
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

President Shirogane who resisted the blessing and curse of the Chosen Daughter

Mohn: "...This joke is not funny."

 Song Shuhang: "After the world merged, Xiaofeng's luck should not have been deprived, right? In other words, if she really blessed the Fourth Palace, then President Bai Yin would definitely confess to the Fourth Palace, so the love mind The war will definitely end here."

 Song Shuhang felt a little pity. The progress of the relationship between this pair of happy enemies attracted everyone's attention.

 Shinomiya Kaguya: "This is not necessary for the time being. I have already found a way to get him to express his love to me through the president's words. As for supernatural power, I still don't want to rely on it."

 Shinomiya Kaguya rejected this suggestion. After all, what she likes about Shirogane is that Baigin forcibly restrains his love for her and wants to let herself confess to him. Shinomiya, who refuses to admit defeat, will naturally fall deeper and deeper into the situation.

 If Shirogane is allowed to express his feelings with the help of supernatural power, there is a high chance that the feelings will deteriorate.

 Shinomiya here righteously refused Honjo Kaede's help, but Chika Fujiwara, who was leaning on her, noticed the fluctuation in Shinomiya's eyes.

 "Yeah~ I understand!"

 Fujiwara's sudden shout almost startled Shinomiya. Even Shirogane, who was immersed in studying, was so frightened that he dropped the pen in his hand on the table.

 "Secretary Fujiwara, what happened?"

 Shirogane asked seriously, although Fujiwara Chika was also very neurotic in the past, she has not done anything inappropriate in the student union recently!


 Looking at Shirogane and Shinomiya who frowned slightly, Fujiwara scratched his hair carelessly, "What about that? I remembered how I should eat ramen. I'm going to have a good meal today!"

 "Huh~ It's ramen! No, are you a fool? You have to remember how to eat ramen!"

 Bai Yin complained for a while, and then continued to look at the textbook in his hand. He didn't have that much time for him to waste it wantonly.

 Looking at the serious Shirogane, the admiration in Shinomiya's eyes made Fujiwara Chika feel goosebumps all over her body.

 "Chihua-chan, I think you won't do anything to make me unhappy, right?"

 Possessed by Fujiwara's ear, Shinomiya Kaguya left a word and turned around to leave. She was going to make a cup of hot coffee for Shirogane who was working hard. Without caffeine, the president would not be able to survive.


 Fujiwara Chika breathed a sigh of relief, then secretly pulled out the chat interface, found Honjou Kaede and sent a message to her, then pretended to be fine, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

 "Ah, hot!"

 Among the teachers, Honjou Kaede was listening carefully to the teacher above her. Suddenly, a message came to her mind, and she opened it in her mind and started to desert.

 "Huh? Is this the message from Chika-chan?"

 After the world merged, the members of their group often got together. Fujiwara Chika, a girl who was very interested in love, quickly became her friend with Risa, and their private relationship was quite good.

 "Let me bless their relationship, but don't go into details?"

 Honjou Kaede gently bit the gel pen in his hand, with a hint of distress between his brows.

 Her luck problem has long been confirmed in the group, and it is confirmed that she is the true chosen daughter. Even if the world merges, the other people's luck combined will not be as good as hers!

 Let's put it this way, after joining this world with mysterious power, Honjou Kaede can pick up a precious talisman while walking. Even when she downloads study materials online, she can download the Longhu Mountain that was wrongly uploaded online a few years ago. Golden light spell.

 "Then I wish you all the best for the relationship between President Shirogane and Kaguya~"

 Putting his hands together, Honjou Kaede closed his eyes and prayed silently. Risa on the side felt a little confused, but did not ask out loud. Instead, he lightly kicked Honjou Kaede.

 The teacher is going to look over here!

 In Shuchiyuan, in the student union, Shirogane seemed to see Shinomiya walking towards him with coffee in his hand.

 "Oh, thank you, Shinomiya."

 Looking at the coffee placed in front of him, Baiyin subconsciously thanked him. Although it was a very common behavior, for some reason it seemed very touching to Baiyin today.

 "Ah la la~ The president is working very hard, so you must pay attention to rest."

 Shinomiya didn't know why, but she suddenly felt that the president who worked so hard that the dark circles under his eyes became more and more pleasing to her eyes. She did not doubt Honjou Kaede's blessing.

 Firstly, it was because she rejected Honjou Feng's blessing. Based on her understanding of Honjou Feng, Xiaofeng would not do that kind of thing after she refused.

 Secondly, she also learned from the memory copy that she really loved Bai Yin's overtired and terrifying eyes. It must be that his eyes became more terrifying, so she liked it even more.

 Ah la la~ What is your hobby? It's really my hobby. Maybe I need to ask Kashiwagi-san about it.

 As for the so-called love expert Chika Fujiwara, Shinomiya gave up after considering it for 0.0001 second. Depending on her, she would never wait for the president to confess to her in her entire life!

 "Shinomiya...you today...ah, it's nothing."

 Bai Yin suddenly bit his tongue and forced his consciousness back.

 What's wrong with me? Suddenly I feel that the fourth house who has always taken care of me is so cute, and I even want to directly express my love in my heart!

 This will definitely arouse ridicule from Shinomiya!

 [Ah la la~ I just treat the president as the president. I didn't expect you, president, to have inappropriate thoughts about me! ]

 [But if you are the president, I can consider giving you a chance to be mine~]

 [Really, very cute~]

 Ah ah ah ah ah!

 Bai Yin scratched his head crazily, it must be like that!

 In his mind, Shinomiya said something cute about him with contempt on his face. If he was really treated like that, he would definitely want to die!

 Looking at the crazy president, Shinomiya's face suddenly turned rosy. She stretched out her hand to grab Shirogane's hair, but suddenly her eyes froze and she put her right hand on the left side of her face!

 "I'm dying! Why do I suddenly want to touch the president's hair! Isn't this like saying that I want to get closer to the president? Isn't this equivalent to a confession!"

 There seemed to be a line drawn between Shirogane, who looked crazy, and Shinomiya, who looked calm.

 Chika Fujiwara, who had been paying attention to them, seemed to hear a sound coming from somewhere, and it seemed very familiar.

 [Today's winner is Fujiwara's loss! Because of her little plan, Honjou Kaede used luck to interfere with the two of them, but both of them resisted this power! ]

 [In addition, Ishigami did not appear! ]

