
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Hongjun bestows a treasure and finds the monkey to find Guanyin who is the god.




 A series of noises came and went in the backyard of the Li Mansion. The sounds were even heard by Li Jing and Mrs. Yin in the study, but the couple just drank tea calmly, and then looked at the memory copies in the group together.

 "No more fights~ Why does your skin become so thick?"

 In the backyard, Nezha sat on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face. At this time, there was flashing thunder on his body.

 The person standing opposite him was Ao Bing. At this time, Ao Bing was also panting, and his originally delicate hair was a little burnt.

 "Huh~ I learned three-color Haki. I leave it to you and you don't study seriously."

 Ao Bing was also very helpless. His little friend didn't care at all about learning three-color Haki. On the contrary, he was particularly talented in developing Devil Fruits.

 Nezha basically has complete control over how to use the memory copy in the group.

 Not to mention the second and third gears, even Wan Lei and Lei Ying Nezha can be easily picked up.

 But it is a pity that Nezha is not strong enough, and the power of his moves is naturally not great, so when he and Ao Bing fight, he is basically at a disadvantage.

 After all, Ao Bing was able to overcome Nezha's armament and knowledge.

 It has been more than two months since he joined the dimensional chat group. With Ao Bing's talent and the development of Devil Fruit, his current strength has completely surpassed his father, and his next target is his master.

 During this period of time, Ao Bing had been living in the Li Mansion. Although Shen Gongbao knew it, he did not want to meet Master Taiyi head-on, so he just sent word that Ao Bing would go back immediately, but Ao Bing did not listen.

 "Tell me, are those spiritual tree fruits really that delicious?"

 Lying on the ground, Nezha looked at the white clouds floating in the sky, turned his head and looked at Ao Bing, with longing in his eyes.

 Ao Bing nodded seriously. After all, this was what the seniors in the group said, so it must be right!

 "After we eat the spirit tree fruit that has absorbed the essence of the stars, is it equivalent to eating a star?"

 In the world of Fengshen, the understanding of the planet is blank. Nezha was shocked after learning that his world was a sphere. At the same time, he also had an absolute yearning for the seniors who could fiddle with the planet at will.

 "Swallow the stars, even my ancestors couldn't do it!"

 Ao Bing's heart was also full of yearning. After all, even the ancestral dragons of that year could not swallow the stars. At most, they could only absorb the essence of heaven and earth, which is the so-called sunlight and moonlight.

 "By the way, didn't you say you ate a divine dragon fruit? Quickly show me."

 Nezha got up as soon as he grunted, stretched out his hand to pull Ao Bing.

 Ao Bing also became interested. After eating the dragon fruit, although he felt the changes in the blood in his body, he never changed into his original form. He also wanted to see what he had become.

 The two came to the seaside. After all, changing back to their original form in Li's mansion might cause the people in Chentang Pass to panic.

 "Then I've changed~"

 Ao Bing reminded him, then took a deep breath, mobilized the dragon power in his body, and in an instant turned into a 100-meter giant dragon, winding and hovering over Nezha!


 Nezha no longer knew what to say. He was stunned by his little friend!

 Even Ao Bing was completely shocked. His body was now completely green, and every scale shone with golden light. For a moment, the blazing sun in the sky seemed to have lost its brilliance.

 "I...why am I so big?"

 Ao Bing was stunned. He had never changed back to his original form, but his original form was only about ten meters long. He was still in his infancy!

 He can reach 100 meters in his childhood, but he can reach 10,000 meters in adulthood!

 Ao Bing's heart was filled with excitement. Can he really reach the power of his ancestor, the ancestral dragon?

 "Huh? Why did the dragon bloodline suddenly become so strong?"

 In a certain sea area, the woman who was searching carefully for something suddenly raised her head. She seemed to feel some kind of call and headed straight to the direction of Chentangguan!

 This person is clearly Guanyin!

 However, in the age of gods, there is no such thing as Guanyin Bodhisattva!

 At this time, by the seaside of Chentangguan, Nezha waved wildly.

 "Quick, take me to heaven and see~"

 Looking at the impatient Nezha, Ao Bing responded, then leaned down directly and let Nezha climb on his back. Then he swung his body and soared directly into the sky!

 Ao Bing's figure in heaven was seen by many people. They all shouted "True God" and knelt on the ground.

 Li Jing and Mrs. Yin also walked out of the study room and saw Ao Bing and Nezha playing very comfortably among the clouds and mist. The two looked at each other and smiled without saying anything.

 At this time in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Shen Gongbao looked above his head with a gloomy expression. He saw his disciples and Nezha!

 "My son, you shocked my father so much!"

 The Dragon King of the East China Sea also saw his son and fell completely into ecstasy for a while.

 He could not wait to take Ao Bing back to the deep sea immediately, and then devote all the efforts of the whole clan to train him. With Ao Bing's current talent and strength, he can definitely lead the dragon clan back to the peak era of the three clans' hegemony!

 Not only Shen Gongbao, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, paid attention to Ao Bing and Nezha, there were also many people whose eyes were fixed on these two children.

 "Huh? The body of source thunder is a bit interesting. It seems that the step I haven't been able to take can be achieved through these two little guys."

 In the Zixiao Palace, Ancestor Hongjun smiled peacefully and raised his hand gently. Thousands of purple rays of light gathered on his fingertips, and finally condensed into the appearance of several magic weapons!


 Following Patriarch Hongjun's soft drink, several magic weapons naturally traveled through the space and landed directly in front of Ao Bing and Nezha!

 "Hey, what is this?"

 The sudden magic weapon made Nezha and Ao Bing immediately alert. They looked around and found that there were no monks blocking them.

 [Two little dolls, this is the magic weapon I have given you. Take it. ]

 Just when Ao Bing and Nezha were very vigilant, a voice full of the majesty of heaven echoed in the ears of Nezha and Ao Bing. Even though they had never heard this voice, they could immediately picture a figure in their hearts!

 The end of the road, Ancestor Hongjun!

 "Thank you, ancestor!"

 As heirs of the Taoist sect, Nezha and Ao Bing have no problem calling their ancestors.

 One was taught by Taiyi Zhenren, who was under Yuanshi Tianzun, and the other was taught by Shen Gongbao, who was under Yuanshi Tianzun. They were both disciples of the Chan sect.

 Hongjun did not respond to Ao Bing and Nezha's kneeling to worship. Instead, several magic weapons he dropped hovered around Nezha and Ao Bing.

 Hongjun's sudden gift of treasure made everyone who paid attention to Nezha and Ao Bing put away their little thoughts. They were all full of envy of the Dragon Clan.

 This race seems to be rising again!

 In Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi, known as the ancestor of the earth immortals, called his child with a smile on his face.

 "Go, take out twenty ginseng fruits, send ten to the Chentangguan general, and ten to the East China Sea Dragon Palace."

 Such words not only appear in Wuzhuang Temple, but also in other places where many people intend to give gifts to East China Sea Dragon Palace and Chentangguan.

 Above the East China Sea, Ao Bing and Nezha found a small island and landed on it. They began to look at the magic weapon presented by Hongjun with great interest!

 A long sword that looks particularly gorgeous, a spear that shines with flames, a silk ribbon that winds like a dragon, a cover that looks like a triangular cone, a bracelet that shines with Taoist charms, and a pair of... The wheel of Samadhi's true fire!

 The Canghai Sword, the most precious treasure of acquired merit!

 The most precious treasure of acquired merit, the Fire Spear!

 The ultimate treasure of acquired merit and virtue, Hun Tian Ling!

 The supreme treasure of acquired merit is covered by the vast sea!

 The ultimate treasure of acquired merit and enlightenment bracelet!

 The most precious treasure of acquired merit, the Wind Fire Wheel!

 What is the most indispensable thing for Hongjun after Hedao?

 That is the merit of heaven!

 A little bit of this thing he took out casually is enough to make a mortal become an immortal immediately, reaching the level of Daluo Jinxian, so the magic weapons he bestows are all treasures of merit that are not linked to cause and effect!

 In addition, he also calculated the most suitable magic weapons for Nezha and Ao Bing to refine. These six magic weapons can be said to be enough to make the monks in heaven and earth jealous!

 Nezha fell in love with the Fire Spear, Hot Wheels, and Hun Tian Ling at a glance!

 Ao Bing was shielded by the Canghai Sword and the Vast Sea, but Ao Bing was a little unsure of the function of the Enlightenment Bracelet.

 "Then I want these three?"

 Nezha kept his saliva and pulled the Fire Tip Spear, Fenghuo Wheel and Huntian Ling over. They had already discussed it, three pieces per person.

 Ao Bing nodded. His nature was water, and these three treasures were all fire attributes, which did not match him. However, Nezha was completely suitable for these three treasures.

 The thunder body brought by the Thunder Fruit makes him completely unafraid of the high temperature of these flames, and the soul-burning ability of the Samadhi True Fire is almost useless against the rubber-bodied Nezha, so Nezha can easily conquer these three magic weapons. .

 Ao Bing put his brand into the three magic weapons, and his eyes immediately lit up!

 The Canghai Sword was made by Hongjun using the scales and bones of the ancestral dragon. It is indestructible and has the effect of improving his own bloodline!

 The Vast Sea Cover was created by Hongjun, and its function is to imitate the Ancestor Styx.

 Everyone in the monk community knows that the sea of ​​blood never dries up and the river of Styx never dies, and the ability of the Vast Sea Cover is to connect Ao Bing to the sea.

 The sea is immortal, and Ao Bing is immortal!

 As for the last bracelet of enlightenment, it greatly improves the monk's understanding of the Tao. It is invulnerable to water and fire, can accommodate all things, and can be brushed away under the colorful rays of light, not only the treasures of merit, but also the innate spiritual treasures!

 Ao Bing and Nezha had a great time after obtaining the magic weapon. Ao Bing even put the information about the three treasures in the dimensional chat group, which made many people look at it with envy.

 Wang Ye: "Forget Nezha's three treasures, they are all advanced versions of the magic weapons he will get in the future. But what you got, Ao Bing, is a bit too powerful. It's just a sword made from the body of the ancestral dragon. The Vast Sea Cover that connects to the sea, the Enlightenment Bracelet that stores everything? What does Patriarch Hongjun want to do?"

 Wang Ye felt that his brain was not working well enough. In his mind, this ancestor should be quiet and indifferent and indifferent to all existence. Why was he so concerned about Ao Bing?

 To put it bluntly, Nezha's three treasures are nothing compared to Ao Bing's three magic weapons.

 Is the Fire Point Gun strong?

 It's strong, but if it collides with the Canghai Sword, what will be broken into pieces will definitely be the Fire Spear!

 Is Hot Wheels strong?

 Strong, but the Enlightenment Bracelet is countless times stronger than Hot Wheels.

 Although Samadhi True Fire is the ultimate Taoist magic, there are still many magic weapons with the ability of Samadhi True Fire in the world, and most of them are from the hands of Laojun.

 The Enlightenment Bracelet was made by Master Laojun and Patriarch Hongjun!

 Finally, there is the Vast Sea Cover. Is the ability to bind Ao Bing directly to the sea inferior to that of Hun Tian Ling?

 [Administrator] Mo En: "Don't think too much, Hongjun should have bet on Ao Bing. After he merged with the Tao, he must have discovered the existence of the void, but after he merged with the Tao, it was difficult for him to transcend. If he wants to become a member of the Void, he can only accept the help of the Void. But it is obvious that so far, no Void member has come into contact with the world of the gods."

 [Administrator] Song Shuhang: "Yes, Ancestor Hongjun's idea should be to contact us through Ao Bing, and ultimately use our power to transcend that world."

 Although there are many worlds with legends about ancestor Hongjun, he chose Hedao in every world. Song Shuhang, who is also a member of Hedao, had something to say.

 It's easy to follow the path, but to transcend it, don't even think about it alone.

 Ao Bing: "Then should I accept it?"

 Ao Bing felt a little uneasy. If accepting these magic weapons would embarrass the seniors in the group, he would definitely not refine them!

 [Group Leader] Lingyue: "I definitely want it. If you don't take it, you won't get it for free."

 [Administrator] Mo En: "You can just refine it. When one day Song Shuhang or I get interested, we can just go to your world. Leading people to the void is too simple for the void." "

 This is just like how difficult it is to make a mobile phone. The various processes and chips are simply not something that ordinary people can understand.

 But when an ordinary person gets a mobile phone and then orders a mobile phone for other people online, it is too simple.

 The same is true for leading the void. It is just opening a door to the void. Not to mention Song Shuhang Moen, even Lingyue can do it with the help of the power of the dimensional chat group.

 Otherwise, how did everyone manage to merge the world and go to the void before?

 Ao Bing: "That's good, thank you seniors!"

 Ao Bing happily thanked his seniors, and then prepared to refine the magic weapon.

 [Ding, an abnormality has been detected in Fengshen World, and the mission has been released! ]

 The improved mission system appeared for the first time, which enhanced his sense of presence. Before anyone else could say anything, the mission carousel started spinning directly in the group!

 [Ding, the mission goal is to kill or repatriate Guanyin who traveled across the world. Mission requirements: A team of up to three people can go to the Conferred God. Candidates have been selected to participate in the mission: Be my son, Sun Wukong, Accelerator! Mission reward: One million points, a grand lottery in all the worlds! ]

 Sun Wukong: "Avalokitesvara? In the world of gods, Avalokitesvara hasn't appeared yet!"

 According to the records of Conferring Gods, Avalokitesvara should have appeared only after Conferring Gods. Could it be...

 [Administrator] Moen: "This Avalokitesvara is here to find you, the monkey. The great prosperity of Buddhism cannot be separated from monkeys, so Tathagata and the others used their great power to send Avalokitesvara to other worlds. It's very interesting!"

