
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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Newcomer joins the group, Beimiao needs to be beaten

In the days after the fishing competition, all the contestants were very happy to show off their interactions with Pokémon.

The eight Eevee received by Honjou Kaede were equally divided among everyone in the big maple tree, and everyone hugged the Eevee and smiled from ear to ear.

After all, where can I find such a powerful and cute pet?

Muto Yugi really gave the baby dragon to Kaiba. As a result, Kaiba seemed angry and wanted to throw the baby dragon out and slice it into slices. However, under Muto Yugi's close watch, the president, who had never touched anything with his hands, unexpectedly He secretly acted as a slave, happily serving the baby dragon's food and drink.

Everyone is living a comfortable life, but in a certain world, a man encountered a rather bad thing.

In a coffee shop, Bei Miao was sipping coffee amid the gentle music, and his eyes fell on the square not far away.

A terrifying battle is going on!

The warrior wearing red armor was fighting against a very ugly monster. The people around him had already dispersed in panic, including the customers and waiters in the coffee shop. They ran out of the shop out of fear. Now the entire coffee shop Bei Miao was the only one left in the store.


He took out a banknote from his pocket and put it under the teacup. Beimiao looked at the armored warrior who neatly destroyed the monster, and unconsciously touched the satchel around his waist.

This satchel never left Beimiao even when I was drinking coffee.

"Would you like to get in touch with them? But looking at Yanlong Armor, it doesn't look like he is focusing on demon-killing and defending the way. Wind Eagle Armor is okay, but he lacks the spirit of a team leader. He can't accomplish anything big with a piece of loose sand. ."

As he muttered, Beimiao's eyes suddenly flashed with light.

[Ding, congratulations on joining the dimensional chat group! ]

[Ding, come and say hello to everyone! ]


[Ding, congratulations to the armored warrior Black Rhinoceros for joining the dimensional chat group! ]

[Ding, everyone, come and say hello to him! ]

Many members who were showing off their Pokémon a second ago immediately came out to welcome Beimiao, but at this time Beimiao was still in a state of confusion.

He walked back to his original position and squinted his eyes to sort out the extra information in his mind.

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ After so long, finally a new member has joined the group?"

Journey Serena: "Hey, have I become an old member and senior too?"

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "Serena has also become an old member, but Serena, what can you do to help the new members? @ArmorWarriorBlackRhinoceros, welcome to join the dimensional chat group."

I'm not the richest man: "Yes, I am. The old members have to help the new members. Judging from the new member's name, it is obvious that he is a knight. Serena, why don't you give him two Pokémon? @armor warrior black rhinoceros , everything written in the group announcement is true, and you are welcome to join our big family."

Serena on the journey: "I don't even have six Pokémon of my own, and I don't know what the newbie's world view is like. If it were a purely mechanical world, most Pokémon wouldn't be able to survive in the past. Bar?"

Serena said that she is also a poor person. Even if she signs in for a few days, she is not as rich as other members.

Changhong Sword Master: "They were just joking. No one stipulates that you have to take out things to help others. Just do your best. @ArmorWarriorBlackRhinoXia, welcome to join the dimensional chat group."

Armored Warrior Black Rhinoceros: "Well, are you here really connected to the dimensions of the universe?"

Armored Warrior Black Rhinoceros: "Isn't it an illusion projected in my mind from the shadow world?"

Beimiao pursed his lips, put his hand on his bag, and tried in his mind to get rid of the influence of the dimensional chat group, but obviously he couldn't do it!

Accelerator: "Shadow World? It seems that the villains in the newcomer's world are quite powerful and can form a world of their own."

Accelerator's eyes flashed with interest. He was quite interested in this strange world.

Esdeath: "Are the newcomers very strong? Do you want to have a fight?"

Armored Warrior Black Rhinoceros: "In terms of strength, I think it's okay. At least so far I haven't met an opponent who can defeat me."

Bei Miao has absolute confidence in himself in terms of strength. After all, even the currently known armored warriors Yan Longxia and Wind Eagle Man are not as strong as him in his eyes.

There may be existences that can defeat him, but he doesn't think that any member of this so-called other dimension is strong.

Esdeath: "Oh? The new guy looks even more arrogant than I did before."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "No, Esdeath, you are the most arrogant. As soon as you join the group, you want to step on many members under your high heels. Compared with you, the newcomers can only be regarded as very confident in their own strength. That's all."

Aizen Sosuke: "Indeed, although the newcomer's tone is a bit arrogant, it is based on at least the current victory in every battle, and Esdeath, what you said is purely because you are in a group."

Esdeath: "Hmph! @Armor Warrior Black Rhinoceros, let's have a fight!"

A fight?

Beimiao fell into deep thought. The group announcement stated how the discussion between group members should be conducted, but did she really want to believe what suddenly appeared in her mind?

What if you agree rashly and fall into the shadow world's trap?

He is not like those brave men who have logistical support. He is alone, and he has to take care of Xiaoxi.

Esdeath: "Why, the newcomers don't dare to speak out? Don't you dare to speak loudly?"

Come be my son: "Esdeath, if you want to fight, you can come to me. I can fight with you at any time."

Seeing that Esdeath was getting sick again, Whitebeard quickly came out to stop him.

This guy's brain isn't working very well. Drago can heal that world, but he can't heal Esdeath's brain.

The armored warrior Black Rhinoceros: "Just fight, how can I still be afraid of you!"

When Esdeath said this, Beimiao became angry. When had he ever been ridiculed like this?

Even if it is a conspiracy in the shadow world, he can definitely crack it!

"Black Rhino Armor!"

Beimiao put his hand on the water shadow stone, and a jet-black armor instantly merged, and then he disappeared into the cafe.

The conversation after the new member joined the group was quick. Before Lingyue and Moen had time to express their welcome, a battle between the new and old members was about to begin.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "What the hell, Beimiao wants to fight Esdeath? How can he beat Esdeath!"

Lingyue was a little speechless. The upper limit of the Armored Warrior was very high, but that was the combat power of a single target.

In terms of destructive power or instantaneous combat effectiveness, Esdeath can kill Beimiao instantly!

Sure enough, after entering the fighting state, Beimiao did not relax his vigilance because his opponent was a woman. He summoned the meteor gun without hesitation, and relied on the fact that the sparring would not really hurt the opponent, so he used the sure-kill Crazy Waterfall. .

A water trident was aimed at Esdeath and shot over. Faced with this massive blow, Esdeath calmly stretched out his hand, and the extremely cold frost breath condensed into an ice wall in front of him, and then Beimiao's attack didn't even break through the ice wall!

The Black Rhino Armor froze on the spot, as if sensing Beimiao's surprise, and Esdeath also lost interest.

She had a rough understanding of the newcomer's strength. It was comparable to that of herself who had not joined the dimensional chat group, but it was far inferior to her current self. She would wait until the newcomer's strength improved over time.

Mokobo Temo!

The battle was over, and Beimiao returned to the cafe with a confused look on his face. He had exited the armor-fitting state. Now he could feel a chill even if he touched his neck!

The dimensional chat group is real!

The woman who can kill him instantly is also true!

In that last move, Beimiao didn't even know how she attacked and how Beimiao died!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Hey, it's true."

[Administrator] Moen: "Black Rhinoceros, he is a very interesting person. Lingyue, let's play the memory copy first. Let's see what time Beimiao's timeline is up to."

Armored Warrior Black Rhinoceros: "Copy of memory? Is that the copy of memory that can see through my past and future? Please send it out quickly, I want to know where Xiaoxue went!"

[Administrator] Moen: "I can see that you are very anxious...but I hope your spirit will not be affected."

Mo En chuckled. Xiaoxue, whom Beimiao missed so much, was now in the shadow world where he didn't want to go!

Speaking of which, he has also seen the Armored Warriors series, and his favorite among them was the Flame Dragon Armor. After all, it was so handsome.

But now that I think about it, Beimiao is also a pretty good armor summoner.

Although he had some selfish motives in fighting the supernatural beasts, his contribution in fighting the supernatural beasts was no less than anyone else's.

Armored Warrior Black Rhinoceros: "Suffering a mental shock? Could it be that something happened to Xiaoxue!"

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Nothing happened to Xiaoxue, she is doing very well. Oh, of course you can't say that. Let's take a look at the memory copy first."

[Ding, group leader Lingyue uploaded a medium-sized memory copy: Armored Warrior! ]

As soon as the memory copy came out, many people jumped in immediately, including Esdeath, who had previously killed Beimiao instantly with one move.

She wanted to know if there was a more powerful being in that world who could fight her.

Beimiao thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and entered the memory copy.

His only regret now is Xiaoxue, he must find her!

Because it was Bei Miao who joined the dimensional chat group, the perspective was locked on Bei Miao.

As soon as the show started, Beimiao saw a scene that made his eyes split open.

An ugly supernatural beast was slowly approaching the fleeing boy and girl.

The girl fell, and the boy chose to run away when he couldn't pull her up.


Beimiao gritted his teeth and placed his hand on the water shadow stone, but this time he failed to become an armored warrior!

Outsiders cannot touch anyone in the memory copy.

Beimiao could only watch the supernatural beast approaching Xiaoxue, and then saw another boy throwing rocks at the supernatural beast to attract its attention.

Although Beimiao was relieved now, he still blamed himself for why he left Xiaoxue back then.

The subsequent plot is that the King of Kai takes Xiaoxue and the boy out of the orphanage and returns to the Shadow Realm!

At this time, Beimiao already knew that Xiaoxue was in the shadow world and changed her name to Bing'er to work for the shadow world!

And the young man who saved Xiaoxue is called Xizhao, and he is the summoner of this generation's Snow Mastiff Armor!

The subsequent plot unfolded one by one. He encountered the Flame Dragon Armor because of Xiaoxi, and later joined Meizhen and the others. In the end, they successfully merged to become the Emperor Man and ended the war with the Shadow Realm.

"So, will my future be like this?"

Beimiao lowered his head and looked at his hands. Xiaoxue was still alive, and he would find a suitable partner in the future. It looked like a really good future!

This also made Beimiao determined to find the Flame Dragon Armor and the Wind Eagle Armor.

Although Xinnan does not have the courage to lead a team in his opinion, it can be seen from the memory copy of the future that Xinnan is still a pretty good friend and is also very courageous in the face of right and wrong.

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "Is this the plot of the Armored Warrior? It's quite ups and downs. I'm still thinking about how the Snow Mastiff Armor could be from the Shadow Realm. Will Xizhao die in the future and the golden shadow fall? It's in the hands of Meizhen and the others."

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ Beimiao, you were not very manly when you were a child. Your sister was in danger and you chose to run away. But you must have regretted it later."

As a man who values ​​his family the most, Whitebeard disapproved of Beimiao's cowardice at the beginning. After all, that was considered abandoning his family.

Wang Ye: "Hey, old man with white beard, don't be so harsh. What can a child understand? It's pretty good to be able to stand firm in front of a supernatural beast. What kind of decisions can you make with an empty head?"

Wang Ye gave Bei Miao some excuses. Not everyone was Xiao Yan and was reborn with his soul. Bei Miao was just an ordinary little boy back then. He had used up all his strength and energy to pull Xiaoxue away. .

Bei Miao: "I do regret it. If I can be given another chance, I will definitely trade my life for Xiaoxue to leave. Now that I know Xiaoxue is in the shadow world, I will improve my strength as soon as possible, and then go to the shadow world to save her come out!"

Beimiao clenched his fists, and he immediately rushed to the shadow world without losing his mind. He wanted to entrust someone to take care of Xiaoxi, and his own strength also needed to be improved.

Not to mention the subsequent King of the Realm, the Black Emperor and the Five Evil Beasts, even the Shadow Tyrant may not be able to defeat him!

After all, the Shadow Tyrant who summoned the Earth Tiger Armor was very powerful.

[Administrator] Moen: "Well, am I the only one who feels that Meizhen and the others are unreliable? It is normal for the first team to be injured and to use the second team, but judging from the proficiency of the second team, can they be trained in a short period of time? What do you mean? The first team was fighting life and death in front, and they were training the second team later for fear that something would happen to the first team? And they lifted the summoning authority of the first team without informing the first team, the earth shadow stone, the water shadow stone, and the golden shadow stone. It seems that other people bring money to join the team, so can this be taken over?"

