
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Is the world government going to build a sea train?

After coming out of Wulaoxing's office, Moen looked at Robin who was following behind him without saying a word, and chuckled.

"How do you feel about seeing these five old men?"

Robin smiled and pushed up his glasses, "I feel a little unwilling, because these five old men, the Tree of Omniscientness was destroyed, and the doctors and the others are all dead... My mother is also... "

Although there is a shadow fruit in this world that can resurrect the dead, Robin has no intention of disturbing his mother.

Moreover, his mother is just an ordinary historian. After so many years, I am afraid that there is no so-called consciousness left in her body.

After learning from Akainu that most of the residents of O'Hara were involved in the underground black market transactions in the West Sea, Robin also let go of some of his worries.

"Isn't it worth it..." Moen stood under the World Government building, looked up at the blue sky, took out a cigarette and lit it leisurely.

"There is nothing unworthy in this world. If it happens, it happens. Only the future can be changed."

"Most of the books in the Tree of Omniscientness were thrown into the water by scholars. Dolag once went to O'Hara and took away all the books. When the dust settled, he rebuilt a new city in this ancient city. Tree of omniscience!"



One day after the World Conference, a lot of information spread from the Holy Land, and the news of the new day spread throughout all the seas.

Of course, there is no breaking news that is eye-catching.

It was another sunny day. This time, Morn did not bring Robin with him. He found that this meeting was just a waste of time. Robin could use this time to train the soldiers who had not yet been "trained". Does it smell good?

Sitting in his seat, Moen looked at the black tea in front of him and suddenly had a strange idea.

In the previous life, didn't the great men just spend a day with a cup of tea, a bag of cigarettes, and a plate of old wooden beads?

I am only eighteen years old, and I am already living like this?

Should I also look for some beads to play with?

Maybe Baoshu Adam is good!

It was natural for Moen to fall into this kind of contemplation, because the world meeting the next day was still about trivial matters. What was different from the previous day was that the two five elders sent by the world government also joined the conversation.

With an understatement, he once again avoided King Riku's request to reduce the sky gold, and also blocked Kobra's proposal to establish a naval branch in Alabasta.

After the Crocodile incident, Kobra thought for a long time. The two patron saints in the country were no longer enough to protect the country in the turbulent era. He wanted to give up some territory and let the navy be stationed on Shengting Island. To protect the safety of Alabasta citizens.

But now Wulaoxing can't wait to reduce the strength of the navy and let the navy set up more branches?


"Regarding the proposal of King Kobra of Alabasta, the main targets of the navy are still the revolutionary army and the remaining pirates. It does not have enough troops and capabilities to build another branch."

The blond five-star picked up the teacup, took a sip of black tea, and then said something shocking that almost made Moen spit out a mouthful of tea!

"However, regarding the remaining pirate rebellion and the invasion of the revolutionary army that you are worried about, our world government has already made a plan."

"We are going to use the technology of the Seven Waters Capital to build sea trains between various islands!"

"In this case, no matter which country has a problem, the reinforcements from our world government can arrive as quickly as possible."

Moen put down the tea cup. He was afraid that his trembling hands would knock the cup over.

He looked at the blond five-old star with horrified eyes. Is this a suggestion that the world government can make?

It's so...incredible!

The blond Five Old Star seemed to sense Moen's surprise. He just nodded indifferently and handed out some documents.

All of the above are things that need to be paid attention to when building a sea train, as well as the resources that need to be dispatched to build a sea train!

"Isn't this... unnecessary? It's just a revolutionary army, just making small fuss all over the world, the Grand Line? Can they pass the navy's hurdle at Upside Down Mountain?"

The stingy Gulosa immediately thought of the treasures in his secret room. The World Government was definitely eyeing his treasures!

Because all the kingdoms in the four seas have withdrawn from the world government, the sky gold has shrunk by at least half. If there is not enough sky gold, the Tianlong people will be unhappy, and the three major military organizations will not be able to operate, so the world government uses some bullshit sea train to Get ready to make money in various countries!

"A small fight?" The blond Five Old Star sneered and looked at Gulosa with some contempt, "When the revolutionary army hangs you on the execution platform and allows the civilians to slaughter you all with butcher knives. , are you still talking about petty fights?"

Morn smacked his lips, which was a bit shocking. After all, he also told Dorag to enter the crowd effectively and not to wrongly accuse any kind-hearted noble.

After all, there are many nobles. The royal family loves the common people and treats them well.

Take Kobra, for example, he is a typical example. It is impossible for such a person to still be hanging on the execution platform.

​And when making changes, we must pay attention to some unruly people!

Poor mountains, bad water, and unruly people.

In the world of One Piece, water is absolutely evil, but are mountains poor?

Even if he is poor, he must be poor!

People who think about getting something for nothing all day long, hate the rich, and curse the nobility in their mouths but yearn to become that kind of aristocracy in their hearts, the revolutionary army must not let such people infiltrate.

Otherwise, they would just be the second generation of the World Government.

His thoughts wandered away again. After the blond Five Old Stars argued with Gulotsa, he raised his eyes to look at the other kings.

Cobra thought for a while and was the first to agree.

Alabasta has a long history of four thousand years! Compared to the eight hundred years of the World Government, that is the age of the ancestors!

Although the financial resources passed down are not astonishing, they are definitely coveted by the World Government.

You know, Crocodile even thought that as long as he got Alabasta, he could fight against the World Government!

It can be seen that Alabasta is an extremely rich country, but it has only been in decline after being defeated by Crocodile for a few years, coupled with the impact of the great pirate era.

The second person who agreed was Neptune. For the mermaids in the deep sea, money is nothing. They are not interested in money and never touch money.

All they have are rare treasures and various precious materials from the outside world.

Not worth mentioning~

Not worth mentioning

