
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Do not ask! I mean, the case has been closed

Neon nights are generally very peaceful. After all, apart from listening to kabuki in some bars, most people like to stay at home, drink sake and watch TV.

Therefore, generally police officers are relatively free at night, and the night shift can be regarded as a comfortable shift where they can be half lazy and half idle.

But it is obvious that the Fuyuki City Police Department cannot calm down tonight!

In other words, the entire Fuyuki City is unlikely to be peaceful tonight!

At least, no one can sleep near the Matou family mansion!

"What? The streets near your home were hit by missiles? Don't make harassing calls at night, otherwise I will arrest you!"

A yawning police officer put down the phone and started chatting with the colleague next to him with a hint of ridicule.

"You know, there was a man just now who sounded stammering and probably drank a lot. He actually told me that the street next to his house was attacked by missiles, haha~"

"Really, drunks are the hardest to deal with. With missiles, the Self-Defense Forces may not be able to detect them~"

My colleagues also looked relaxed. They had been exposed to too many calls like this. There were always some drunk guys who didn't know what was going on making such calls, no matter whether they, the police, were tired or not.

You know, it's very tiring for them to handle the case as a suicide.

"Hmph, don't say it's a missile, just say it's a bullet, it's impossible~"

The middle-aged police officer who answered the phone clearly snorted. In all his years as a police officer, he had never encountered a firearms case!

Except for the inexplicable fires and various explosions ten years ago, all the cases he handled were suicide cases, which was very comfortable.

"If there is really a missile attack, I will eat this book on the spot~"

Another colleague sat on a chair and chatted. He was holding a book of suspense and impurities in his hands. Looking at the wrinkles of the pages, it was obvious that he had read it many times.


Before a few people could continue chatting, the door was slapped open.

"team leader!"

The person who came in was the captain on duty. He looked at the three people who were a little fishy with a cold face and his tone was very serious.

"The Tong family's mansion in the northern block of the city is suspected of being attacked by a missile. An investigation is immediately triggered!"


The policeman holding the suspense magazine stumbled and fell to the ground. The other two people also looked at their captain in confusion, hoping that the captain was talking in his sleep.

But it was clear that they had to move.

Go investigate that impossible missile attack!

Arriving at the Matou family's mansion, the originally luxurious villa courtyard had turned into a deep pit.

The charred pit bottom emitted bursts of burning smell from time to time. The faces of the four policemen became quite solemn, and the sounds of police cars continued to sound around them.

Apparently, police officers on duty from other precincts were also called over.

The mayor of Fuyuki City, who was sleeping at home, was also called directly. After receiving the call, his face was cold and a fire appeared in his eyes.

"Ten years! Why are you still in Fuyuki City, and why are you still looking for me!"

He gritted his teeth, then picked up his cell phone and made a call. After making the call, he threw the cell phone away in the horrified eyes of the woman next to him.

Along with the sound of the phone breaking and falling to the ground, a woman's soft voice came from the room.

The mayor is angry and must vent his anger.

Near Matou's house, all the captains or directors received a message. After reading the message, they looked at each other as if they had seen a ghost.

Some police officers who had experienced the turmoil ten years ago immediately recalled the situation back then, shook their heads involuntarily, and then turned around and left with relaxed expressions.

The empty villa in the Tohsaka family's residence is now full of people.

Rin Tosaka got up from the bed and looked at the bright weather outside, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

What happened last night was too exciting.

First, he killed Matou Shinji, then defeated Kotomine Kirei, poured Gilgamesh's mother into a drowning spring, and then even took his mother to destroy the Matou family directly.

When the Guili sword came out, Tohsaka Rin knew that Niang Shining was not temperless, but her personality had changed. Her usual temper was restrained, and she would turn into strength and burst out in an instant during the battle.

That attack directly wiped the entire Matou family from the world.

Except for Matou Sakura and the servant Medusa, no one survived.

Tohsaka Rin knew that he couldn't stay where he was, so he took Sakura and a few servants back to the Tohsaka residence.

Tokisaki Kurumi also came to this world at her invitation. After returning Sakura's body to the state it was in more than three years ago, and then purifying the magic power in her body, Tokisaki Kurumi erased all Sakura's thoughts about Matou Shinji. message, thus giving Sakura a new life.

Originally, Tokisaki Kurumi asked Tohsaka Rin if he wanted to return Sakura directly to the time when she was a child before she was adopted to the Matou family. Tohsaka Rin refused after thinking about it.

She knew that the experiences of these years were a hell for Sakura that she did not want to remember.

But in hell, she saw the light.

If she went back to her childhood, her glory would most likely disappear.

After being busy until midnight, a group of people fell asleep one after another.

"It's true. Heroic spirits like them don't really need to rest. A normal person like me still needs to rest~"

Tohsaka Rin yawned and complained in a soft voice.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, she touched Sakura next to her. She recalled in her mind that Sakura hugged her to sleep last night.

"Really, I haven't grown up yet."

A smile appeared on Tohsaka Rin's lips. She gently got out of bed, changed into her pajamas, and left the room.

Four heroic spirits, including Medusa, were already having morning tea.

"Hey~ Seeing as you haven't gotten up yet, I know you were too tired last night, so I called your teacher to ask for leave for you."

The heroic spirit Emiya waved and said something that made Tohsaka Rin's expression suddenly change!

"Asking for leave? Making a phone call? What identity are you using!!!"

Tohsaka Rin immediately rushed to Heroic Spirit Emiya's side. Because of his existence, she was already rumored in school.

If she says something wrong again, she really won't be able to clean herself up!

"Of course I use my identity as Kotomine Kirei."

Heroic Spirit Emiya looked at Tohsaka Rin with a very contemptuous look. He didn't know that the school and teachers knew that Tohsaka Rin was the only one left in the Tosaka family. Tohsaka Rin's guardian had been It's Kotomine Kirei.

If he wants to take leave, it must be through Kotomine Kirei's identity.

"That is not bad."

Tohsaka Rin took a deep breath, sat next to Medusa, picked up a teacup, poured herself a cup of tea and drank it.

"Speaking of which, there is some interesting news this morning. Would you like to take a look?"

Lancer Cu Chulainn handed a newspaper to Tohsaka Rin, which reported the events of last night in the largest possible space.

"No matter how you report it, it's impossible for anyone to tell anyone about the Heroic Spirits and the Holy Grail War."

Tohsaka Rin was noncommittal. The people above must know about the magician. Whether they knew about the Holy Grail War or not, Tohsaka Rin didn't know, but if we want to delve into what happened last night, we must use the official magician.

As for Fuyuki City, all the magicians are basically working together, so how can they be mobilized?

"Let me take a look. There was a violent explosion in the North City neighborhood last night. After receiving the report, the Fuyuki City Police Department immediately went to investigate.

After a sleepless night of investigation, we discovered that the cause of the explosion was that the head of the Matou family, Matou Tsuruno, secretly purchased an unprocessed bomb from the underground black market? The bomb exploded after improper operation, and no one in the Matou family survived.

As for why the Matou family purchased a bomb and why the bomb exploded, it has not yet been determined in detail. The previous case is still under trial, but the possibility of suicide by the Matou family cannot be ruled out. "

Tohsaka Rin put the newspaper on the table with her mouth open. The amount of information in this report was a bit large, and she needed to slow down.

"Is this almost the definition of suicide?"

Darling, that can be defined as a terrorist attack, but it turned out that the Matou family improperly operated the bomb and caused it to explode?

If she hadn't seen Niang Shining destroy the Matou family last night, she might have believed this report.

After all, this report was published by the most authoritative Neon Daily, and it also contained a statement from the Fuyuki City Police Department.

"Isn't this normal?"

Heroic Spirit Emiya didn't care at all. In his impression, the government's favorite thing was to make peace with the mud.

They will never allow the crime rate to increase. It will bring shame on their faces, and it will also affect their reputation and promotion opportunities.

So as long as it can almost be defined as a case that will never happen again, then this case will basically end in suicide.

What, stabbed three times in the back?


What, shot in the back and in the heart?


What, the hands and feet were cut off, the tongue was pulled out, and there was a chain around the neck?

Masochistic suicide!

suicide! suicide!

Don't ask, asking is suicide!

"In other words, this matter has changed?"

Tohsaka Rin was a little sad. When her father died, it seemed that he committed suicide?

It has been ten years, and I have almost forgotten about it.

"Since I'm asking for leave, I'll take Sakura out shopping today~ Do any of you want to come with me?"

Tosaka Rin picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. This was a souvenir brought by Tokisaki Kurumi last night. It was not uncommon among the group, but for ordinary people, it was an extremely precious enlightenment tea.

Two tea leaves are placed in the teapot. A cup of clear turquoise tea will make you feel refreshed after one sip.

"Goodbye, shopping with women."

The heroic spirit Emiya was the first to raise his hands and surrender. He was different from other heroic spirits who had died long ago. He was a modern man and knew what it would be like to go shopping with a woman.

That thing, your legs are made of steel and iron bones, but they can also make you soft like noodles.

"I want to buy two sets of swimsuits. There is a swimming pool in your backyard. Although it has not been cleaned for a long time, it can be used after cleaning it."

Medusa touched her chest, and that alluring arc crushed Tohsaka Rin for several blocks!

She witnessed the visitors from another world last night, Gilgamesh transformed into a mother, and the Matou family was destroyed. Now she is like a salted fish, not thinking about things like the Holy Grail War at all.

Tohsaka Rin already has three servants in her hands, and her own strength is not weaker than the servants. In addition, Sakura cannot take action against Tosaka Rin, so she is basically Tohsaka Rin's.

Four Servants plus a powerful Master, this Holy Grail War is going to be a hammer!

Enjoy it early and go back to sleep when it's over!


Tohsaka Rin looked down, and then his face was filled with black lines.

She's just a high school student, okay!

When she said this, she obviously felt a little guilty. After all, there were many high school women involved in the group, but it seemed that except for a certain sister who was a domineering girl, they all had better figures than her?

Thinking back to my sister who hugged me to sleep last night...


Well, starting from tomorrow, let's have a cup of papaya milk every day!

"By the way, do you have money?"

Tosaka Rin asked kindly. When she brought Sakura and Medusa back yesterday, she didn't see them bringing any property of the Matou family.

In that case, even gold and diamonds would turn into smoke and dust in an instant.

If you don't have money, you can't buy anything!

She, a poor high school girl who works part-time to buy magic gems, can't afford it!

"Ara~ Don't worry, I won't ask for your money. We have Gilgamesh, right? With her here, are you still worried about money?"

Although Medusa acted coldly, in fact she was just afraid of trouble. She hugged Niang Xingxing, who was sitting quietly beside her, and her attitude was very intimate.

"Money, yes."

Completely gone from the irritable image he had last night, Gilgamesh behaved like a lady, and he casually took out a few gold cups from the space aside and placed them on the table.

Everyone twitched their lips as they looked at the wine glass, which was made of pure gold and inlaid with various exquisite gems.

If this thing were sold, I'm afraid I could buy Tohsaka House, which is almost an empty shell now!

Leisure time always passes quickly, Sakura also came down from upstairs. After the group finished lunch, the four girls went out shopping, while the two men stayed at home to rest.

There is no need to go out to fight frequently, Cu Chulainn is also happy and leisurely.

After buying swimsuits, they went home and happily held a pool party. This time, the two boys were sent out to buy props, materials and drinks for the evening barbecue.

After playing all night long, Tohsaka Rin and Sakura were ready to go back to school the next day.

Because the Matou family had completely disappeared, Tohsaka Rin asked Kotomine Kirei to find connections and transferred Sakura's household registration back to the Tosaka family, and her name was changed back to Tosaka Sakura.

Some higher-ups who wanted to find her to investigate the Matou family bombing case also received warnings. If they didn't want to die, they would end the case with suicide. In the end, no one bothered the sisters.

None of the expected troubles came, and Tohsaka Rin was still a little uncomfortable walking with Sakura in the school.

The young man walking towards them made them both stop at the same time.



The two of them greeted Shirou Emiya with smiles. Shirou Emiya also said hello with a pair of dark circles under his eyes. The wrist that was inadvertently exposed made the two of them change their expressions!

That's the Command Seal!

