
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Blank never loses

"I didn't expect that Whitebeard would also be eliminated? Or he was sent out by his daughter!"

Takaba Kyosuke doesn't know what to say. Is it possible that Whitebeard can't escape the setting of being backstabbed by his own children?

In the memory copy of [One Piece], Whitebeard was stabbed in the back by Teach and by the dutiful son Scuyard.

After joining the dimensional chat group, his destiny has obviously changed completely, but in the end, Whitebeard was kicked out by his own daughter in a game!

"Well, I don't know what Uncle Whitebeard is thinking. Maybe, probably, maybe he feels very disappointed, right?"

Gao Bantong stood in the audience and nodded seriously.

But if you look carefully, you can see that there is still a hint of blush on her face.

"Gu la la la~ Feeling lost? No, I will only be proud of my children!" A very loud voice passed into the ears of everyone in the audience, and the iconic body of White Beard appeared in everyone's eyes In front of him, he heard Takaba Kirino's evaluation of him.

"After all, they are my favorite children!"

Looking at the white beard that showed his broad mind, Takaita Kirino had to admit that this uncle really has a charming personality. If you don't pay attention, you will admire him.

Maybe his career or past behavior is unacceptable to modern, law-abiding people, but you can never criticize the love and care he shows as a father!

"Hey, Whitebeard, you just came out like this, does it look like this kind of game is still fun?"

In the corner of the auditorium, a man who looked like a purple sweet potato smiled. He waved to Whitebeard and showed off the wine jar in his hand.

"Huh? Is this the fruit wine made by Xiao Fugui?"

Whitebeard sniffed gently, and his eyes immediately lit up.

For an alcoholic like him, when a chef with excellent cooking skills appears in the group, the first thought is to see if this chef can make wine!

Previously, Xiao Lan's cooking skills were not inferior to Xiao Fugui's, but she didn't have any talent in wine making.

There is no way, Neon's law stipulates that minors cannot drink.

I have never even drank wine, so how could I possibly know how to make wine?

Originally, Whitebeard was about to give up, but then Xiao Fugui joined the group!

His Hongjia recipe actually includes fruit wine that is seasoned!

For this kind of fruit wine, the fresher the fruits and vegetables selected and the more cherished they are, the more fragrant and mellow the brewed wine will be.

Even the most ordinary fruit wine brewed from apples, oranges, pears and other fruits and vegetables is much better than what Whitebeard drank before!

In addition, Xiaofugui has a golden finger and can control the brewing time of the fruit wine to the extreme, and the taste will be even more mouth-watering!

After tasting the ordinary fruit wine brewed by Xiao Fugui, White Beard decisively gave all the rare and exotic fruits in his world to Xiao Fugui. The other members also gave the more precious fruits in their world to Xiao Fugui. Winemaking.

It's just that it takes time to brew fruit wine. The last batch of wine has just been finished, and the next batch has not yet come out, so Whitebeard is now in a window of no drinking.

"Haha, I vaguely thought there might be a party, so I kept some."

Thanos had a smile on his face. He was not a drinker, so he only tasted a little of the fruit wine and then kept his share. He would take it out to share with everyone at the party one day. .

"Gu la la la~ I haven't had this kind of wine for several days, I should say thank you!"

Whitebeard was not polite, he decisively took a large bowl, poured himself a large bowl, and after a sip of fruit wine, Whitebeard laughed heartily.

Moen saw that no one had encountered anyone in the jungle for the time being, and he and Song Shuhang also walked over.

"Hey, Whitebeard, didn't the spiritual wine I gave you earlier taste good?"

Song Shuhang was a little confused. The spirit wine in his world should taste better than the fruit wine brewed by Xiao Fugui. Why did Whitebeard not seem to care at all.

"Spiritual wine." Whitebeard smacked his lips, sat down next to Thanos, held the wine bowl and started talking, "Shuhang, you still haven't understood the essence of drinking. This man should drink. I drank it in big gulps and felt the heat and aftertaste of the alcohol. In addition, when many people drink together, that's the real pleasure."

Song Shuhang's mouth twitched. He didn't understand what Whitebeard was saying at all.

Moen touched his chin thoughtfully, and then glanced at Whitebeard with a funny look.

This guy, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, turns out to really do the same thing when he talks.

"What Newgate means is that your spiritual wine is indeed delicious, but you can't liven up the banquet by adjusting your breath and refining the wine after just two sips. In addition, not everyone can dissolve the strength of the spiritual wine. The captains on Whitebeard's ship might have to lie down for two days after drinking one gulp of wine. Wouldn't drinking be no fun at all?"

Listening to Moen's explanation, Song Shuhang suddenly understood. This is because the nature of the world is different!

For their world, the spiritual energy in the spirit wine can be easily resolved, but for people in the world of One Piece, it is almost like a drug.

"By the way, Moen, is it really okay if you don't go and watch?"

After Whitebeard took two sips of wine, he looked at Moen with some curiosity when he saw the members who kept appearing in the audience.

"Don't worry, the rules have been stated. There is nothing wrong with me except announcing the winner at the end."

Moen waved his hand and said it didn't matter.

This kind of competition has been held several times. Everyone is acquainted and knows the general process.

"Well, Accelerator and Last Order are also here? Hey, looking at their faces, they seem to be very happy."

Thanos took a look and spotted Accelerator and Last Order who had just appeared in the audience.

Both of them had smiles on their faces, as if they were enjoying the game.

"This is wrong. If you can eliminate Accelerator and Last Order, what kind of team will they be?"

King, who didn't know when he got close to everyone, raised his own question. This time he took Teacher Saitama to participate in the competition. However, Teacher Saitama was an idiot in the game and ended up being beaten three times, five divided by two.

"Let me take a look, oh, I met the combination of Honjou Kaede and Shiromine Risa. No wonder, when encountering this combination of European emperor and technical master, even Accelerator and Last Order will have a hard time winning."

Moen sighed a little, that is, Senior Bai did not finish the game, otherwise there would be no need to continue watching the game.

The last champion was Honjou Kaede. She abruptly turned a fair duel game into a European Emperor exhibition match where the opponent spent money and I spent life. I don't know what tricks she can pull off this time.

"The blank combination on that side is not bad either. They directly eliminated their seniors."

Lingyue walked over and looked sympathetically at Rick and Hubie who had just appeared in the audience.

Obviously these two pairs are very similar, but in the end, Sora and Shiro defeated Rick and Hubie, which was a complete victory.

"Blank will never lose, even if you are facing fellow seniors from another world!"

These were their exact words after they defeated Rick and Hubie.

Although it has long been confirmed that there is no connection between Blank and Rick Hubie, due to their appearance and world problems, the two pairs are often considered to be reincarnations of the future world.

"It seems that the championship seed team has already appeared."

A glimmer of light flashed in Moen's eyes. As the scope of void erosion became larger and larger, many players did not have much room to hide. They could only choose to kill every enemy they found and every enemy they found. It also led to a rapid decline in the number of players.

By the time Moen returned to the live broadcast light screen, there were only four teams left in the entire venue!

Only one more team needs to be eliminated, and the top three in this competition will be decided!

"I didn't expect that Brother Yunlong and Brother Zhao would make it to the end."

In the audience, Zhang Muzhi smacked his lips. He looked at Xiao Liu beside him. This guy's eyes were fixed on the light screen.

"The four pairs of people in the venue now are sisters Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi, Honjou Kaede and Shirakine Risa, Sora and Shiro, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang. Hiss, in addition to Sora and Xiaofeng, the other two groups are also It's really something I never expected!"

Lingyue took a breath of air-conditioning. She didn't expect that Miyano Shiho, a guy who usually stayed in the crowd and rarely performed much, would come to the end quietly.

Judging from her fighting performance in the jungle, this is not at all like a researcher in a white coat in a laboratory!

As for Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang, it is entirely because Zhao Gang is too strong.

After equipped with a silencer and a super scope, Zhao Gang can be said to be a killer in the jungle. Every time he deducts the enemy's blood, the opponent does not even know where his people are!

"Contact, contact! Xiaofeng and Risa's team met the blank brother and sister, and the leader and the others on the other side also met the Miyano sisters!"

Suddenly, Lingyue became excited. The competition venue now only had a central lake and a small jungle composed of a few trees. In order to avoid being eroded by the void, the four teams all appeared at the lakeside.

Looking at the opponents who appeared together, the four teams could only shake their heads helplessly, and then they caught each other and started fighting.

Li Yunlong's rapid fire had basically no effect on Miyano Shiho, and I don't know what she was studying in the research room all day long. After using the rapid magazine to increase the rate of fire, none of the seven-shot projectiles per second landed on Miyano Shiho. body.

On the contrary, Miyano Akemi provided support from behind and knocked out several drops of Li Yunlong's blood.

At this point in the game, no team's health was maintained at 100 points. The most was Bai's 87 points, and then Xiaofeng's 85 points.

The lowest ones are Li Yunlong and Miyano Akemi, both at 40 points!

Oh, after a round of shooting, Li Yunlong still has thirty-four points of health left!


A marble hit Miyano Shiho who was dodging. Looking at the abdomen that was hit, Miyano Shiho didn't pay attention and Li Yunlong caught the flaw and fired in bursts, losing ten points of health.

On the other side, Sora and Shiro used their computing power to almost the extreme. However, despite their comparable physical abilities, they couldn't beat the technical master Risa.

You know, Risa can develop harmless moves!

As for Honjou Kaede, because there are no props that would seriously damage the fairness of the game in this competition, even if she and Risa's pinball fighters are fully equipped, they will not have any impact on the blanks.

On the contrary, Shiro took advantage of the calculation of Risa's movement trajectory to also calculate the movement trajectory of Honjou Kaede, and used the ejection principle of marbles to deduct a dozen points of Honjou Kaede's health.

In the audience, everyone involuntarily held their breath while watching this duel that looked like a fight between gods.

"Gu la la la~ Xiaofeng's skills still need to be improved."

A crisp voice sounded in the audience, and many people wanted to nod subconsciously. Then they suddenly turned around and saw Chika Fujiwara, who was imitating Whitebeard's laughter.

Seeing many people turning around, Pace, who was squatting at Chika Fujiwara's feet, barked twice, as if to say, XX, XX!

Noticing the many members who suddenly had black lines on their heads, Shinomiya Kaguya calmly pulled Shirogane Miyako beside her, and the two of them walked a little farther away from Fujiwara Chika.

Secretary Fujiwara often commits suicide, and she doesn't want to be implicated.

Sure enough, Whitebeard felt funny and walked to Fujiwara Chika, stretched out his hand and rubbed Fujiwara Chika's head. It felt as if he was trying to grab Fujiwara Chika directly.

"Stop being naughty and watch the game seriously."

Chika Fujiwara stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. She just wanted to be funny on a whim~

In the finals, Li Yunlong fell first. Faced with the remaining health of the Miyano sisters, Zhao Gang could only express some helplessness.

He has strong long-range sniping ability, but this kind of close-range combat is not very friendly to his pinball fighter, so he had to be sent out together with the Miyano sisters.

"Hey, sister, it looks like we can't win the championship."

Seeing that he still had 17 points of blood left, Miyano Shiho was a little frustrated, and Miyano Akemi only had 18 points of blood left.

On the other side of the lake, Kuang finally dealt with Honjou Kaede with the help of ejection. Without Honjou Kaede's help, Risa alone had no way to fight against Kuang's brother and sister, who had extremely outstanding computing power, and could only be sent out with some reluctance.

"Huh~ It looks like we have a good chance of winning."

Kong rubbed Bai's hair. This game was a test for their computing abilities. The high-intensity brain activity throughout the process made him feel a little overwhelmed.

Bai's physical strength has always been a problem. In reality, there is no problem after the body has been strengthened with props in the dimensional chat group, but the physical fitness in this world is uniform!

"Is it okay?"

Sora looked at Shiro who looked tired, with questioning eyes.

Shiro held Sora's hand with his small hand, his eyes extremely determined.

"Blank, never lose!"

