
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Ichigo Kurosaki wants to fall in love?

Shinomiya Kaguya: "...Can you understand it this way? Chika and I are considered to be the appointed personnel, but the time for the appointed personnel to join the chat group has not been determined."

 Moen: "It's easy to understand."

 Moen's answer made many people in the group feel confused. After all, they had never delved into this kind of thing. Even Lingyue only knew that people who joined group chats were usually important supporting characters or protagonists.

 The theory of luck can indeed be justified.

 "So, I am also the protagonist of this world~"

 Lingyue, who had retired, stretched out, with a lazy smile on her lips. She saved the world, so what if she wasn't the protagonist?

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in the state of world destruction: "Maybe you still have some questions, then find the answers in the memory copy."

 [Ding, the group leader Lingyue uploaded a copy of a medium memory: Miss Kaguya wants me to confess my feelings! ]

 In an instant, the group chat became quiet. Unlike the past when everyone was immersed in the memory copy, the members who were still bubbling up all marveled at the name of this memory copy!

 Shinomiya Kaguya: "What kind of name is this!"

 Black Rabbit: "Huh? With this style of name, is this a love story?"

 Azusagawa Sakuta: "Why is Black Rabbit so sensitive to the style of this name? After all, there are probably many memory copies in the group with similar names."

 I'm not the richest man: "Did Sakuta self-destruct? [Young boy with a pig head doesn't dream of a bunny girl senior]?"

 Xiao Yan: "There should be a few more Aite people, right? [My sister can't be that cute]! [In short, she is very cute]!······"

 Kousaka Kyosuke: "······"

 Yuzaki Hoshizora: "Hey!"

 As members of the romantic comedy series in the group, one of them was picked out by Aite. They recalled the names of their memory copies and suddenly felt particularly ashamed!

 Gui Yanwei: "I just want to know what Miss Kaguya is thinking in her heart right now."

 Butterfly Ninja: "Indeed, this kind of name is a bit too subtle for a girl."

 Kurosaki Ichigo: "I feel okay, it's just the name of the memory copy."

 Kurosaki Ichigo, who has a somewhat rough personality, said that he didn't care about this at all and could not empathize with these members.

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin who is in the state of world destruction: "@ Kurosaki Ichigo, if the name of the memory copy I sent was not called Death, but called Kurosaki Ichigo Wants to Fall in Love, what do you think? "

 Lingyue suppressed her laughter and gave Kurosaki Ichigo a kiss.

 Several people in the group who had a closer relationship with Kurosaki Ichigo began to think deeply. When they came to their senses, they found themselves with bright smiles on their lips!

 Kurosaki Ichigo: "······"

 Kurosaki Ichigo: "Life is worse than death!"

 Kousaka Kyosuke: "Human beings cannot empathize with things like pain. But you can hit him with a hammer and make him suffer the same injury, and he will naturally understand your pain."

 Come be my son: "Let's not talk about these things. I'm going to read the memory copy first. As people get older, they need to read some warm memory copies to maintain their health."

 Whitebeard was the first to open the memory copy, and everyone following him also dived in.

 Shinomiya Kaguya, who had somewhat understood most of the functions in the group, also dragged Fujiwara Chika to the school rooftop and opened the memory copy that made her feel very shy.

 Nebula M78, Planet K76, Moen felt a little bored looking at the four girls fighting various ugly monsters.

 "It's a new show, let me check it out too. It seems rare that a member I don't know joins the group."

 Moen also plunged into the memory copy. Ten minutes passed after this plunge!

 The four women had already cleaned K76 before Moen smashed it and came out of the memory copy.

 Discussions about this memory copy have already started in the group!

 Fujiwara Chika: "Wow, it turns out that the relationship between President Shirogane and Miss Kaguya is like this. I never discovered it!"

 Chika Fujiwara looked at the memory copy, then turned to look at Kaguya Shinomiya, who was blushing with shame and her eyes were a little dull, and nodded in sudden realization.

 She thought about her performance in the memory copy and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. She had disturbed the good atmosphere between them many times. It was really inappropriate!

 Chika Fujiwara: "It's decided! I'm going to create opportunities for President Shirogane and Miss Kaguya! Hehehe..."

 Shinomiya Kaguya: "Shut up! It's not what you see! I don't want you to create any opportunities!"

 Shinomiya Kaguya was in a hurry, put her hands on Fujiwara Chika's shoulders, and started shaking wildly, while mumbling something in her mouth.

 Gui Yanwei: "I'm quite curious, Miss Kaguya, what are you going to do next?"

 After completely reviewing their own love history, most people would give up on the relationship directly. After all, they already know what will happen in the future, and even if they are interested, they will be in vain.

 Shinomiya Kaguya: "I don't know either."

 Shinomiya Kaguya felt that her body was a little soft, and her eyes flashed with confusion and melancholy.

 It is obviously the first time that I have feelings for a man, and I want him to surrender in front of me. This is a happy thing.

 It was obviously the first time that I came into contact with supernatural phenomena and allowed myself to communicate with the outside world. This was a happier thing.

 But when these two things came together, how could it become like this?

 Miyano Shiho: "To be honest, I still have a good impression of Shirogane Goyuki. After all, Kaguya, the college you are in is full of rich second generations, heirs of plutocrats, and the children of various politicians, right? ."

 Miyano Shiho: "As an ordinary person who is also a neon student, I can understand how difficult it is for an ordinary person to join a student body full of descendants of tycoons, and to achieve outstanding results to the point of becoming the student council president."

 Azusagawa Sakuta: "Indeed, it can be seen that the personalities of Miss Kaguya and President Shirogane are very similar. This should be an important point in their attraction to each other. After all, more than the same status, they have the same temperament and talents. Make Kaguya-sama tremble."

 Shinomiya Kaguya: "I don't know. I read the memory copy, but what you call the plot has just begun. What should I do next?"

 Fujiwara Chika: "Hey, hey, Kaguya, do you like President Shirogane?"

 Shinomiya Kaguya: "!!!"

 Chika Fujiwara: "Hey, hey, if you admit that you like it, then the next thing will be much easier. We have all seen the memory copy. I am afraid you will not feel excited even at the fireworks display in the future. For Save your love, this love coach decides! Help you win this battle!"

 Shinomiya Kaguya: "???"

 Azusagawa Sakuta and Kosaka Kyosuke: "As expected of Secretary Fujiwara, this motherly attribute is amazing!"

