
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Serena joins the group

Pokémon World, Fangyuan Region!

Serena, who had just finished training, looked at the several Pokémon lying leisurely on the ground and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

She sat under the shade of a tree, and the figure of a certain boy appeared in her mind.

We promised to meet me in the Fangyuan area, Xiaozhi, where will you meet me?

Recalling the kiss on the elevator, Serena couldn't help but touch her lips with her fingers.


Fairy Eevee came over and gently wrapped Serena's wrist with a ribbon.

Feeling the softness like a silk ribbon, Serena happily held Fairy Eevee in her arms.

It has been a while since she came to the Fangyuan area. She has also participated in the Pokémon Contest once. Although she did not win the final victory, she still had a lot of fun with her friends.

[Ding, congratulations on joining the dimensional chat group, come and say hello to everyone! ]

"Hey, who's talking?"

Serena raised her head, surrounded by an open plain with no people at all.

The long-tailed fire fox came over and leaned gently against Serena's side.

"It's nothing, maybe it's my imagination."

Serena touched the long-tailed fire fox's head, and then looked stunned.

A huge amount of information poured into her brain, and she learned a lot at that moment!

"Gui, something terrible seems to have happened to me!"


[Ding, congratulations on working hard to become the person Xiaozhi likes and joining the dimensional chat group! ]

[Ding, everyone, come and say hello to her! ]

Two soft sounds attracted the attention of many members who were chatting. Many people looked at the names of the newcomers and fell into deep thought.

For a moment, the dimensional chat group fell into a strange silence.

I'm not the richest man: "What, the Xiaozhi in this new member's name should be the Xiaozhi I imagined, right?"

Azusagawa Sakuta: "Mr. Tony, I'm sure he is the Ash in your imagination!"

Ichigo Kurosaki: "Speaking of which, besides Ash, are there other Ashes?"

[Administrator] Moen: "No, I can tell you for sure, it's definitely Ash!"

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "What about that? Leave it to Xiaozhi to welcome newcomers???"

Lingyue blinked, she also saw the newcomer's identity, and said to the group in surprise.

Miyano Shiho: "Things seem to be getting very interesting, @Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, Xiaozhi, who do you think will join the group this time?"

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "...Stop playing."

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "@Try to be the person Xiaozhi likes, Serena?"

In the Pokémon world, Ash sighed and looked at the girl sitting next to him.

"What's wrong?"

Serena, who has long flaxen hair, looked at Xiaozhi curiously. Is there anything strange stuck on her face?

"Serena, are you joining the group too?"

"Group? What group?"

Looking at Serena, who was obviously confused, Xiaozhi's face suddenly stiffened.

At this time, the dimensional chat group had begun to become noisy.

Accelerator: "Hey, Xiaozhi has publicly exposed his relationship?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Hey, will there be another couple showing off their affection in the group in the future? And they will join the group together! I'm so envious!"

Aizen Sosuke: "This is very interesting. If I remember correctly, there are already two members in Xiaozhi's world who have joined the dimensional chat group. Is it like there are multiple combined worlds in Detective Conan? Is there a quota?"

Aizen's words immediately stunned everyone.

Yes, isn't Ash's world already integrated with the Digimon world?

Ash in the Pokémon world, Ruki Makino in the Digimon world.

Isn't this already two quotas?

The reason why there are three members in the Detective Conan world is because their worlds merged after Xiaolan joined the group!

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ Group leader, can you explain what is going on?"

Whitebeard couldn't figure it out either. As one of the first members to join the group, he knew the rules of the group quite well.

But without Aizen's reminder, he almost forgot that a world can only have two members in a group at most!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "It's okay, let's continue reading first."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "@ strive to be the person Xiaozhi likes. Have you accepted the dimensional chat group?"

Trying to be the person Xiaozhi likes: "Eh? Is this really a special chat group connecting to other worlds?"

Try to be the person Xiaozhi likes: "@Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, are you really Xiaozhi? Aren't you an illusion projected in my mind by some super-powered Pokémon?"

Under the shade of the tree, Serena knocked her head hard twice, but except for a slight headache, she felt nothing.

"Long-tailed Firefox, can you see this?"

After thinking for a while, Serena summoned the interface of the chat group, and it turned out that the long-tailed firefox and the others could see it!

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "It's me. Are you Serena?"

Serena: "It's me, Xiaozhi, where are you now? I've been traveling in the Fangyuan region. By the way, I participated in the gorgeous contest in the Fangyuan region a few days ago, but lost at the end. Sorry, but my friends and I had a great time~"

Seeing the new member who suddenly became active, Xiaozhi rubbed his head with a headache.

Serena on the side looked at Xiaozhi with a pouted mouth, and her blue-green pupils were filled with water.

"It must be you from the parallel dimension. It seems that she is separated from the Ash in that world."

Xiaozhi shook his head. He had a feeling that a title that had been far away from him for a long time would hang on his head again, and this time it would not be easy to get rid of it!

"Ah, then, do you want to enlighten Xiaozhi in that world?"

Serena was stunned. She knew that if Xiaozhi hadn't met this group of friends in the dimensional chat group, it would be difficult for her to be with Xiaozhi.

Now hearing that Ash in another world is separated from herself in another world, Serena's first thought is to bring them together!

"Let me take a look first. The memory copy has not been sent out yet, and I don't know what happened in that world."

Xiaozhi shook his head. His memory copy only lasted until the parting with Serena, and there was no subsequent memory at all.

Yuzaki Hoshikora: "@Servena, um, Serena, calm down your emotions first. @Xiaozhifrom Zhenxin Town, Xiaozhi, you should have confirmed it, right?"

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "Yes, confirmed."

Serena: "Huh? What are you confirming, Xiaozhi?"

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "Confirmed that you are not the Serena beside me, eh."

Xiaozhi uploaded a photo. In the photo, he and Serena left the country at the same time. Serena made a victory gesture and smiled happily.

This is how Serena looked happy when he went to find her.

Under the shade of the tree, Serena looked at the photo. It was a scene that would only happen in her dreams. The girl in the photo must be her, but why did she have no impression at all?

Moreover, the Ash in the photo is much more mature than the Ash in her memory.

Serena: "What's going on?"

Is it something that will happen in the future?

Serena was already a little panicked.

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "To be precise, you and I should be in parallel worlds."

Xiaozhi's words made everyone understand.

Only in this way can we explain why a third member joined the dimensional chat group in that world.

But in a parallel world...

According to the communication between Moen and the dimensional chat group, doesn't it mean that the dimensional chat group captures the only world?

Why is there a parallel world now?

[Administrator] Moen: "Is it because of the exposure of the dimensional world or the collapse of the reincarnation world? Otherwise, I really don't know why this happened."

Too many things have happened recently, and Moen has no interest in taking care of such trivial matters. He prefers to enjoy peaceful leisure time.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Hey, I'll release a copy of Serena's memory first, but... everyone just don't get excited after reading it~"

[Administrator] Moen: "Don't worry, I'm ready and waiting for Serena to grant me permission."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Hey! Why are you ahead of me!"

[Ding, the group leader Lingyue uploaded a medium-sized memory copy: Pokémon New Unprinted Chapter! ]

Xiao Zhizhi, who was studying the mecha knowledge taught by Tony, immediately became interested. This was her first medium-sized memory copy after joining the dimensional chat group, so she couldn't miss it.

To use a saying from an old member, oh, if you don't read the newly released memory copy immediately, it will become an old show, and if you read it later, it will be called a supplementary show!

But then again, isn't the Pokémon world where Ash lives in a large memory copy?

How did it become medium-sized?

Even a parallel world is unlikely.

With this doubt in mind, many members entered the memory copy.

Serena also entered the memory copy with an uneasy mood. There was a description of the memory copy in the previous group announcement.

Can see through past, present, and future memory copies.

Will she be with Xiaozhi in the future?

The stream of light flashed past, and Serena entered a space full of life.

"Well, I'm going to see Xiaozhi soon~"

"Hey, who is this Heitan?"

"Wow, he actually wants Mew to be his starting Pokémon. Is he dreaming?"

"Hey, you still refuse Yan Tu'er to follow?"

"Why do you still want to subdue me when you refused just now?"

"Hey, Suicune, you just willingly surrendered to him?"

"When did Team Rocket become like this? Do they rely on Gacha every time they fight? Besides pestering Pikachu, don't they cherish their Pokémon very much?"

"Tone-tapping monkey!"

"You won't help Xiaozhi fulfill his dream? Then why do you enjoy the help Xiaozhi gives you with peace of mind!"

"We obviously defeated Wuji Tai Na together, why didn't you discuss it with the others and just threw a ball by yourself!"

"Also, how can you cultivate a bond with a Pokémon without fighting, just throwing the ball away, and then completely ignoring it after conquering it!"

I don't know how many words I complained, but when Serena returned to the shade of the tree, her face was so angry that she turned blue.

Not only because in the entire memory copy, Xiaozhi was played like a monkey by the man named Xiaohao, but also because he obviously had a role to play, but there were only a few scenes!

And even in these few scenes, the man named Xiao Hao still insisted on coming to interfere!

What's even more outrageous is that when he was in the jungle, Xiao Hao saw movement in the trees and actually threw a Poké Ball over!

What, are you trying to conquer me?

The long-tailed fire fox looked at Serena's increasingly ugly expression, and couldn't help but immediately used her mental power along with Serena's mental power to calm her down.

"Sorry, I was too excited."

Serena took a breath and looked up at the dimensional chat group, only to find that the members in the group were even more excited than she was!

Come be my son: "Well, after reading this, I only have one thought. If I were in that world, I would definitely punch that guy named Xiao Hao to death."

I'm not the richest man: "Well, everyone thinks that Xiao Hao and Xiao Zhi are friends, but I can't see that Xiao Hao has any feelings for Xiao Zhi as friends. In Xiao Hao's eyes, Xiao Zhi may be just a guy with Pikachu. The nanny, or he is a nanny-type Pokémon that he has tamed."

Accelerator: "To be able to say that I have never thought about helping my friends realize their dreams really makes me laugh out loud! Without Xiaozhi, this Gou Hao might not even be able to tame a Pokémon!"

Miyano Shiho: "Everyone, calm down. Maybe this is just another world where Ash is not the protagonist. Everyone can understand and understand the fate of the child."

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "It's a pity that I can't understand that this little hero has completely given up on cultivating bonds with Pokémon. For him, Pokémon are just a string of words and serial numbers on the illustrated book. He completely ignores them. As far as I'm concerned, it will be impossible for him to conquer Mew in this life."

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "What's even more outrageous is that he actually threw the ball at Serena?"

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "Well... maybe, in that world, I regarded Xiaohao as a friend like Pikachu, so I didn't care."

Xiaozhi explained dryly, but Serena on the side could see from his clenched fists that Xiaozhi was extremely uneasy inside.

In fact, Serena herself couldn't accept it. Was Xiaozhi in that world really clueless? Could she really not see that Xiaohao didn't regard him as a friend at all?

[Administrator] Mo En: "Okay, @Unprinted Serena, give me permission to go there, and I'll just kill the guy named Xiaohao."

[Administrator] Mo En: "As for Xiaozhi, you can stay with him and enlighten him. After all, boys mature later than girls."

Moen submitted the application. As early as the fact that Serena joined the group, he was already looking at the memory copy.

However, what he didn't expect was that emotions he had never experienced before completely broke out at that moment.

That kind of emotion is called regret!

Why does he want to see that new Muji!

As long as Serena opens the space channel authority, he guarantees that Xiao Hao will experience what it means to be beaten across the world!

