
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Holy Sword, that evil looks worth fighting

In the infirmary, looking at the messages sent out in the group, Honjou Kaede scratched her head stupidly. Is she so powerful?

But speaking of it, when she went to buy the game that day, she did seem to hear a rather special sound. At that time, she thought she had heard it wrong. It turned out that it was the ancestor of vampires.

 "What's wrong with you Risa?"

 Honjo Kaede belatedly discovered that Risa's body was trembling and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Xiao Feng, can you help me ask, is it possible for humans who have been transformed into vampires to change back...or, is it possible for them to survive?"

Risa seemed to have lost her mind and grabbed Honjou Kaede's hand.


 Honjou Kaede quickly broke away and then hugged Risa into his arms.

 "My mother is missing."

After being comforted for a long time, Risa choked up and told her story in Honjou Kaede's arms.

It turns out that a few days ago, Risa's mother suddenly disappeared from her room without warning. The only clue left was a few drops of blood from Risa's cat on the ground that had not dried up when people found her.

Since then, Risa's family has been frantically looking for her mother. Because Risa is a student, her father didn't want her to give up her studies because her mother was missing, so he didn't let her join the search team.

However, when Risa is after school or has time to rest, she will join the search team. This has been going on for a week.

 That's why Honjou Kaede felt that there was a problem with the memory copy, because Risa had no intention of playing the game at all.

 After listening to Risa's story, Honjou Kaede immediately started asking questions in the group.

Maple: "That's it. Seniors, is there anything you can do? I don't want Risa to be so sad."

Honjou Kaede is a little worried. After all, this dimensional chat group is already real in her mind, so the members in it should be people from other worlds. Can they really help Risa?

Black Rabbit: "I asked Lady Leticia, and she said that according to the clues left behind by the disappearance of your friend's mother, it can be seen that she has become a vampire. And she is a vampire with a very high bloodline level, because she is in They still retain consciousness when they are bloodthirsty, but they just suck the blood of domestic cats. In fact, when the vampires enter the bloodthirsty state, the attraction of human blood to them is completely irresistible."

Black Rabbit: "As for whether it is possible for high-level vampires to recover, Lady Leticia said it is very difficult, because they have already evolved from the level of life, and it would be a bit..."

Song Shuhang: "Let me go."

 In the Xiu Chat World, Song Shuhang clapped his hands as he looked at his sister who was playing happily on the little bed.

"Ready to go?" Senior Bai raised his eyebrows. After Shuhang transcended the way of heaven, he became even busier.

"After all, we are friends in the group, so I will naturally be very happy if I can help." Song Shuhang showed a smile like a "reliable senior".

Moen: "Shuhang, are you ready to take action? Then I can just be lazy. Unlucky group, the Dark Emperor of the universe revived in front of me. Those girls rushed up to fight with people while screaming. I want to If you look here, you won't be able to leave for a while."

In the void, looking at the four girls punching and kicking against a mass of darkness, with all kinds of lights shining non-stop, Moen helplessly took out a coconut, cracked it open and drank.

 Before the fight started, they made "three orders and five orders", and they had to wait until they really couldn't beat them before they could take action.

Song Shuhang quickly submitted the application for traveling across the world, and Honjou Feng also quickly agreed.

"Oops, this is the infirmary. If there is a lot of noise from traveling across the world, it will definitely attract the attention of others! If your secret is exposed by then, it will have a great impact on your life!"

Seeing Kaede Honjou agreeing to Song Shuhang's application to travel across the world, Risa also recovered from her semi-collapse state. She immediately thought that if she didn't handle it well, Kaede Honjou's future life might be completely different!


At this moment, a blue vortex gradually formed around Honjou Kaede, and the door to the infirmary also opened at this time!

 The female doctor is back!

 She came back from the bathroom with a coffee cup!

"Well, have you all left? Ah~ I'm so tired. Let's take a rest."

While Honjou Kaede and Risa were both trembling, the female doctor looked at the "empty" room and couldn't help but nodded. Then she lay down on the table with a crazy expression, and fell asleep within a few seconds. On fire.

 "What's going on?" Risa felt as if she was hallucinating.

  Why didn't the female doctor notice them, and didn't notice the completely unscientific blue vortex around Honjou Kaede?

"Ha~ I hypnotized her, it's just a little trick. After all, I can't change your lives drastically without your consent."

Wearing casual clothes, Song Shuhang walked out of the blue vortex, with a "reliable" smile on his face that seemed to be able to speak.

"Are you Senior Song Shuhang?" Bentiao Feng stood up immediately. She bowed to Song Shuhang, "Please save Auntie!"

As Risa's best friend, Honjou Kaede often goes to Risa's house to play, and has a very good relationship with the traditional Yamato Nadeshiko aunt.

 "Don't worry."

Song Shuhang continued to smile, and then he directly scanned the planet with his mental power, and easily found the vampire ancestor who was like a candle in the wind.

Beside him, there are three very strong vampires.

"Well, I found it, I'll take you there right now."

Song Shuhang gave Bentiao Feng a thumbs up and scanned it with his mental power. Only then could he truly sigh that Bentiao Feng really looked like Senior Bai!

The ancestor of the vampire, who in his eyes had a somewhat acceptable strength, was now as good as a dying maggot.


Song Shuhang made a gentle move, and a ray of light enveloped the bodies of him and the two girls. The next second they disappeared into the infirmary and came into a dark space.

 Look at the torches burning with blue flames around, does this seem to be a cave?


When Risa saw three standing figures not far away, she almost couldn't help but pounce on them. She tightly grabbed Honjou Kaede's clothes and couldn't let her movements disturb the seniors from other worlds.

"Well, from a close distance, you look so ugly." Song Shuhang looked at the figure lying on the ground with a look of disgust.

The three transformed vampires saw three people who shouldn't be there suddenly appearing in the sealed space, and immediately rushed forward following the order of the ancestor of the vampires.

The woman wearing a kimono looked like she was struggling, but she couldn't control her body.


It is true that Song Shuhang does not know any magic or Taoism, but he is still very knowledgeable in some small tricks. At least he has learned the body-holding technique that a monk of this level can do!

"Holy Sword, that evil looks worth fighting!"

Facing the vampire ancestor lying on the corpse, Song Shuhang thought for a moment, touched Ben Tiao Feng's head, and then aimed his right hand at the vampire ancestor, without waiting for him to make any sound, he gave him a firm squeeze!

 A ray of holy light descended from the sky, turning into a sword of light and directly driving away all the darkness in this space!

If Song Shuhang played tricks on the palm thunder, then the Holy Light Sword Technique, the only sword skill that looked like a sword skill, was played on by Song Shuhang in a different way!

