
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Don't touch the things belonging to your ancestors.

Looking at Wang Ye with a smile on his face, but a strange light emerging behind him, this all-powerful general didn't even dare to raise his head.

He would only tremble and say ok, ok.

Over the years, the Qingting's resistance has become weaker and weaker, to the point where it is even inferior to the local resistance.

Naturally, the quality of the invading armies they faced could not be much better.

Most of them come here to make money.

Now, his soldiers were basically dead and wounded, and he was unable to have any influence on this demon. The general could only reluctantly agree to various treaties that he considered extremely humiliating.

Although these treaties are almost the same as the ones they forced the Qing Ting to sign before.

"Well, let's take all these things back first."

After casually pulling out the souls of a few foreign officers who looked unpleasant, Wang Ye clapped his hands and looked at the general who was about to wet his pants, with a slight smile of disdain.

"get out!"

Like an amnesty, these officers who were kneeling on the ground rushed out of the barracks without even daring to look back.

"Okay, take this money and live well."

Wang Ye looked at the empty military camp, sighed softly, wiped a piece of the treasure pile casually, and gave a little to each of the compatriots from the other world who were captured behind him. Seeing their grateful expressions, Wang Ye I just feel bad in my heart.

After escorting the girls and several children out of the military camp, Wang Ye put all the treasures into the space, then sighed softly and returned to his own world.

"Dad, I'm back."

After taking a taxi, Wang Ye returned home directly from Wudang Mountain. He happened to see Wang Weiguo coming out of the house at the door.

"Huh? Wang Ye? Why are you back?"

Wang Weiguo looked at Wang Ye with a surprised expression.

"Hey, hey, dad, don't you think this is a coincidence? I don't have any money with me, so you can reimburse me for the fare~"

Wang Ye rubbed his hands and showed a deceiving smile.

The driver sitting in the driver's seat trembled. He stared blankly at Wang Ye in the back seat and began to curse secretly in his heart.

Didn't this person just take out a gold ingot as a deposit before? Why did he have no money on him?

"You kid!"

Wang Weiguo only felt his scalp numb. Ever since this kid made some incredible friends, he really rarely went home.

Even if I come back, it's just to have a meal, or to do some business for the family.

He didn't even know where Wang Ye got the channel to get in touch with Neon's Sigong family, and the Sigong family was actually easier to talk to in front of him!

That is a huge family that can control the direction of neon. In front of others, Wang Weiguo can only be regarded as a bigger reptile.

"Okay, okay, please, master."

Wang Weiguo didn't ask Wang Ye why he came back. He paid the money directly, greeted the confused taxi driver, and then pulled Wang Ye back home.

"You kid, how long have you been back? You have to chat with me today!"

"Hey, eh~ Dad, it hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

Wang Weiguo had no intention of feeling sorry for his youngest son, so he grabbed a piece of meat from Wang Ye's arm and pulled him home. In order not to hurt Wang Weiguo, Wang Ye didn't resist at all.

In the evening, Wang Ye had a meal with his second brother Wang Yi, his wife, and Wang Weiguo and his wife who had returned from the company.

Because the scale of the company is getting bigger and bigger, although Wang Ye rarely returns home, he has attracted many powerful partners to the company. By the way, even the higher-ups began to take care of the Wang family crazily. This also made Wang Yi's wife, Wang Yi, Ye's second sister-in-law felt quite uncomfortable.

She was afraid that her husband would lose his position as the heir to the Wang family if he was not careful.

But in any case, on the surface, Wang Yi's wife has never had a quarrel with Wang Ye.

"Xiaoye, what happened when you came back this time?"

After the meal, the nanny cleared the table. Wang Weiguo drank tea and looked at his youngest son curiously.

"Well, Dad, there's something going on when I come back this time."

Wang Ye nodded, and Wang Yi's wife, who was sitting on the other side, immediately pricked up her ears. She couldn't help but worry, did the king want to come back and inherit the Wang family?

When she thought of this, she felt a little depressed.

Because the gap between Wang Yi and Wang Ye is really too big.

The reason why the Wang family has prospered in the past year or two is entirely because all kinds of demons and monsters value Wang Ye's face.

Without Wang Ye, the status of the Wang family would probably plummet!

"Dad, I'm coming back this time. I see that you prefer antiques. I have some good things here that I want you to choose first. After you finish choosing, I will send them all to the museum."

Wang Ye waved his hand, and the huge hall was immediately filled.

Seeing the dazzling array of treasures, both Wang Weiguo and Wang Yi stood up from their chairs in shock.

Wang Weiguo's wife and Wang Yi's wife couldn't move their eyes away!

Among these treasures, there are countless jade carvings, calligraphy and paintings, and various gold, silver, and jade jewelry that are thrown on the ground like cabbage. It can be called a waste of natural resources!

"Wang Ye! This is! Bronze Head! Where did you get it from?"

Wang Weiguo held a snake-shaped bronze sculpture in his hand, and his eyes were filled with tears!

"Dad, there's another one here!"

Wang Yi dug through the treasure pile and found another copper head in the shape of a rat!

But he was immediately stunned. As for the Zishu bronze head, he remembered that it was auctioned by a collector, but he refused to pay and had not returned to the country!

Why did it appear in Wang Ye's hand?

Could it be that Wang also ransacked that auction house?

Wang Weiguo saw the bronze head in Wang Yi's hand, and his eyes became serious.

If this is really the case, there is a high probability that Wang Ye will be sued!

"Don't worry, Dad, these copper heads are genuine, and they are not obtained from those abroad."

The king also shook his head and waved his hand. The treasures on the ground suddenly separated, revealing other bronze heads buried among them!

Zi Shu was held in Wang Yi's hand!

Ugly cow!

Yin Tiger!



The snake in Wang Weiguo's hands!

Wu Ma!



Unitary chicken!



The twelve large bronze heads were all placed neatly in front of Wang Weiguo.

He only felt a surge of energy and blood, and his legs felt a little weak.

As a rich man, he is also a well-known collector, but he is not a qualified appraiser.

So he didn't know how much the pile of treasures placed in front of him was worth, but based on the twelve bronze statues of animal heads in front of him, Wang Weiguo dared to conclude that the treasures that Wang Ye took out were absolutely worth nothing. Fei!

"Xiaoye, where did you get this from?"

Wang Weiguo's wife, Wang Ye's mother, suddenly held a blood-red pearl necklace, her hands trembling.

Wang Ye looked over, his eyes focused, and he immediately understood what his mother was thinking.

The pearl necklace was originally milky white, but because it happened to be contaminated with the blood of a dead officer when it was collected, it now turned blood red.

Because there is no time change in the storage space, the blood doesn't even dry up.

"Don't worry, Mom, I took these things back from the Qingting era in another world."

Wang Ye sighed and told Wang Weiguo and others about their previous trip to Xiao Fugui's world.

Originally, he was not going to tell the people in his family about the dimensional chat group, but after thinking about it, he decided to tell everything.

After all, whether it was before or in the future, there will be many things that are difficult to explain, so it is better to tell the truth directly.

When they learned that Wang Ye could contact other worlds and even travel to other worlds, Wang Weiguo and others did not believe it at all.

Because this is too incredible!

Totally unscientific!

But when Wang Ye used a fraction of the abilities he currently had, Wang Weiguo and others had to believe it. After all, if you don't believe in your youngest son, you have to believe in the omnipotent land gods, right?

"Xiaoye, you did a good job! You should teach those foreign devils a lesson!"

Wang Weiguo picked up the tea cup with his still trembling hands, glanced at the treasure at his feet, then turned his head and took a sip of tea, then turned his head and glanced at the treasure on the ground, his eyes made him want to melt on it.

Wang also knew that this was not because his old man was greedy for treasure, but because his old man had served as a soldier, and he knew how many treasures in the country had been robbed during the dark ages and could not return to this day.

Now there are kings who can bring those treasures back from another world. It can be said above that the ones abroad are all fake and shoddy imitations, and the ones in your own hands are the real ones. In this way, you can also win more national treasures when you lower your psychological defenses abroad. return.

"Brother, I was really sorry before!"

Wang Yi's wife came over with tea, looking a little embarrassed.

After Wang Ye showed his cards, she also understood why those high-ranking big shots came to have relations with the Wang family, and why Wang, who was nestled in Wudang Mountain, could turn clouds and rain with his hands.

At the same time, she also understood that it was impossible for such a powerful Wang Ye to care about such a small fortune of the Wang family, so she came to apologize to Wang Ye very generously.

"Sister-in-law, it's okay, you're doing it for your second brother too~"

Wang Ye quickly stood up. The main reason why he wanted to leave home before was because his second sister-in-law didn't like him. His eldest brother was abroad all year round. He was the only one with his second brother in the family. As the heir trained by his father, the second brother It is normal for the second sister-in-law to have some opinions about herself who may threaten the second brother.

"Xiaoye, you have to take good care of that little Fugui. Although in your mouth, his identity in that world is just a cook, he is still a popular person around the emperor after all. With him here, maybe, we... ····You don't have to suffer those humiliations!"

Wang Weiguo put down the tea cup, his lips trembling a little.

"Don't worry, old man. Even if I don't help, there are still a lot of guys in the group who will take action. Your son and I are not a big shot yet."

Wang Ye took a bite of the apple handed over by his mother and teased himself with a smile.

Wang Ye, who is at the explosive star level, is really only considered to be above average in the group, and there are a lot of people who are better than him.

It's just that in Xiao Fugui's world, there really aren't many people who are easier to take action with.

"Well, by the way, in the Qingting era, didn't the foreigners rely on muskets and artillery to open the country's gates? Let's do something and send it to them. If you don't ask for anything else, at least there are some things that he can't sign!"

Wang Weiguo suddenly lowered his voice and his eyes were very determined.

Wang Ye looked at his old man in surprise, as if it was the first day he met him.

Is this still the same Wang Weiguo who abides by the law, and even when his eldest brother ran a red light as a child, he was slapped with a day-long slap?

Does he know what he's talking about?

Smuggling arms, although they are smuggled into other worlds, is still smuggling arms after all!

If there was no Wang Ye, once Wang Weiguo really took action, it would be strange if the superiors didn't completely eradicate the Wang family!

"Dad, please don't mess around. There are people in our group who can do this kind of thing, so don't be fooled!"

Wang Ye felt that he had to give some advice, lest his old man suddenly get the idea of ​​putting on his jersey and go find some people who were working secretly to buy things he shouldn't buy.

"Is there anyone in your group who does this kind of thing?"

Wang Yi was a little surprised. Isn't this a group that can connect all the worlds? Why are there still arms dealers?

"Hey, who doesn't have one?" Wang Ye waved his hand, "That guy provided a large number of firearms and equipment to the members during the anti-invasion period."

He was not exaggerating. Tony provided Li Yunlong and Zhang Muzhi with a large amount of firearms and equipment, including the most advanced weapons and equipment from the United States decades later. The invaders would be made to cry for their fathers and mothers!

Moreover, after the victory of the war, Tony also gave Li Yunlong a lot of construction equipment and various high-tech parts. The level of science and technology and culture in the Liangjian world has almost caught up with their level fifty years later!

The new era is only a few steps away from mushroom bombs!

"Well, then we really can't help you much."

Professional people do professional things. Wang Weiguo nodded. It would be better for him not to get involved.

Although the Wang family has a big business, they really can't help much in this matter.

"It's not like that. Old man, please compile some teaching materials for me and I'll show them to Guangxu. Maybe it will make it easier for him to change his method."

Wang Ye threw away the apple core in his hand, with a relaxed smile on his lips.

The two most difficult aspects of reform in Xiaofugui's world are the obstruction of Mr. K and Lafayette, and the immature idea of ​​reform.

He can solve this first point.

But this second point still needs Guangxu to learn by himself. Just by understanding it, he couldn't catch up with any dish in that era!

"Well, I'll get someone ready right away."

Wang Weiguo also became interested, took out his mobile phone and started typing.

"Brother, can we take a look at the memory copy you mentioned? To be honest, just reading the book can't understand the darkness of that era."

Wang Yi looked at Wang Ye and said, he doesn't want any power beyond ordinary people, but he is still more interested in history.

"No problem, after dad is done with it, I will take you to see it together."

Wang also waved his hand. This kind of thing is like watching a movie with his family.

"Well, you two bastards, come and pack your things first! These are the crystallization of the wisdom and culture of our ancestors, don't let them bump into each other!"

