
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Levi said that there is a smell of cheating in the air.

Li Yunlong: "I have already captured Chu Yunfei!"

[Ding, Li Yunlong uploaded a picture! ]

In the extremely clear picture, Li Yunlong chose the best angle, allowing everyone to appreciate Chu Yunfei's shocked and stunned expression.

Arranged in front of him were rows of brand-new howitzers!

Changhong Sword Master: "I feel sorry for Commander Chu, he was ruthlessly crushed."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "With the help of Chu Yunfei, Commander, your future actions will definitely be smoother. Although the generals over there still have a few strong bones, they are not completely unshakable, not to mention you. And there's such strong firepower support."

Li Yunlong: "We, Old Li, don't think about those things for now. Let's drive Xiao... out first."

Li Yunlong lamented that the war had been going on for so many years and the people had suffered for so many years.

If nothing else, let's just say that when his independent group took out supplies to help local people, how many old people just knelt down and cried.

A mouthful of food can overwhelm a family!

Especially during the war years, young and middle-aged people either went out to fight or went to the city to find work. Basically, only the elderly, women and children were left at home. You can't expect them to do much physical work.

In addition, during the war years, a lot of land was abandoned, and food was really in short supply.

Li Yunlong, who is a political party or not, said that he didn't care. It's a bit unreasonable for us descendants of Yan and Huang to fight at home behind closed doors. We can't be ambiguous with the invaders!

Accelerator: "But having said that, Li Yunlong, if you joined the dimensional chat group, if it were someone else, you would definitely want to stand on your own."

Accelerator was a little embarrassed. He was studying human nature and had made considerable progress.

Qin Shihuang: "Indeed, in the current era of chaos and turmoil, with such firepower, if it were another person, he would definitely want to stand on his own and seize the territory."

The war has already begun, and those who are ambitious really don't care when it will end.

I didn't see the time traveler Li Yunlong killed before.

He obviously traveled from the future of China, but in the end he wanted to kill Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei, occupy Ping'an County and Dagu Town and slowly develop for a generation. Isn't this adding chaos to the nation!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "So that time traveler is dead, he can be considered one of the most useless time travellers."

There is no such thing, and there are really few time travelers who die before the system's missions are released.

In the past, the only people who were relatively well-known were a few weirdos in the world under one person.

Godzilla: "If you ask me, I can just go there and take a few steps."

Under the sea, Godzilla shook his tail in boredom. Huge waves suddenly arose on the sea. A frigate turned over. If there were not other frigates and a mothership around, the soldiers on it would probably All will be destroyed.

Li Yunlong: "Hey, let's forget it."

During this period of time, Li Yunlong also took advantage of his free time to read through all the memory copies with Zhao Gang. Of course he knew what kind of existence Godzilla was.

Godzilla who has not joined the dimensional chat group is invincible on the surface, let alone Godzilla who has joined the dimensional chat group. Li Yunlong has reason to believe that if the current Godzilla is really placed on the battlefield, then It takes just one day to end the battle, and another day for the neon to sink.

But that would also bring huge damage and panic to Yanhuang, and it was still undesirable.

[Ding, welcome Levi Ackerman to join the dimensional chat group! ]

[Everyone, come and say hello to him! ]

With two soft sounds, everyone stopped discussing and began to welcome the newcomers.

Li Yunlong: "Hey, when we, Mr. Li, joined the group, did we also receive this prompt? But let's welcome the newcomers first."

I'm not the richest man: "@Li Yunlong, a batch of standard equipment has been eliminated here, 90% of it is new. I will send it to you directly later, which is enough for you to equip an army of 30,000 people. @ Levi Ackerman, welcome newcomers, Please check the group announcement if something happens."

As everyone's welcome came to an end, Levi, who had been silent, finally said his first words after entering the group.

Levi Ackerman: "This is a dimensional chat group? Can it predict the past and the future? Then who can tell me how the giants came and what they want to do."

The cold voice echoed in the chat group, and everyone could hear that there was a hint of fatigue in the voice.

Accelerator: "Giant... I seem to have thought of something."

Takaba Kyosuke: "@ Makino Ruki, didn't you command the demon fox beast to kill that giant?"

Yuzaki Hoshizora: "Ah, I remembered it. The group leader seemed to have said at that time that it was some kind of world of Attack on Titan. Are the newcomers this time coming from that world?"

Ruki Makino: "I remembered that at that time, many people asked Sister Lingyue to release a copy of the memory of Attack on Titan, but she said at the time that she would wait until new people join the chat group before sending it out."

Xiao Yan: "@[Group Leader] Lingyue, call the group leader!"

Nalan Yanran: "Why, after so many years of seclusion, have you still not corrected your problem of disconnection?"

As a pair of enemies, Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan are old enemies. Anyway, I have never seen these two people in the group without choking.

Levi Ackerman: "Please, tell me!"

In the room, Levi, who had finished training for the day, leaned on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief, his expression a little lonely.

Today, the operation failed and his good brother died.

He just wanted to know why, what it was all for.

Levi Ackerman: "Because of the giant, because of the so-called truth, Fran and Isabel..."

Levi, who was unwilling to reveal his emotions in front of others, had some venting needs. He wanted to cry, but found that he could no longer cry.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Have you conducted the 57th extra-wall investigation?"

Lingyue's mood was very complicated, because she didn't know whether Levi's spirit would completely collapse after the memory copy was sent out.

She once said with confidence that when a new person from the Giant World joins the dimensional chat group, the copy of the memory of the Giant World she distributes is absolutely shocking.

Of course, the memory copy she had at that time was indeed shocking.

But today, the moment Levi joined the dimensional chat group, Lingyue realized that she was wrong.

Big mistake!

If this memory copy is sent out, Levi will really collapse!

[Administrator] Moen: "Lingyue, go ahead. Levi is a strong man, I believe he will make a choice without regrets. In addition, don't forget where this is, don't say it's a dead person." There are various methods of resurrection, even if Song Shuhang swallows the giant world while I am alive and reverses the flow of time, there will be no problem."

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "Indeed, although becoming an administrator can watch the memory copy in advance, but this time, I really wish I had to watch it in advance so that I wouldn't feel uncomfortable."

Mo En and Song Shuhang came out to complain at the same time, which also surprised many people in the group. As administrators, everyone knew that they had the right to view memory copies in advance. They even knew that the next administrator would most likely be Luo Feng.

But this is the first time that I have complained about a memory copy at the same time. Is there anything strange or disgusting in the world of giants?

[Administrator] Moen: "@Zero,@ancient, prepare a pure light energy first. After reading the memory copy, I will tell you what it is used for."

Dagu: "I understand."

As a human spirit, Dagu immediately understood that this light energy would most likely be given to this new member.

After all, everyone has seen the original super giant. Although he was weak, he was huge in size and had special talents. Without special skills, he really needed absolute strength to defeat him.

Obviously, this Levi is definitely a person that Morn can appreciate, otherwise he would not have reminded them to prepare their energy so early.

But having said that, a little thing that Morn casually leaked from the cracks of his fingers was enough to elevate an ordinary person to the level of an elite warrior. Why do you need light energy? This is a strange place.

[Ding, group leader Lingyue uploaded a medium-sized memory copy: Attack on Titan! ]

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Okay, it has been uploaded."

Takaba Kyosuke: "I can find some clues from the tone of the two administrators and the group leader, but no matter how ugly the memory copy is, I have to dive in as soon as possible!"

Kyousuke Takaba, who is always bubbling, said something and directly entered the memory copy. Levi also entered the so-called memory copy that can see into the future under the instructions of the group announcement.

This entry also caused his heart to completely collapse!

Fifteen minutes later, a roar echoed in the dimensional chat group.

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ Eren Yeager, gula la la, that's really good, that's good!"

Although it sounds like a compliment, even if you don't look at the collapsed space in the pirate world, you can hear the anger in Whitebeard's heart just from his tone.

Accelerator: "If I were asked to evaluate, I can only use one word to describe it, and that is: rotten!"

Yuzaki Hoshizora: "Can't you find any logic at all?"

Takaba Kyosuke: "I wish I could chop my hands off. Why did I rush into the memory copy so early!"

The group was filled with anger for a moment, accompanied by howls one after another, saying that their spirits had been polluted.

Miyano Shiho: "@LeviAckerman, I don't know, Captain, what do you think?"

Still in the coffee shop, Miyano Shiho put down the already cold coffee, a haze of unknown meaning appeared in his star-like eyes.

Even she couldn't accept the story told by this memory copy.

If that really is the future, then radical change is the right thing to do!

Levi Ackerman: "I, don't know."

In the room, the soldier commander was completely confused. He had imagined more than once that the death of Fran and Isabel was meaningful. At least it saved Allen, the power to fight against the giant, and even saved the knowledge of the giant. Source of seeds of truth.

But after reading the memory copy, the soldier commander was completely confused.

He once suspected that this so-called memory copy was just an illusion created by an intelligent giant to make him angry with Allen.

But reason told him that the dimensional chat group really existed, and Allen was really that Allen!



Recalling the corpses of his comrades that were discarded to reduce weight, Levi clenched his fists tightly and didn't care at all even if his nails pinched his palms.

Dagu: "I understand. I was still thinking before. Senior Morn just gave some random things that are enough to make an ordinary person grow to at least planetary star level. Why did he let me and Zero prepare the energy of light? Now I see."

Dagu: "What Levi needs most is the resurrection of his comrades and the titans to clean up all of them."

Dagu: "Although the ability given by Senior Morn can destroy the giant as quickly as possible, it does not relieve the anger at all. That is why the energy of light is needed to transform Levi into a giant of light, bringing hope to the people and destroying the giant at the same time. Eliminate that corrupt regime."

As a light of hope, Da Gu could not imagine how weakened his power would be if he went to that world.

After all, in that world, the people had almost no hope.

In the Kingdom of Light, Zero directly sent a copy of the power of light specially condensed by the King of Ultra to Levi without saying a word.

Zero: "This light is enough for you to dispel the darkness of the whole world. Make good use of it, and don't be too sad. Resurrection from the dead is very simple in the group. You only need enough points to use Big Big Wolf's The time machine goes back in time and saves people."

Zero: "Of course, there is an easier way, that is to let Senior Morn devour your world, and then ask the spirit of time Tokisaki Kurumi to go to your world and travel through time to save your friends."

Along with the strength sent to Levi, there were also two reminders from Zero.

It was these two sentences that brought Levi back to his senses completely.

Back from the dead!

Can this really be done?

Looking at the golden light that appeared in the palm of his hand, Levi thought for a long time and decided to use this power himself.

Because neither Alvin nor anyone else could explain the origin of this power.

It's better to use it yourself.


Levi murmured softly, then his eyes became firm, and he ate the light spot in his hand without hesitation.

That's right, this power of light can be taken directly!

As the golden light enveloped him, Levi, who was originally only 1.6 meters tall, suddenly grew to 1.87 meters tall, and then transformed from human form into the form of a giant of light.

It comes from the Silver clan, and its appearance is somewhat similar to that of the first Ultraman, giving Levi unparalleled power!

Levi can feel that if he releases the power in his body, he can definitely become huge easily!

And the size after enlargement...

Definitely no less than fifty meters!

