
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Conversation among flowers

In the holy land of Mariejoia, among the mysterious flowers, Im in black robe is admiring the beautiful scenery in front of her.

The dancing butterflies whirled around him, and occasionally one or two would land on his fingertips and shoulders.

"Don't break my flowers."

Suddenly, Im's majestic voice spread among the flowers, and some inexplicable rustling sound disappeared, replaced by tentacles shrouded in darkness!


"You are too impatient. We already know that the mermaid princess is the King of the Sea, don't we? But we didn't expect it to be this generation."

Im shook her shoulders slightly, and two colorful butterflies flew up in fright, drawing graceful curves in the air.


"I have not forgotten that it was precisely because of the sudden appearance of Neptune that we almost failed. However, do you think we are still afraid of a Neptune who has not truly awakened at all?"

Facing the tentacles that were constantly shaking in the shadow, Im seemed to snort coldly. He slowly walked to the path and took out a photo of Bai Xing from somewhere.

In the photo, a dagger pierced Shirahoshi's forehead!


"The design drawings of Pluto have been obtained by those losers, but they seemed to have considered that it might cause unnecessary trouble after creating it, so they sealed the drawings."

"You and I both know where the final island is. It's a place that's impossible to find, isn't it?"


"Enough! Sweet is the subordinate of those five losers, and Yu Qingyuli is also my subordinate. You let CP-K want to deal with him? Watch those Tianlong people, if there is not enough blood energy for you to act If so, don't come to me then!"


"Haha, my problem? Yes, I did have a big problem. Unexpectedly, eight hundred years have passed, and the King of Heaven has begun to lose control. However, compared to you, I am probably much better. How many percent of the power you had back then have you digested!"


"I can feel that the woman traveled through time and space again, but someone seemed to have blocked God back then, so God didn't come to execute her. It's a pity that we have no way to communicate with God, otherwise how could we do it? It's half-baked now."

Im's sigh echoed among the flowers.

If this were placed outside, it would frighten the Five Old Stars.

After all, Im is the real master of the world government sitting on the throne of the void!


"Indeed, it is time to treat the sea. Some lights that must be eliminated should be extinguished."

The tentacles were waving continuously, and Im slowly raised his hand, and a strange energy emitted.



North Sea, St. Ann's Island.

Dolag looked at Jozi, who was punched and flew dozens of meters away in front of him, with a look of shock on his face.

Not only him, but Ace, Sabo and others were also very surprised.

They were not surprised that Dolag could kill Jozi instantly, but Dolag's attack this time only used armed Haki in addition to his own power!

Jozi, whose whole body was transformed into diamonds, could even hold his own against the enemy general for a while, but was killed instantly by Dolag with one move?

"Chief, what are you..." Kerla swallowed slightly. She was half-hiding behind Sabo, feeling a little scared.

"I don't understand either." Dorag frowned. Ever since Moen injected a special ability into himself some time ago, his mastery and cultivation of domineering energy seemed to have improved to an incredible level!

"Is this why the monsters under him are so powerful?"

He clenched his fist, feeling the armed domineering energy flowing between his palms, and the corners of Dorag's mouth twitched.

Moen's men are so powerful that if they are pulled out alone, they can completely wipe out the Navy Headquarters.

Originally, he was still envious that that guy could win over so many talented and strong people. Now it seems that it is not that those people are talented, but that they can't stand someone cheating!

After a while, let's see if it's possible for Sabo and the others to be baptized by this power!

Revolutionary Army, of course a stronger force will not reject anyone who comes!

Moen, who was far away at the army headquarters, did not feel that anyone was thinking about him and was still living a happy life.

He spent his working hours from nine to five every day eating various kinds of food from Robin, and then after get off work, he went to hang out in the area where aristocrats gathered.

Of course, his sluttishness is just for show, and he won't be serious about it. After all, he is now a field marshal, not the jealous admiral he once was.

We must reassure the people in the Holy Land.

"So, have those idiots given up on dealing with Teacher Zefa?"

In the office, Moen looked very bored as he bit into the grape handed over by Robin and licked the tip of Robin's finger.

Without a mission, the army will generally not be dispatched. His biggest responsibility as a marshal is to guard the peace of the Holy Land.

But now the revolutionary army is still sweeping the world, and has not entered the Grand Route at all, let alone threatens the Holy Land.

There is no difference between having him as a field marshal and not having him.

He was curious about what the former Cyborg Sora would do in the office to spend his boring time.

"I haven't received any news about Mr. Zefa's accident. It seems that the people from CP-K are just talking. After all, Mr. Zefa has regained his youthful body and has Whitebeard's Shock Fruit. Your strength cannot be underestimated, right?"

Robin wiped his fingers with a tissue, then picked up a knife and began to slowly peel the sand pear, a specialty of a certain island.

"That's not necessarily true." Moen took out a cigarette from the drawer, put it under his nose and smelled it, but did not light it.

"I went to Beihai before and got some pieces of information from Dolag. I don't know the rest, but if these CP-Ks want to deal with Devil Fruit users, they will be sure to do it right away!"

The cigarette spun in Moen's hand, like turning a pen, and Moen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"According to what Dolag told me later, those people's attack was a killing move. They wouldn't have to push you too hard. Moreover, the resistance of Devil Fruit is quite high! They also have the special ability to invade the body, making it impossible for people to do anything. recover."

"I'm quite curious about the people behind these CP-K!"

