
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Eternal random invitation

As Nicole Robin's analysis came out, a trace of surprise flashed in the corner of Moen's eyes.

"Should I say that I am worthy of being Robin?"

Moen spread his hands and looked at the proud look on the face of the beautiful woman next to him, and couldn't help but feel funny in his heart.

Indeed, they came this time not only to give Robin in this world a break, but also to bring Spangdine back to O'Hara.

After all, when he was at the Navy Headquarters, Spangdine was kicked to pieces and could not be taken back.

After declining the Straw Hat Pirates' banquet invitation, Morn and Robin turned around and returned to their own world.

"The feeling of traveling through the world is just that."

After returning to Mobius Island, Moen took the watermelon juice handed over by Lyrela and skillfully opened the chat group interface.

After not paying attention for most of the day, Moen joined the group and discovered that they had actually completed another task!

Changhong Sword Master: "Thank you for your help. The Black Heart Tiger has been suppressed by my father and I, and the Demon Sect has been torn apart. Next, I will travel around the world, gather the descendants of the Seven Swords, and completely annihilate the Demon Sect!"

I'm not the richest man: "It's nothing. It's normal for people in the group to help each other, not to mention there are still tasks."

Pig-headed boy: "It's just that I didn't expect that there would be a time traveler who would become Black Heart Tiger's son, Hei Xiaohu, and his strength would increase so much."

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town: "If the participants this time were not Aizen and the group leader, besides Senior Morn and Old Man Whitebeard, there should be only Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yan, and Tony in the group Can the three of you suppress it?"

Haibara Ai: "Thank you, I'm offended! In this group, apart from these few, we are the only ones with low combat effectiveness, and there is one member who cannot go to the world of Hongmao!"

In class, the corner of Haiyuan Ai's mouth twitched. If Xiaozhi stood in front of her, she would slap him without hesitation.

Is there anyone who talks like this?

Black Rabbit: "Everyone, do you really not want to join Black Rabbit's community? If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to get another chance~"

Looking at the sudden addition of a person in the group, Moen touched his chin, and then clicked on the memory copy of the famous [Problem Boys Are from Another World]!

If he remembers correctly, he seems to have never read this copy?

Meaning, a pure newcomer!

While Morn was making up for it, Robin took Spangdine back to O'Hara's ruins.

Unlike the world government, the coalition government not only marked O'Hara's geographical location on the navigation map, but also listed it as a turning point in cultural inheritance. A tombstone with the names of all historical scholars engraved on it just stood there. In the center of the island.

This will serve as a warning to future generations that blocking is worse than sparing!

The world government has hidden eight hundred years of history. What kind of impact can it actually have on them?

In the chat group, Moen, who had finished completing the short film, also joined the chat, and he felt that he still had more to say.

Moen is no longer excited about the various girls and welfare that appear in the series. After all, he has a family now, and his life level is completely different.

What he is more excited about is the huge world system and power reflected in a short copy of a small memory!

The world of Little Garden seems to be an incredible world!

Let's be my son: "Gu la la la~ After watching [Problem Children Come from Another World], I felt a lot of emotion."

On the Moby Dick, under the angry eyes of the ship's doctor, Gululu, the white-bearded man who drank a bottle of wine, laughed heartily and sighed.

Come and be my son: "Canary, you can be considered a competent mother."

For the memory copy, Black Rabbit and Canary, the adoptive mother who returned to Izayoi, Whitebeard was more impressed.

Her life can be summed up in two words: legend.

It's a pity that this legend still left regrets in the end.

Black Rabbit: "······"

When it comes to his adoptive mother, Black Rabbit doesn't want to make any comments.

She even didn't know that her adoptive mother had an adopted son in another world!

"But it looks like what's coming is really going to be a bunch of problem kids."

In the forest, Black Rabbit sighed quietly and finally sent invitations to Kaikai Izayoi and others.

Now, whether he is a problem child or not is not as important as the survival of ""!

I'm not the richest man: "I'm more interested in the long-lasting flying bird in it. She gives up her destined future glory and enjoys an exciting life. It's a bit interesting, and her gift can control such a powerful robot. I don't know if she can control mine. Where's the armor?"

Pig-headed boy: "Compared to the weirdness of our world, the world of Black Rabbit is really fun."

In class, Sakuta held his chin with one hand, and kept fiddling with the pen on the table with the other hand.

While swimming in the water, Sakuta was thinking about how he and Mai-senpai would go shopping in the afternoon and then have a wonderful date night.

This is what Mai agreed to. After all, she put her boyfriend aside for filming.

"Would Mai-senpai be happy if she was brought to the world of Black Rabbit?"

A smile appeared on Sakuta's lips. Among the worlds that have emerged so far, the world of Pokémon is the most suitable for travel.

The worlds of Iron Man and Conan are all biased towards the real world. When traveling, it is limited to the scenic spots in your own world.

The world of One Piece is quite dangerous.

It would probably be strange if humans appeared in the world of Hongmao.

Not to mention Demon Slayer World, which is still rebuilding after the war.

Now there is another small garden suitable for traveling.

Moen: "Aren't you guys paying attention? There's a new mission."

After diving for a while, Moen opened the mission interface, only to find that a mission had appeared inexplicably.

No recruitment at all!

[Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in a world-destroying state: "Mission?"

Lingyue rubbed her eyes. She opened the task interface in surprise and found that a task actually appeared.

After browsing it carefully, I took a deep breath and sent the task to the group.

In an instant, the group chat suddenly became quiet!

[Ding, a special mutation has been detected in the world of Xiaoting, and the mission has been successfully released! ]

[Ding, the abyss samsara from the samsara space has joined the "Perseus" community in the small garden world. ]

[Mission goal: Assist "" to defeat "Perseus". ]

[Task requirements: Group members are not allowed to interfere in the game, and are not allowed to use the power of the three chosen ones. ]

[Task reward: All members' points will be increased by 10,000 points, and the group leader will receive an "eternal random invitation"! ]

Zero: "This eternal random invitation cannot be the one I thought..."

[Ding, eternal random invitation: Randomly invite members of the world to join the dimensional chat group. Cooldown time: unknown. ]

