
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

4 returnees and 1, the New World Government is established

In Beihai, in the Kingdom of Dolomi, the king stopped his travel plans due to his sudden fainting, and a group of people took the king back to the national palace in a hurry.

Even with the help of doctors, Dolomy III fainted for about a week, and finally woke up leisurely.

"Someone is coming... someone is coming!"

Feeling thirsty, Doromi III angrily called out to his servants, but the servants who were usually kneeling in front of him seemed to have disappeared as soon as he opened his mouth.

No one responded to him!

King Dolomy III opened his eyes and saw a stunning girl who seemed to be walking around in his palace.

"You...which family are you from? Are you a new concubine entering the palace? Come here and give me some water with your mouth."

Doromi III, who was still a little confused, looked at the girl, and the evil thoughts in his heart suddenly rose. He struggled to get up, and then looked at the girl with a notepad in her hand with a lewd smile.

"Are you talking about me?" The girl turned around. Her short orange hair was fluffy, and a small hat with goggles on her head made her face even more delicate.

The exquisite figure against the suit and shirt is dizzying. What makes Dolomi III even more excited is the girl's slender legs wearing black stockings under the pleated skirt!

That can definitely be played for more than a year!

"Dear His Majesty the King, I am sorry to tell you that due to the corruption and depravity of the Kingdom of Doromi, our revolutionary army took over this country. From now on, this country has been renamed the Principality of Doromi. And you also He is no longer a high-ranking king, but just an ordinary prisoner."

Kerla closed the notebook casually and ignored Dolomy III, whose face had turned red to the color of pig liver. She casually called the guards and tied up Dolomy III.

Before, Dolomi III was in a coma and was not ready for trial, so Kerra did not ask anyone to wake him up.

This is the last mercy to this king!

Ever since, in the midst of Dolomy III's miserable "I paid taxes for the world government!" "I have shed blood for the country!" "I am a world noble!" and other useless wails, the guards took the fat man away The fat-eared fool was sent to the execution platform!

"Chief, with the addition of the Duchy of Doromi, there are no so-called World Government member countries in the North Sea now. The four seas are all unified!"

On St. Annu Island, Sabo hung up Kerla's phone bug, and then planted a red flag on the last island on the North Sea map!

"Okay! Gather everyone, starting tomorrow, the new world coalition government will be established!"

Dorag flicked his sleeves and stood up slightly excitedly.

Nearly twenty years of hard work have been nothing in just two years!

The whole world has been liberated. There is no so-called distinction between nobles and untouchables. Everyone is self-reliant. There is no chain of contempt and no hierarchy of exploitation!

This is the paradise of justice in Dorag's heart!

"Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness. These twenty-four-character policy really sums up a paradise in the true sense!"

Dorag looked at the simulated sand table in front of him. All he could see were crimson flags, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Prosperity and strength have not been achieved yet, but we have achieved democracy, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, and friendliness!"

Sabo also lamented that he joined the Revolutionary Army very early. At first, he only came into contact with the Revolutionary Army as Dorag's disciple. By the time Dorag discovered Sabo's potential, it was already his adult time. .

In the past two years, Sabo has witnessed with his own eyes the transformation of the revolutionary army, and also the changes in the sea!

The New World United Government is not the New World Ruling Government. Compared with the World Government, the greatest function of the New World United Government established by the Revolutionary Army is to unite various island countries and allow all small countries to form a huge country.

Economy, humanities, science and technology, common development and common progress!

In order to achieve this, Dorag even went to the Future Science and Technology City in person and obtained technical support from the Future Science and Technology City.

This is the former hometown of Vegapunk!

Sabo was also very excited and went to inform everyone in the revolutionary army.

The next day, a piece of news broke the silence of the sea!

More than two hundred countries in the four sea areas of east, south, west and north have united to form a new world government, and their swords are pointed at the world government!

This newspaper, edited by Morgans and without any of his usual exaggerations, sold out instantly across the ocean!

Everyone on the Grand Line feels thirsty.

They have long heard about the existence of the revolutionary army and the threat to the world government.

But it is really unimaginable for them that the revolutionary army, which has only been established for more than 20 years, has really reached the level of resisting the world government!

More than 200 countries!

This is more than the world government at its peak!

Now it seems that the New World Government led by the revolutionary army is the orthodox one!

In addition, the news coming from all over the world has also given some people who are in dire straits a sense of hope.

There is no exploitation or discrimination in the world!

Everyone's faces are filled with happy smiles from the bottom of their hearts!

In the holy land of Mariegio, the five old stars gathered in the office again. This time there was no black tea or red wine, and even exquisite cigars were held in their mouths but not lit.

"Crazy, crazy, Dahai has gone crazy! The revolutionary army must be suppressed!"

The blond five-star feels that he has never been so excited. The World Government currently has less than a quarter of the remaining member countries in the hands of the Revolutionary Army!

The world government has ceased to exist in name only!

Even if the revolutionary army does nothing, the world government will destroy itself in less than a hundred years if it does nothing!

"Let's start a war. Before, we thought that killing a group of revolutionary troops led by Dorag would quell the situation. But now it seems that we have been in high positions for a long time and are naive."

The voice of the sword-wielding five old star was a little hoarse, and the demon sword in his hand, Gui Che, showed its edge for the first time!

Under the purple-black ghostly aura, the five old stars had different expressions.

"Order the navy, army, and CP to mobilize, leaving CP0 to guard the holy land, and the rest will go to the four seas. If necessary, execute the demon-slaying order against every traitor to the world government!"

The curly-haired five-star star has already touched the phone bug on the table, and the order is about to be issued.


There was a knock on the door, and it was knocked quickly!

Wu Laoxing's face was a little ugly. Before they came in to talk, they had already told them not to disturb them unless there was anything special!

The door was pushed open, and one of the CP0 members with a serious face came in.

Before Wulaoxing could take action, the CP0 fell to his knees directly.

"Lord Wulao Xing, Alabasta just issued a statement to withdraw from the World Government and join the New World Government! The Navy's base in Upside Down Mountain was cleared by the Revolutionary Army!

Now, the territory of the Revolutionary Army has expanded to include the Grand Route! "

