
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

eerily calm sea

"Hmm~ It seems that what Sakaski said is really right~"

Kizaru raised his hands, as if helpless.

"I only accept invited guests here. The admiral is not the one I invite."

Mihawk still looked that cool, with the supreme sharp sword Night pointed directly at Kizaru.

"Ah~ I am here this time, and I have a mission." Kizaru put on a very serious look, but why did he look so awkward~

"The World Government has decided to abolish the Imperial Shichibukai system. In other words, you are no longer the recognized Imperial Shichibukai, but have restored your status as great pirates. However, the Navy has just cleared the Grand Route. To be honest I don't want to immediately break up with your king, Shichibukai."

"Therefore, according to the decision of the meeting of the Navy Department, King Shichibukai, [Eagle Eye] Jorakl Mihawk, will be admitted. As long as you agree to the admission, you can directly become Vice Admiral [Eagle Eye]!"

Kizaru's words stunned Mihawk for a few seconds, and then he laughed heartily.

"I am really honored that you, a navy general, have recruited me. But it is a pity that I will not become a navy!"

"Also, Kizaru, I heard that you are also a great swordsman, please draw your sword!"

A green slash shot directly towards Kizaru. Kizaru shook his head helplessly, and touched the palm of his hand with his right hand, and a long sword shining with golden light appeared in his hand!

"Tian Congyun Sword! Also, Sakaski's original words were that it would be best if I could invite you to the headquarters. If you can't, then I'll carry you there!"


Perona, the floating princess in the air, was frightened and hid in a tree. Zoro quickly came to this place.


He recognized at a glance the general who tortured them like chickens on the Chambord Islands, Kizaru!

"Why does the general appear here?"

Zoro's mind was filled with questions, isn't this the territory of the King's Shichibukai?

Perona was angered by Sauron's stubbornness, but she didn't dare to yell loudly, so she could only scold Sauron in a stronger tone.

"How do I know? But from Kizaru's tone, it seems that the system of the King's Shichibukai is about to be cancelled!"

These words made Zoro confused for a while. His mind was basically used on practicing swordsmanship and thinking of sword moves. Let him analyze the situation in the sea...

The scene returned to the battle between Mihawk and Kizaru. Mihawk's supreme sword, Night, danced in his hand with an unstoppable feeling!

On the contrary, Kizaru used the Amancongyun Sword to resist Mihawk's attack very lightly, and made strange sounds from time to time.

For example, what are you talking about? ~ Within Kuva~ Tsk, tut, tut... this kind of sound.


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

When Moen stood on the port again, he saw Luo in military uniform with the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders!

"It seems that you have become a glorious navy now. How about it? Being a navy should be much more comfortable than being a pirate."

Moen smiled and teased Luo who came to greet him.

Luo was crying while carrying the demon sword, and rolled his eyes unconsciously.

"Mr. Corazon, I really hope that I can become a just person."

After being silent for a long time, Luo took out an epaulette from his pocket. It was the former Lieutenant Medal of Corazon!

It is precisely because of Corazon's relationship and the fact that Luo did not become an enemy of any righteous forces after he went to sea. He only sank a few warships and rescued the fallen navy, so Luo was able to survive so smoothly. After the disintegration of the King's Shichibukai, he instantly became a navy.

"Okay, don't be sad. Doflamingo has entered the underwater prison. If you have nothing to do, go and see him haha~"

Moen patted Luo's shoulder. He didn't know how to comfort the man in front of him.

At the same time, we have become human beings at the end of the world. How can we meet each other before?

Luo lost his family because of the mediocre country, and he lost his family because of the rebellious pirates. It's just the same thing.

Arriving at the marshal's office, he opened the door and saw Akainu standing by the window smoking, while Aokiji had a rare cigar in his mouth, as if he was worried about something.

"What's wrong? You're looking sad. Is Wulao Xing coming to hold you accountable?"

Moen sat down and poured a cup of tea casually as if he were the master.

"Akainu on the Five Old Stars has already responded. The problem now is that our plan to incorporate the Shichibukai seems to have been made clear by the World Government. The Vinsmoke family has been slaughtered, except for Vinsmoke. ·Except for Reiju and Vinsmoke Gaji, no one was spared. The entire army of Germa 66 was also slaughtered, and Gaji's technology of human transformation and human cloning was also taken away."

Moen put down the tea cup, his face a little solemn.

Vinsmoke Gaji, this name can be remembered, firstly because he has an invincible Germa army, and secondly because of his own genius scientific research talent!

To put it simply, he used to be Vegapunk's assistant, and he was still the kind of assistant who valued him very much.

You know, even Caesar is disliked by Vegapunk!

"The one we sent was Fujitora. When he arrived at the Germa Kingdom, what he saw was devastation. If he hadn't been so good at seeing, hearing and seducing people, he might not have been able to discover the dying Kaji hidden among the bones."

Moen took a sip of tea, his eyes twinkling.

"Who else is recruiting the Shichibukai?"

"Lereela went to Kuja Island, Ain went to Golden Tezoro, Kizaru went to Kraigana Island, and Jinbe was on Kuja Island, so Lyreira invited them together."

There are only six Shichibukai left. Apart from the empress of Kuji Island and Jinbei who is visiting Kuji Island, only Hawkeye's attitude is very vague.

In order to ensure the safety of things, Akainu sent Kizaru.


Just after he finished talking about his arrangement, Akainu put the phone on the table and thought about it.

Picking up the intercom, the phone bug quickly imitated the look of a wretched ape.

"Hey, hey~ This is Porusalino~" Kizaru's iconic voice came out.

"Kizaru, how's the situation?"

"Ah, Hawkeye has decided to go back to the headquarters with me, but I found two little guys here. One is the three-sword swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the other is Princess Mononoke Perona, the subordinate of the former King Shichibukai , what should I do with these two little guys?"

Kizaru's tone was ups and downs, but unfortunately none of them were on point. The listeners wanted to hit him.

After listening to Kizaru's words, Akainu breathed a sigh of relief. There was no problem on Hawkeye's side.

"Kizaru, don't do unnecessary things. Take Hawkeye back to headquarters immediately. Someone is watching you."

"Ah, hey~" Kizaru's voice seemed to become very calm, which made Akainu frown.

"The sea has suddenly become so calm. Don't you think so, Mihawk?"

