
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Anyway, it’s lemon essence

After Accelerator left a sigh, he disappeared into the space.

 Because he attacked Ace and the others, all of Whitebeard's key attacks fell on him.


 Nalan Yanran wiped the sweat from her forehead, pursed her red lips, and had a fighting spirit in her eyes!

 As a practitioner, you are meant to swim against the current and compete with the sky. Being able to fight such a powerful opponent with all your strength is the best way to test yourself!

 The wind has stopped!

 A sharp aura locked onto Whitebeard, Nalan Yanran slowly waved the Qingfeng in her hand, and the light cyan sword light was already attached to the sword's edge!

 Whitebeard stood there, not disturbing Nalan Yanran who was accumulating strength. His eyes were full of approval.

 "Wind, kill, sword!"

 Nalan Yanran's face turned pale as her self-created sword move flashed out, and then a trace of blush flashed across her face. This was a sign of losing her strength!


 A hint of appreciation flashed across Whitebeard's eyes. He felt that Nalan Yanran's move was impeccable!

 His essence, energy, and spirit were all restrained. A huge word "kill" blocked all his attacks and escape routes, so he had no choice but to continue!

 "Gula la la~ Nalan Yanran, do you want to be my daughter?"

 Whitebeard grinned and waved his right arm heavily. White cracks opened up the space, gradually affecting the word "kill" that was rushing towards him!

 "Old man, if you can survive this move unscathed, what if I am your daughter!"

 A trace of cunning flashed in Nalan Yanran's eyebrows, and the Qingfeng in her hand shook slightly, and then the huge word "kill" in the air dispersed directly, turning into six spinning terrifying sword energies, and she dodged them. Whitebeard's shock wave cut hard on Whitebeard's chest!


 A mouthful of blood spurted out, this was not Whitebeard, but Nalan Yanran!

 The avoided shock hit Nalan Yanran without any hindrance. Naturally, she was unable to resist as she was out of strength, and gradually turned into starlight, while her eyes were fixed on Baibeard's chest.

 After seeing the turned flesh and dripping blood, Nalan Yanran smiled obviously.

 "Advanced Heavenly Fighting Skill, Reincarnation of Wind!"

 [The ultimate winner of this world's best martial arts competition is Whitebeard, Edward Newgate! ]

 A rebellious figure appeared in the minds of all the contestants, holding a naginata, shaking the world!

 "Gu la la la~ No. 1? Xiao Yanran gave me a surprise."

 Whitebeard looked at the blood stains disappearing on his chest and shook his head helplessly.

 Whitebeard really didn't react to the last change of move, or rather he did, but he couldn't stop it.

 This move involves the reincarnation of cause and effect!

 When Nalan Yanran cut out the cause of the reincarnation of wind, the effect of being hit and breaking the defense had already happened to Whitebeard!

 "Newgate, congratulations, you won. I'm afraid the title of the world's strongest man will spread in my world again."

 Moen appeared in front of Whitebeard, seeming a little annoyed.

 But Whitebeard could tell that Morn was actually very happy. After all, most of the members participated this time and had a great time.

 "Eternal life fruit, one chance to make a wish. Unfortunately, these rewards are not enough for you."

 Morn sighed. He originally did not expect so many group members to participate, so the rewards were only set to be very precious in the two worlds, and were nothing to people like Whitebeard.

 "Gula la la~ Give it to Ace for me. I can feel that his strength has improved a lot. I guess he has also practiced very hard. Just think of it as a small gift from your father."

 Whitebeard shook his head. He didn't need the eternal fruit and the wish. After all, Morn really couldn't fulfill some of Whitebeard's wishes in another world across the universe.

 "Okay, if you want to do that." Morn shrugged, then waved to Whitebeard and sent him out of this space.

 Accelerator was wrong about one thing, that is, they did not create a virtual image when they entered this space, but Morn used high-dimensional abilities to completely digitize them.

 So what Whitebeard sees is the real Ace, and what Ace sees is the real Whitebeard. Even God can't simulate emotions...

 Marie Joa, the three Sabo brothers rushed into Pangu City in a daze. Before they could get close to Morn's villa, they were caught by Akainu and others who happened to come out!

 Beside Akainu, there were Gion who was thanking Yixiao and Aokiji who was a little lazy and others.

 Nalan Yanran once met Gion on the way to the Whitebeard battle site. After the two got entangled, Fujitora sensed that Gion was in danger and gave up suppressing Accelerator to come to support. Although Nalan Yanran was eventually defeated by Just beat it.

 "What's the matter with you guys?" Akainu stared at Ace and Luffy, his voice a little low.

 If he remembers correctly, these two brothers should be "paying for their crimes and making meritorious deeds"!

 "We want to ask what happened to the white beard who appeared in the competition."

 After stopping the angry Ace, Sabo looked at Drago with a smile on his face.

 Among the three brothers, he currently has the best status. If he says that, even Akainu will give him three points of respect.

 "No need to ask, we have already asked before." Dorag smiled and threw the two things to Ace who was silent at the side.

 "The Fruit of Eternal Life and the Star of Wishing are all gifts given to you by Whitebeard from another world. You can use them however you want." After Dorag said that, he left Pangu City with a bunch of people. They also You have work to do, so it's okay to have some fun, but don't delay your work.

 Ace looked at the dreamy fruit in his hand and the golden beads, and couldn't help feeling confused.

 Whitebeard from another world?

 Does it mean that he is not his father?

 In other words, that's not "my" father?

 Is Ace in that world happy?

 Holding the wishing star in his hand, Ace looked at the two brothers beside him and took a deep breath.

 "If you want to do it, just do it, Ace, we are brothers!"

 Sabo took Ace's hand without waiting for him to speak, and then Luffy also put his hand up!

 In the new world, on a certain peaceful island, there is a lonely tomb standing quietly on a remote cliff, with a sharp naginata stuck on the edge of the tomb!

 "My wish is to resurrect my father...[Whitebeard] Edward Newgate to a perfect resurrection!"

 Ace held the golden ball in his hand tightly, and beside him were a lot of Whitebeard members. Today was a holiday specially given to them by Dolag.

 In today's sea, a white beard can't stir up any waves!


 A large hand reached out from the grave and brought a pile of dirt with it.

 The familiar laughter reached everyone's ears, and even the eldest Marco couldn't help but wipe away tears!

 "Gulu la la la~ I slept so comfortably! Sons, let's set sail!"

