
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Abandon the Wang family

[Administrator] Moen: "Hmm... So, where are those two little bastards now?"

Morn had a headache. In his previous life, he particularly hated naughty children because those naughty children did not abide by moral and legal rules and regulations. They were self-centered and did whatever they wanted, which was particularly annoying.

Especially if several of the pictures also feature a bear parent, it would be even more disgusting.

  How come his own child, after being left undisciplined for a few days, turned into the naughty kid he hated most before?

This guy must be caught and given a good lesson!

 He doesn't want to be a bear parent!

Can't we solve other people's affairs by ourselves? You have to get involved!

Shinomiya Kaguya: "Well, you two are living in my home. Because the noise was quite big, even my Shinomiya family couldn't cover it up."

Shinomiya Kaguya thought for a while and told the current situation.

 In fact, if it was just Otomo Kyoko and Ogino, there would be no problem. The point is that Ogino bit out a bunch of people when he was put on trial in public!

 This even includes the daughters of leaders of other countries who studied in Shujiin before!

Even though Ogino is a scumbag, in fact, his appearance and conversation are even better than Shirogane Goyuki. Coupled with his good background, he really has a lot of scumbag girls!

 Then add the alliance formed by the nature of LSP.

With this bite, the entire Xiuzhiyuan was thrown into turmoil... Oh, it can even be said that the entire high-level management of Neon Kyoto was shaken.

Takaba Kyosuke: "What is that? No wonder I've been looking at the people under me a little strange these days. I co-authored such a scandal?"

As the leader who rules the neon dark world, Kyousuke Takaba has basically become an otaku again. He has all kinds of right-hand assistants working under him. He now has very few tasks every day. Not paying much attention to what happened.

 This also led to the fact that if Shinomiya Kaguya hadn't exposed this matter in the group, the other members wouldn't even know about it.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Ning and Xuan tried Ogino, and then Ogino bit out his fellow fans and the girls who were trashed by him in the past, and then Xiuzhiyuan fell into turmoil... How is this? It doesn't look right, it's just a little Ogino."

Lingyue no longer knows where to complain. He is obviously just a minor character who was manipulated by Shujiyuan VIP executives, but the result was turmoil. Should this be said that a minor character has the stubbornness of a minor character?

  [Administrator]Moen: "I'm going to go there right away. Regarding this turmoil, Kaguya, how do you think you should calm down?"

Moen thought for a while, then traveled directly through space and came to Xiuzhiyuan in the comprehensive world.

Shinomiya Kaguya: "We can suppress the Shuchiin incident, but this turmoil has already affected many high-level descendants. After all, Ogino just started it, and many people have been dragged out together. Now the high-level officials They are all starting to fight openly and secretly for their skin, and the people are waiting to take advantage of them."

Shinomiya Kaguya can only complain. When this person comes to an emergency, no matter whether it is useful or not, he has to pull out a few backers anyway. This also leads to all the students with some problems in their life style being pulled out.

This also brings shame on their parents.

Shinomiya Kaguya: "@Takaba Kyosuke, @ Azusagawa Sakuta, you may need to take action to calm down this matter. After all, it is not the same as before, and the Shinomiya family is not as powerful in politics."

 Takaba Kyosuke: "No problem, I'll take care of it."

In the Xiuzhi courtyard, Moen knocked on the door, opened the door and walked into the student union.

In addition to Iino Yako who had just joined the student union and Accountant Ishigami who was in a negative state, Fujiwara Chika, Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Miyako all stood up to welcome Moen.

 "Senior Moen."


 "grown ups."

Three people were called by three names. Yako Iino, who was comforting Ishigami, was stunned. Who is this man who looks very imposing? Why are the attitudes of several people in the student union so respectful?

 "Well, how are you guys~"

Moen looked at it and saw that the environment in the student union was similar to the one in the memory copy, except that there were some more floral decorations and a few more interesting-looking paintings.

 "When do you get out of school?"

Morn asked. He had already used his sense of sight to spot two little guys who were trembling when they sensed his arrival.

"Sir, we have finished our work and can leave at any time."

Shirogane Yuxing introduced Moen. In fact, if they didn't want to comfort Ishigami Yu, they could have left long ago.

 After all, after getting in touch with the dimensional chat group, even he, Shirogane Yuxing, became a little superman, and it was quite simple to handle ordinary chores.

 "That's it."

Moen turned his head and looked at the somewhat restrained Iino Yako, with a kind smile on his face.

No one would hate a cute little girl. Seeing Xiao Mizi with a very respectful attitude, Moen rubbed his chin, then flipped his palm and took out two flat peaches with golden light on their surface.

 A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Chika Fujiwara and Kaguya Shinomiya, but they didn't say anything.

"Come on, this is my first time coming to this world, so this is my meeting gift."

Two flat peaches were directly delivered by Moen to Iino Yako and Ishigami Yu. Then he moved his hands again, and three fragrant flat peaches appeared in front of Chika Fujiwara and the others.

 Everyone has a share.

 "Thank you, senior."

 "Thank you very much, administrator~"

 "Thank you, sir!"

Fujiwara Chika and the others immediately thanked them. This was a flat peach. You should know that this thing is also quite precious in the group, second only to the flawless devil fruit that Morn personally concocted.

Compared to fairy beans and spiritual tree fruits, they are more precious!

The aroma of the flat peach made Ishigami Yu forget all his worries. After thanking the unknown senior, he impatiently took a bite, and then fell to the ground in a daze.

Iino Yako on the side was stunned on the spot, and then she was about to cry. She stared at the three students from the student union with big watery eyes and had narrow smiles on their faces, not knowing what to say.

"Really, when did Accountant Ishigami become so irritable?"

Baiyin Yuxing shook his head helplessly. Having attended a party, he knew the energy contained in this flat peach.

 If an ordinary person eats it in one bite, the energy will not explode, but a large part of it will definitely be lost.

 When they got the flat peach, they wanted to squeeze it into its essence and then mix it with water or other edible liquids before taking it.

If it is not diluted, like Yu Ishigami, he will be directly overwhelmed by the energy and become Zhu Bajie who swallows ginseng fruit!

After Fujiwara Chika gave Iino Yako some science knowledge, Iino Yako realized how precious the little peach in her hand was.

It can be said that even if you sell the entire neon, you can't get such a small peach!

With Ishigami unconscious, several people from the student union moved directly to the Shinomiya family's villa through Morn's space movement.

  The maid who came back early has prepared tea and is serving two boys and girls who look a little anxious.

"Brother, do you think we will be spanked?" Xuan looked at the exquisite refreshments in front of her, but she didn't have any appetite.

"Well...we are already old and have the ability to judge right from wrong. This time we did nothing wrong. Even if dad comes, don't even think of punishing us for this!"

Ning seemed very confident. Of course, if you let go of his trembling legs hidden under the tablecloth, he would be quite convincing.

"Oh? My little darlings, you have grown up and have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, right?"

A gentle voice sounded in Ning and Xuan's ears. The two of them froze on the spot, and then turned their heads like rusty robots.

 Pikachu and Eevee, who had been accompanying them all this time, had shrunk and hid under the table.


Xuan Xuan rolled her eyes, and immediately called out sweetly in a Confucian voice, which almost made Ning next to her laugh out loud.

 "You two little guys."

Moen shook his head helplessly. He finally understood the thoughts of those bear parents in his previous life. What bad intentions could their children have? How could they be willing to beat and scold them?

Moen, who is in a dual-standard state, feels that he cannot give the two little guys too much good looks, otherwise, if they travel around the world casually and cause trouble to others, it will not be good for their future growth.

"Okay, let's go and apologize to my brothers and sisters first, and then come back with me. After being out for so long, you don't even want me anymore, right?"

Thinking that Nami missed the two little guys, but the two little guys were playing crazy outside and refused to go home, Moen decided that this time they must be put in confinement!

 "Dad, dad~ We have a reason this time!"

Ningyi saw something wrong with her father's face and immediately started yelling.

In the eyes of outsiders, although Ning Hexuan is relatively peaceful, the arrogance hidden in his bones makes it difficult to get close to them.

But now this arrogance was completely gone, and Ning immediately hugged Moen's thigh.


Moen turned his head and glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya, who could only spread his hands and shook his head.

They only knew that the two little guys brought Ogino back to Shuchiyuan for a public trial, but they did not know the underlying reasons.

"Well, well, um, dad, didn't you tell us about the ancient Eastern countries before? Xuan and I just wanted to go and have a look." Ning saw that her dad wanted to listen, and she immediately started talking, "Then On the Chinese side, we met a big sister who invited us to eat ice cream. Xuan also learned to dance with her. Originally, we wanted to visit the scenic spots in China, but the big sister who said she would be our guide did not She never showed up, and when Xuan and I went to look for her, the eldest sister had already jumped off the building."

Moen frowned and condensed the river of time with a wave of his hand.

With a casual glance, he saw a rather plainly dressed girl with a rather kind face, who was treating Ning Hexuan very gently.

After making an agreement with the two of them to travel together as a tour guide, the girl went to work in a small restaurant and met a drunk Ogino and Oumi.


No wonder Ning Hexuan chased Nihong and wanted to publicly try Ogino. If it were him, Ogino would probably have to endure the burning of his soul for tens of millions of years before his soul is gone!


Moen snorted softly, and directly inserted his hand into the long river of time. Even though the long river of time made thousands of waves, he indifferently pulled out a certain bubble.

 In the excitement and admiration of Ning Yuxuan, the bubbles turned into a beautiful shadow.

 "Sister Su'er~"

Xuan stood up happily. Standing in front of them was Lin Suer who bought ice cream for them who looked confused.

 "Senior Moen, is there anything we need to do?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Ning Hexuan who was very happy and asked immediately.

I didn't know what Ogino had done before, but I didn't expect that after he was sent to China, he would still dare to cause trouble.

 This time, the trouble even spread to two friends of the younger ancestors!

"I have wiped out Ogino and Wang from the root and invaded Lin Suer's future. Let Wang do it. I don't want the Wang family to still exist in this world."

Morn is not prepared to do it himself. Although he has devoured the world of Comprehensive Comics, just like his long-standing policy, he will not monitor or change these worlds at will, even if he has the ability.

 So he was ready to let the king take action.

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded, and then directly called Wang Ye in the group.

 This is definitely more convenient than making a phone call.

Wang Ye: "Hi~ The Feng family spared the Wang family just because they were afraid of being blamed by the superiors. I didn't expect that guy Wang Bing didn't care about this life."

On Wudang Mountain, Wang Ye scratched his head in distress, then took out his cell phone and made a direct call to Zhang Chulan in the capital.

As an employee of Nadutong Company, a disciple of the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, and a friend of the King of Wudang Mountain, Zhang Chulan's current status can be said to be lower than that of one person and higher than that of ten thousand people.

 On weekdays, when Wang had something to inform his superiors, he would always talk to Zhang Chulan.

 "Hello, Mr. Wang, what's the matter?"

In the capital, Zhang Chulan, who was having sex with Feng Baobao and Xu San Xu Silu, saw Wang Ye's call and answered it easily.

"Zhang Chulan, there is something you need to do."

Wang also got straight to the point and directly informed Zhang Chulan of Lin Suer's problem.

As someone who has been in contact with Moen, Zhang Chulan is very aware of Moen's strength. At the same time, as one of the top executives, he is also very aware of the truth of this world.

"Really, that guy Wang Bing doesn't want to mess with anyone but his two little ancestors."

Zhang Chulan responded, then hung up the phone and started to complain.

Because the call was on speakerphone, Xu San and Xu Si also knew what they were going to do next, so they didn't say much.

 It seems that the Wang family cannot continue to exist in China.

"Well, I can let the Feng family owe me a favor~"

