing wake up, and then nodded with a very sure look.

 Mrs. Yin cried with joy and knelt down next to Li Jing. She did not ask her husband how Nezha was saved, because she knew that her husband could not lie to her, and her child was really saved!

 "Ma'am, look."

 After hugging his wife and comforting him for a long time, Li Jing summoned the chat panel. He also asked in the group. There was no need to hide anything about the dimensional chat group. After all, the people in the group were from other worlds and there was no need to worry at all. The calculations of the gods in Li Jing's world.

 And even if those guys want to deal with Li Jing, there are still two administrators or Monkey Brother Whitebeard and others to take action. In the absence of the saint, the first echelon members in the group feel that they can sweep the heaven together.

 "Is this an artifact that can connect to immortals and gods in other worlds?"

 Mrs. Yin was very curious, but she did not dare to touch the light curtain in front of her. After all, it was something that could save her son. If she got angry because of her offense, it would really be more of a loss than a gain.

 "Well, this administrator told me that he can let me exchange valuable things with him for those Thunder Fruits and Rubber Fruits, which can help Nezha survive the catastrophe!"

 Li Jing was very sure that he could see Moen's status in the group. No matter what he said, everyone who came out would agree with him.

 It's like what?

 It's like when he went to court, when King Zhou spoke, all the officials below could only agree!

 Of course, he did not mean to compare Mo En to King Zhou, but only said that Mo En was similar to King Zhou in terms of status.

 King Zhou was able to control the life and death of hundreds of officials, so the officials had no choice but to agree. However, the people in the group agreed with Mo En from the bottom of their hearts, which Li Jing could see.

 "Something of value?" Mrs. Yin fell into deep thought. What kind of thing can make the omnipotent power feel valuable?

 There is no need to think about worldly money or anything like that. It will have no effect at all if the gods want it. But other than these, the Li family can't come up with anything good.

 "How about we ask Master Taiyi?"

 Mrs. Yin put forward her own opinion. If she wanted to know what was valuable, she could only ask Master Taiyi.

 Li Jing nodded, stood up with his wife and went to find Master Taiyi.

 On a certain mountaintop where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, Taiyi Zhenren was taking a nap, and then he was woken up by Li Jing.

 "What? A chat group that links all the worlds?"

 Master Taiyi heard Li Jing's words and thought that Li Jing had gone crazy because of Nezha's incident, but it was obvious that Li Jing was not crazy. Does that mean that he was deaf and a poor listener?

 Li Jing could see that Master Taiyi didn't believe it, and then he thought for a while and summoned the chat panel directly. Only this thing could make him believe that what Li Jing said was the truth.

 Master Taiyi obviously couldn't accept this, but it could be seen from the words of other members that it was really not the world he lived in.

 "It's interesting! Even the master shouldn't be able to do this!" Master Taiyi narrowed his eyes, and then started to think.

 "Master, can you think of anything that my Li family can bring out that would make the administrator feel valuable?"

 Li Jing saw Master Taiyi lost in thought, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious. After all, the sooner Nezha was freed from the threat of natural disaster, the sooner Nezha could live a happy life as an ordinary person.

 "Wait a minute and let me think about it carefully."

 Taiyi Zhenren was spinning around like crazy, but he couldn't think of anything that could move the heart of such a powerful person.

 "Please wait a moment and let me ask my master."

 After a long time, Master Taiyi decided to contact his master, Yuanshi Tianzun.

 Li Jing could only stand there and wait dryly. After about half a day, Master Taiyi slowly exhaled.

 "Master said that he will give the Li family a piece of innate gourd vine. In addition, the map of mountains and rivers and the country we are in now can definitely be exchanged for something that will allow Nezha to survive the natural disaster safely!"

 Master Taiyi was very sure. Even his master was extremely surprised when he found out that there was such a magical chat group, as if he had never heard of it before.

 "Innate gourd vine! Also, how can I ask for your map of mountains, rivers, and the country?"

 Li Jing quickly shook his head. This Map of Mountains and Rivers Sheji was given to Master Taiyi by Yuanshi Tianzun, and Master Taiyi taught Nezha the magic in this Map of Mountains and Rivers Sheji. How could Li Jing exchange the Map of Mountains and Rivers Sheji for Devil Fruits!

 "Haha, if I can help Nezha survive the catastrophe safely, let alone the map of mountains, rivers, and the country, I will even take out all my magic weapons!"

 Master Taiyi laughed loudly, then waved his hand, took Li Jing out of the space in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, and put away the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map.

 "Let's go find Nezha first."

 This kid sneaked away from the Shanhe Sheji Tu, and now he doesn't know where he is playing.

 Returning to Chentangguan, Li Jing and Taiyi Zhenren were surprised to find an uninvited guest... Oh, there was a mistake in the expression, it was a completely unexpected guest!

 Mrs. Yin enthusiastically refilled Ao Bing's tea. Nezha beside her was frantically trying to get up as if she had ADHD, but his mother was standing aside and unable to move.

 Mrs. Yin looked at Ao Bing with enthusiasm. After all, this person in the memory copy had saved their family's lives.

 "Is there anything important the third prince is here for?"

 Li Jing was very surprised. Although he and Ao Bing joined the dimensional chat group at the same time, the two had very little interaction. After all, no matter what Ao Bing thought, Li Jing felt that he could not survive what he had done in the memory copy. close.

 Li Jing, who had been upright and pure all his life, felt that he in the memory copy was really sorry for Ao Bing, and even when he saw Ao Bing in reality, he felt a little ashamed.

 Master Taiyi didn't think too much. He sat directly next to Nezha and patted Nezha on the head hard.

 "Uncle Li, Ao Bing came here for two reasons."

 Ao Bing had already stood up when he saw Li Jing and Taiyi Zhenren walking in. He waited until Li Jing asked before revealing the purpose of his visit.

 He took out two small boxes and placed them in front of Li Jing and Nezha.

 "This is?"

 Li Jing and Taiyi looked at each other, completely unable to guess what was in the box.

 Ao Bing smiled slightly and opened the box gently.

 A blue fruit that sparkles with thunder, and a purple fruit that is all covered in weird spiral patterns!

 "Could it be that this is..."

 Li Jing couldn't identify what the purple fruit was, but just from the thunder on the surface of the blue fruit, he could guess that this was the thunder fruit mentioned by the administrator in the group!

 Sure enough, Ao Bing then introduced the Thunder Fruit and Rubber Fruit. Moen did not chat with Li Jing alone, he also gave Ao Bing a choice.

 He can exchange valuable things for devil fruits and heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can increase his strength.

 Ao Bing was also very surprised at first, what is considered valuable?

 There are quite a few treasures in the Dragon Palace that are coveted by even the immortals and gods in the upper world, but those treasures should become worthless after transcending this world.

 With this question in mind, Ao Bing chose to consult other members in the group. The person he asked was Wang Ye, who seemed to be very well-educated.

 After all, they are all from the East and belong to the Taoist origin.

 After Wang Zai heard Ao Bing's inquiry, he only gave two sentences.

 "In front of Senior Moen, everything you give is worthless, because he is present in all the heavens and worlds."

 "What he means by this is that you use what you have worked hard to exchange for, and it doesn't count as freeloading."

 Ao Bing suddenly realized after hearing this answer, and immediately tried his best to get some marine specialties with extremely gorgeous appearance. After consulting Wang Ye again, he gave up the idea.

 After all, according to Wang Ye, the East China Sea Dragon Palace does control the entire East China Sea, but Senior Ren Moen controls the sea of ​​countless planets. He really doesn't care about these things.

 Ao Bing thought for a long time before asking Wang Ye, what could make Senior Moen tempted, and the answer he got was the seeds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

 Moen has drawn prizes countless times, and the things he gets are always treasures. Even the dimensional chat group thinks these are things that Moen needs or is more useful.

 After getting the answer, Ao Bing went to search for the seeds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. However, with the current status of the demon clan, it was completely impossible to find those immortal products that had existed since the beginning of the world. He had to find two from the treasure house. Peach seeds.

 These two were left behind after the elders of the Dragon Clan ate fairy peaches when they went to Yaochi for a meeting. One was a six-thousand-year-level flat peach seed, and the other was a three-thousand-year-level seed.

 After exchanging with Moen, Moen gave Ao Bing three devil fruits and one fish fruit, Shenlong form, which can greatly improve Ao Bing's strength. In Moen's thinking, if Ao Bing mastered the six moves , three colors of domineering, plus the dragon fruit to enhance his dragon bloodline.

 Maybe Ao Bing can become the next Ancestral Dragon!

 As for the remaining two fruits, one thunder and one rubber, Ao Bing asked Nezha about how to deal with the catastrophe. Originally, Ao Bing could have replaced it with more spiritual tree fruits or fairy beans, but he decided Let's save Nezha first.

 After listening to Ao Bing's narration, Li Jing and Master Taiyi didn't know what to say at all.

 Mrs. Yin even turned around and started crying.

 Nezha looked at everyone at a loss, not understanding what happened.

 "Uncle Li, let Nezha eat these two fruits first and see what kind of improvement it can bring."

 Ao Bing looked at Mrs. Yin who was crying with joy and didn't say much. She just pushed the two fruits in front of Li Jing.

 Master Taiyi thought hard for a moment, and then suddenly slapped his forehead.

 "I finally know why Master gave me the innate gourd vine. It turns out that it is also a natural treasure!"

 After getting the answer from his master, Master Taiyi actually didn't understand why his master gave him a piece of innate gourd vine. If this thing is not refined, it is just an ordinary gourd vine, and it cannot It is considered a top magic weapon.

 Now it seems that the master probably figured out what is the most valuable thing before giving it to him. He is indeed the master!

 Just when Master Taiyi was lamenting the power of his master, in the Zixiao Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun was respectfully saluting his teacher.

 He came to this conclusion after asking his teacher, Patriarch Hongjun. Otherwise, he might have bestowed some innate magic weapon or acquired magic weapon. How could he still remember what he had done after refining the magic weapon? The remaining small section of innate gourd vine.

 In Li Jing's house, Master Taiyi picked up the two fruits and looked at them carefully for a while, and found that there was no clue at all. Except for the little bit of lightning on the surface of the Thunder Fruit, the appearance of the two fruits was just like ordinary ones. The fruit is almost the same.

 "Come on, eat."

 Master Taiyi handed the fruit to Nezha. Nezha looked at it carefully and smelled it gently.

 No taste.


 Nezha bit down on the Thunder Fruit, and then an indescribable feeling of nausea came over him. He opened his mouth and wanted to spit out the contents in his mouth, but Taiyi Zhenren on the side quickly covered Nezha's mouth with his quick eyes and hands. , and by the way, he stuffed the remaining Thunder Fruit directly into Nezha's mouth.


 By the time Nezha had eaten all the fruits, his face had turned completely pale.

 This thing is extremely unpalatable!

 Ao Bing showed a slight smile. He had a little evil intention, that is, he didn't tell Nezha that this stuff tasted terrible.

 The three fruits that Moen exchanged for Ao Bing got rid of the shortcomings of the seawater sea tower stone, but they did not get rid of the disgusting smell.

 This is because Devil Fruits gain power too quickly, and Moen feels that the disgusting setting of this fruit should be preserved so that those who eat Devil Fruits cherish their abilities.

 In short, Moen just wants to see the embarrassment of those who eat Devil Fruit. After all, in their world, there are countless people who want to eat this "shit" tasting fruit!

 "There's one more~"

 Seeing that Nezha had almost vomited, Ao Bing reminded him kindly, and then saw Li Jing looking at his child quietly, while Nezha trembled unconsciously.

 "I do not want!"

 Nezha screamed, and then Li Jing's outstretched hand passed through Nezha's body, and his body was paralyzed by the burst of thunder and lightning!

 Thunder Fruit, passive, elemental!

 In this world without armed Haki and Hailou Stone, elementalization is an absolute magical skill. Of course, it is faced with monks like Li Jing who have low cultivation level, or who rely solely on physical attacks.

 If you are a monk who is good at spiritual attacks or elemental attacks, you will be blinded.

 Sure enough, after Taiyi Zhenren reached out his hand, the rubber fruit was also stuffed into Nezha's mouth.


 For a moment, Nezha felt the unforgettable "care" from his father, master, mother and friends!

