
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

4th dimension fragments, coordinates rubbed by hand

In the dimensional chat group, everyone was a little surprised by the sudden mission.

 After all, it has been a long time since the last group mission...

 Oh no, the last group mission is still in progress, it's just that the members who went to the world of Kousaka Brothers and Sisters have not returned yet.

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in the state of world destruction: "@Moen, what's going on with this mission? It's the first time I've seen a mission with a warning."

 Lingyue frowned and communicated in the dimensional chat group. This was the first time the mission system had issued a warning!

 Previously, at most, some members who could not participate were eliminated.

 Aizen Sosuke: "@ Come be my son. What does the white-bearded old man think?"

 Come be my son: "Gula la la~ Me? It says here that I cannot participate in this mission. Is it too dangerous for me?"

 In the world of One Piece, Whitebeard had a look of surprise in his eyes after drinking a bottle of wine. His current strength was not only unparalleled, he could easily destroy a galaxy, but even so, he was excluded from this mission. Yet?

 Kousaka Kyosuke: "Hey! Even the old man has been excluded? Then who else can participate in this mission! Oh yes, there are four members in the game life world."

 While he was busy killing evil spirits, Kousaka Kyosuke did not let go of his attention to the group.

 Wang Ye: "I can't participate either."

 Accelerator: "Cut!"

 Rick: "That, I can't participate either."

 Azusagawa Sakuta: "Is it a mission that even people from this world cannot participate in? Isn't it too weird? But I always feel like I have seen the term high dimension... somewhere before."

 [Group Leader] Xiao Mengxin, who is in the state of world destruction: "To be precise, it should be the difference in life levels. @Aizen Sosuke, if my guess is correct, you should be able to participate in this mission."

 Aizen Sosuke: "Yes, and I have also asked, Kurosaki Ichigo can also participate in this mission after becoming hollow."

 Aizen revealed an important piece of information, that is, Kurosaki Ichigo in his normal state cannot participate in this mission!

 Yato: "That... that... Yato God can also participate in this mission!"

 In the two-yen store, Yato glanced at the soundtrack next to him, which made the girl feel very confused.

 Why can he also participate?

 Taking advantage of the opportunity to escape from shopping, Yato immersed himself in the memory copy and quickly browsed through Bleach, Pirates and several of the most played memory copies.

 As for the combat power in it, Yato can only say...

 He is still too weak!

 However, Yadou can participate in those tasks that even strong men cannot participate in!

 Moen: "Dimensions can also be explained in a popular way as life levels. The most conspicuous way of expression is that low-dimensional life forms cannot look directly at high-dimensional life forms, unless the high-dimensional life forms reduce themselves to lower-dimensional life forms in some way. Life is visible.

 Yadou is one of the eight million gods. Although he is relatively weak, he is a real god. Human beings who transcend the third dimension in terms of life level have not yet reached the fourth dimension, but they are not far off. The same goes for Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo. "

 Yuzaki Hoshizora: "Dimensional life and so on, isn't it too unscientific?"

 As a science student, Yuzaki Hoshizora couldn't help but complain.

 In his mind, everything can be explained by science, but when it comes to the so-called divine dimension, he really can't explain it.

 It's like, people can never realize that the lines on paper are actually drawn by a three-dimensional person.

 This is also the reason why it is extremely difficult to increase the dimension.

 First of all, you need to know that you are in a low dimension, and then what a high dimension is like, in order to have a goal.

 If you don't even have a goal, it's nonsense.

 Aizen Sosuke: "So, are we going to take on this mission? If I remember correctly, Moen, you should be in a higher dimension, right?"

 Aizen pushed up his glasses with a slight smile on his lips.

 Standing next to him was Kurosaki Ichigo. At this time, he no longer wanted to mess with Aizen.

 There is no way, Rukia was rescued by Aizen and returned to him, and Yhwach was killed by Aizen. As the so-called protagonist, he did nothing at all.

 "Aren't we going to accept the mission directly?"

 Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head. At this time, he was still in a virtual state, and he seemed a little naive despite his cold aura.

 Aizen just smiled mysteriously and did not answer Kurosaki Ichigo.

 In the world of game life, above a void of stars, Morn is holding an extremely small-looking human being in his hand!

 "Let me go! Let me go! I'm the protagonist!"

 What reached Moen's ears was not some obscure divine language, nor was it some gibberish nonsense, but rather the extremely pure Chinese language!

 "Protagonist? You are not handsome."

 Moen chuckled. He looked at the man in his palm, countless data flashed in his eyes, and he began to analyze the current situation!

 [Fourth dimensional life form: Li Shan

 Place of Belonging: Earth

 Race: human

 Age: 26

 Sex: Male

 Occupation: Reincarnator (one of the thirty-six main gods)


 In addition to the most basic information, there is information about some skills or items that Li Shan has mastered.

 "Humans? Earth? Reincarnators? Fourth dimension?"

 Moen raised his eyebrows and had a bold guess in his mind!

 Who are the majority of the members in the dimensional chat group?

 He was a two-dimensional anime character, novel character, and even a movie character in his previous life on Earth!

 So, does that mean they are two-dimensional?

 But the form they manifest is three-dimensional life!

 Human beings who are also three-dimensional life watch two-dimensional animation, and the two-dimensional animation shows three-dimensional life. So for the three-dimensional life in two dimensions, what kind of existence is the third-dimensional human being!

 "Is this the secret of the fourth dimension?"

 Although he is a top life in the thirteenth dimension, Moen only knows a little about the so-called life level.

 It's like one sword, ninety-nine, although you are invincible, your skills are still only a little bit the same.

 Moen: "Aizen, Kurosaki Ichigo, Yato, you all accept the mission. You can all draw the lottery, but you may not be able to get a lot of points."

 Aizen Sosuke: "That's it. It seems like the mission has been solved."

 Moen: "I want to do some experiments. Maybe this experiment can help me satisfy my long-lost wish!"

 In the void, ignoring Li Shan's wails in his hand, Moen's merciless pressure at different levels caused Li Shan to gradually decompose and become the purest data!

 Countless irregular information gathered in the universe and gradually formed a square fragment.

 And among the fragments, there was a little bit of light, which made Moen feel energetic for a while!

 That is, the coordinates of a space!

 Although it was very vague, Moen was very sure that it was a coordinate!

 One, the coordinates of the planet where he lived in his previous life, the Earth!

