
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Desperate Huang Silang

In a fortress in the center of Goose City, Huang Silang was smoking, and the top floor of the pavilion was filled with mist.

 "So, they agreed to come?"

The housekeeper who was sent to the county government to invite Zhang Muzhi and Mabondang to the Yellow Hall for dinner has returned, and the news he brought was that Zhang Muzhi and Mabondang agreed to the meal.

 This made Huang Silang couldn't help but think.

This new county magistrate doesn't seem to be easy to fool.

   That Hu Wan of my own family was not very safe in his actions and left evidence behind, but the county magistrate did not take action?

  Could it be said that the county magistrate's son is not favored by the county magistrate?

Isn't that right?

According to the news sent back by Hu Wan, the "Mabond" was very excited and angry after the death of his son. Could it be that the master really dissuaded him?

 If this is the case, then this master can be recruited well.

He Huang Silang has no other friends, and he has a lot of money.

It would be a good thing if you can recruit a few handy subordinates!

"Go and call Daiyu Qingwenzi. I have something to tell you."

Putting down the pipe in his hand, Huang Silang made a gesture to his men sitting beside him, then stood up, walked to the edge of the attic and began to admire his territory.

Since Hei Chihei started cutting the tobacco from his beard, his power can be said to have continued to grow.

Now Goose City can no longer bear the weight of Huang Silang.

After accumulating strength for a while, he will expand his power to several surrounding counties. How happy it will be to achieve the 9th Five-Year Plan in one fell swoop!

 "Master, master! It's not good, it's not good!"

While Huang Silang was still thinking of ways to prepare to deal with the county magistrate "Mabond", the men who had just been sent out ran back in panic, as if they had experienced some kind of shock.

 "What a panic!"

Huang Silang is a little dissatisfied. If there is anything missing from Huang Silang, it is that he is a discerning subordinate!

 Looking at each one, they are no different from straw bags!

Sometimes, if he doesn't give clear instructions, his people will make all kinds of stupid mistakes.

Taking Hu Wan as an example, it's not too late to wait until the county magistrate has finished eating the noodles before you start attacking him. By then, the noodles have been in his stomach for a while, and he will no longer be a fan. It's hard to tell in any case.

 But now, he still has to wipe Hu Wan's ass, which is really bad!

"Tell me, what happened again? Is there some troublemaker causing trouble?"

Huang Silang held the cigarette in his hand and took a puff of it very gracefully. Then he crossed his arms and asked as if he had the country in his hands.

 "No, no sir!"

The subordinate shook his head quickly, and then saw Huang Silang's dissatisfied eyes, and immediately made a three-sentence and two-sentence report.

 "It's the county magistrate! The county magistrate..."

"What's wrong with the county magistrate? He doesn't know how to bring people, so he came to our Huanglou, right?"

Huang Shilang sneered. If this was really the case, then his evaluation of "Ma Bond" would be seven or eight points lower!


The subordinate quickly took two breaths to calm down his breathing, and then reported anxiously.

"The county magistrate's men arrested people from two big families in the city, and collected all the money from the two big families and distributed them to the untouchables!"


Huang Silang only felt that there was something wrong with his ears. He slapped his subordinate on the face casually. Looking at the subordinate who looked aggrieved, Huang Silang's eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

"Tell me again, whose people are arresting people from the two major families and scattering the money?"

"It's the county magistrate! It's the county magistrate! I really see it, it's the brothers under the county magistrate!"

The subordinate spoke very fast, as if to prove that what he said was true, he even raised his hands and swore.

 "Useless things!"

Huang Silang slapped him again. He narrowed his eyes and stared in the direction outside the watchtower, and then took a deep breath of cigarette.

 "Send the order, be on guard!"

Huang Silang threw the cigarette butt in his hand and slowly exhaled a puff of white smoke, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Mabond, Mabond, if you don't want to live, there's nothing I can do about it!"

At the county government office, Lao San and others walked into the lobby with a large number of middle-aged and elderly people dressed in luxurious clothes. Although the group of people cursed incessantly, Lao San and others remained calm.

 "Brother, we've brought him back."

As soon as he entered the lobby, the third child lowered his head and did not even dare to look at Tokisaki Kurumi who was sitting in the front seat.

 This woman is beautiful, but she can eat people!

 "Well, it's pretty good."

A flash of scarlet light flashed in Tokisaki Kuangsan's eyes. She could see through people's hearts, so she could clearly sense how dark the hearts of the people in front of her were.

"County magistrate, if you arrest us all, aren't you afraid that we will depose you?"

A certain senior member of the two major families snorted coldly and glared at Zhang Muzhi, who was sitting at the bottom, with an aura that meant he could be killed and not humiliated. At the same time, his eyes also wandered over Tokisaki Kurumi, and there was actually something in his eyes. Exuding a hint of greed!

"Ah la la~remove the county magistrate? This is not good. After all, Mr. Muzhi is my friend."

Tokisaki Kurumi stood up, Lilac's tongue gently licked Tainan's lips, and she lifted up her bangs elegantly, revealing the angel hidden under her bangs - Emperor Keke!

 "Come out, Emperor Keke!"

With a smile on his face, Kuang San raised his palm lightly, and a huge clock rose up from the ground behind him, making those who had never seen it before make their legs tremble with fear, and there was even a smell of urine in the room!

"Hmm~ Although it's not very tasty, it's okay."

 As the scarlet black curtain shrouded the people of the two families, the third child and others swallowed and smeared involuntarily.

 Under their noses, the members of the two major families who were so menacing just now that they were uneasy even if they were tied up have now all disappeared!

 Only the ropes that tied them were left!

After absorbing the members of the two major families, Kurumi Tokisaki stretched out his finger to scratch his attractive red lips as if he still had something to say, and there was a hint of satisfaction in his tone of voice.

Although the members of the two major families are basically over forty years old, according to the average age in this world, their life span is only about twenty years at most, but there are so many others!

Ten twenty years is two hundred years, not to mention there are still some young people under thirty years old, so there is more time to absorb!

Just with this wave, Tokisaki Kurumi's time reserve increased by a full 550 years!

"Sir, what should we do next?"

 Zhang Muzhi had been chatting with Kurumi Tokisaki and the people in the group before, so he was somewhat mentally prepared through the chat, so his expression was much better than that of the other two.

"Well, my mission is to help you rescue Mr. Liu, and then I will try my best to absorb some time."

Tokisaki Kurumi tapped her lips with the index finger of her right hand, looked up, as if thinking, and then a glint of excitement flashed through her eyes.

"Let me help you kill that Huang Silang. Then it will be easy for you to take control of Goose City."

 Faced with Tokisaki Kurumi's suggestion, Zhang Muzhi had no reason to refute it.

Just like that, several horses walked slowly towards the direction of Huanglou.

Along the way, many people secretly spied on Zhang Muzhi and others through the cracks in their homes. The previous arrests of people from the two major families by Lao San had caused a lot of psychological burden on these common people.

Moreover, many people were so frightened that they fainted without breathing after seeing the resurrected Xiao Liuzi.

  Huang's Diaolou, this is the place where Huang Silang put the most effort.

According to Huang Silang's self-description, he is very confident that even if you have an army, it will be difficult to break this place!

Of course Zhang Muzhi does not have a well-trained army, all he has is thighs!

"Hmm, there's quite a disgusting smell."

Huang Shiro is a bastard, and his men cannot be saints. Even from such a distance, Kurumi Tokisaki can feel the dark atmosphere hidden in the tower in front of him.

Without further ado, Tokisaki Kuang flipped her hands three times, and a beautiful gunpowder gun appeared in her hand.

 "Eight bullets!"

 A bullet shot directly into herself. Tokisaki Kurumi looked at the clones that kept appearing in front of her with a smile. She winked slightly mischievously at Lao San and others who couldn't control their emotions.

 A large number of Tokisaki Kurumi raised their muskets, and dozens of bullets containing terrifying power directly blew the gate of Huang Shilang's extremely proud watchtower to pieces.

  Huang Shilang's men came to check, and what greeted them were bullets that took away their time!

 The city of eating time!

                                         Since she did not devour the time of everyone in Huang Shilang's watchtower in an instant, she started playing like a cat catching a mouse.

 After all, in the memory copy, the behavior of Huang Shilang and his men is really disgusting, and it is not fun to play with them.

Zhang Muzhi and others also followed Tokisaki Kurumi, watching helplessly as the bullets went out one after another, and in response were the corpses turned into fly ash.

This scene is not bloody, but it is extremely frightening.

 "Don't be afraid, this kind of power is very common."

Tokisaki Kuangzo took the exquisite revolver handed over by a clone, put it into his own collection with some satisfaction, and then turned his head to comfort Zhang Muzhi.

"When you have been in contact with it for a long time, you will understand that this kind of power is just a little weird, and it is still far behind those truly strong people."

 "How far is it from you?"

 Xiao Liuzi who was following Zhang Muzhi swallowed, his voice trembling.

 He was fished out directly from the past by this woman. This kind of power is still very ordinary?

So what kind of power can be considered powerful?

 It can't be the power to destroy the world!

 "Well, it's just what you think~"

Tokisaki Kuangzo did not look back, but she seemed to see through Xiaoliuzi at a glance. With a smile, she gave Zhang Muzhi an overview of the strength levels in the group.

Those below the surface level do not count. Most of these are the strengths of ordinary daily members who have just joined the group. Li Yunlong, Zhang Muzhi and others are at this level. Compared with ordinary people, they may be much stronger, but they are not invincible yet. the point.

 At the surface level, it has the power to destroy surface civilization. This level is close to invincible on the planet.

 The Explosive Star level has the ability to explode stars at full strength and survive in space. This level of strength is the most common in the group. Basically, the active members are at the Explosive Star level.

 Following this is the planetary level, the star level, and even the galaxy level and so on.

 As for the final detachment...

 Tokisaki Kurumi didn't talk about it at all.

 After all, this world has been swallowed up by Morn, transcending Morn?

 Just think about it.

Here, Tokisaki Kurumi and his group were as casual as if they were on an outing, while Huang Shiro, over there, had a worried and frowning face.

 His men disappeared one by one, and now except for a few close people, he could not contact anyone!

 Even the telephone lines to other areas were completely cut off!

 "Who can tell me what is going on?"

 Hearing the gunshots coming from the watchtower, Huang Silang felt his scalp numb.

 Because every shot represents the disappearance of one of his subordinates!

He saw with his own eyes in the attic that the strange woman shot his military adviser into powder with one shot, and then raised her head and smiled at him!

 "Sir, master, the back door, the back door is blocked too!"

The subordinate who was sent by Huang Silang to see if the back door was passable ran back rolling and crawling. With a voice full of tears, he told the story of how his brother was beaten into ashes.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Huang Silang jumped to his feet in a hurry. He had just shown signs of conquering the world, and gods and ghosts appeared here to punish him!



Huang Silang muttered the name crazily, and then gritted his teeth viciously.

 "Go and take out my two treasures!"

At this point, it is impossible for Huang Silang to hide his power.

Even if both the jade and the stone were destroyed, he couldn't let "Mabond" easily destroy everything he had finally accumulated!

 "Sir, does this thing work?"

The men holding the mine that Huang Silang regarded as a treasure were trembling in their calves. If this thing went wrong, the entire watchtower would be blown up.

"Hmph, no matter if she is a god or a ghost, after this baby rings, all the worries will be gone!"

Huang Silang breathed a sigh of relief and gently stroked the two mines with a smile, then his eyes were full of ferocity.

"Send these two mines to the first floor!"

Even if the bombing doesn't kill them, the building will collapse and crush them to death!

 Want to destroy everything about him, Huang Silang?

 Just a small magistrate of Echeng County is not qualified!

 "Do you expect this thing to be effective for me?"

Just when Huang Silang imagined that "Mabond" and his party would be blown to pieces or even buried by the tower, a slender hand placed on the mine that he regarded as a treasure.

In an instant, the two landmines seemed to have experienced thousands of years of wind and sun, their appearance became rusty, and many parts even fell off.


Huang Shiro looked at Tokisaki Kurumi who suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

He could only point at Tokisaki Kurumi excitedly, and then pointed at his precious mine with excitement, unable to utter a complete sentence.

 "Sir Huang, I'm sending you on your way."

Zhang Muzhi and others also walked into the watchtower. Looking at the excited Huang Silang, he adjusted his clothes, then walked to Huang Silang's side, and shot Huang Silang in the heart with one shot.


Huang Silang knelt down on the ground, covering his heart. He looked at Zhang Muzhi, and his voice gradually faded away.

"Fourth Master Huang, don't report the wrong name after you get down."

 "I'm here, Zhang Mazi, Zhang Muzhi!"

