
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

4 female Ultraman, gifted with sparkling fruits

In the Kingdom of Light, the Ultra Guard, Kane summoned all the Ultra brothers for a meeting.

 "Captain, are you telling me that Zero, the guests he invited back, had the king personally receive them?"

 Severn feels that the current development is super magical. His son is getting stronger and stronger. Let's not talk about it. Bringing a friend back has alarmed the king?

 This is too terrible!

 Taylor on the side also nodded, "Father, what should we do now?"

 Listening to his son's inquiry, Kane shook his head, "Don't do anything. You should immediately strengthen the security of the star field near the Kingdom of Light. Don't let malicious cosmic people disturb the conversation between the king and the distinguished guest."

 Many Ultra brothers nodded and left the Kingdom of Light together.

 In Zero's house, Moen, who was chatting with the King of Ultra, glanced at the ceiling thoughtfully, and then said to the King of Ultra with a smile on his face, "The leader of the Kingdom of Light is very good. "

 The Ultra King also nodded. At their level, every move in the universe is under surveillance.

 So the two of them knew Kane's thoughts in an instant.

 Moen looked at the Ultra King in front of him, and silently began to calculate in his heart. The four mysterious Ultras, including the Ultra King, have special talents, multiverse observation, and can observe what is happening in the multiverse at the same time. Everything, find any point that threatens the universe and eliminate it or instruct others to eliminate it.

 Is it precisely because of this talent that you can discover yourself and others who do not belong to this world in an instant?

 "Moen, did you come to our world to travel and sightsee?" The King of Ultra was a little confused. He could feel that Morn's power was not inferior to him, and even to a certain extent, he was not talking to him when talking to him. Self-consciousness reveals respect and awe.

 This is completely impossible. Even if it is Noah, the first ray of light in the universe, or Regedo, who represents the will of the universe, or even Saka, who represents the miracle of the universe, everyone is equal. Existence, how could someone suddenly appear who surpassed them?

 Even if the person in front of me is from a chat group that I can't see through at all.

 And this person who seems to have transcended them, comes into this world just to travel and see?

 "That's right, King of Ultra, you don't need to think too much. This universe is very beautiful. There are so many planets worthy of my visit." Moen smacked his lips. The landscape on the earth is so amazing. Not to mention the universe.

 Anyone who is interested in astronomy all yearns to one day be able to fly freely in the universe, explore the mysteries of the universe, and observe stars that are only the size of rice grains in the eyes!

 "By the way, I heard that the plasma sparks in the Kingdom of Light were created accidentally. People who are exposed to the plasma sparks will evolve into the Ultraman clan, right?"

 While chatting with the King of Ultra, Moen was enjoying the meal cooked by Lyrella. Suddenly he slapped his forehead. He suddenly remembered that before, he had asked Zero to ask if Nami and the others could be turned into light. The giant is coming.

 "It is true that plasma sparks have the ability to evolve humans, but your wives are far beyond human beings in life levels. I am afraid that plasma sparks cannot evolve them."

 The Ultra King shook his head. Compared to Morn, the life level of Nami and others was much lower.

 Even their life level is not as good as Zero and other Ultraman, even though their power far exceeds the Ultra clan.

 However, they have exceeded the range that plasma sparks can affect.

 "That's it. Then, King of Ultra, do you have any ideas to help my wives become giants of light? After all, some planets require personal experience to appreciate their beauty."

 Moen can guarantee the absolute safety of the girls, but apart from ensuring safety, the strange adventures on some planets are completely meaningless.

 They expected to stay in this universe for at least several years or even ten years!

 "That's it, no problem."

 The Ultra King nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

 Although it was a bit difficult, as long as he contacted Noah, there would be no problem.

 "Then the reward... let me think about it... By the way, this thing may not be useful to you, but it should be of great use to the Ultra clan."

 Moen scratched his head, then flipped his hand, and a fruit that shone with golden light, looked like an apple, and had strange patterns on its surface appeared in his hand.

 "It's a devil fruit, senior, what kind is it?"

 Zero came over immediately. As someone who had seen some Devil Fruits before, he thought hard and couldn't figure out what Devil Fruit this was.

 "Natural type, Shining Fruit. It can turn a person into pure light, the Giant of Light. The Shining Fruit should be the most suitable."

 Morn handed the Shining Fruit to the Ultra King. The Ultra King's eyes flashed red, and then he solemnly handed the fruit to Hikari behind him.

 Judging from his prediction, this fruit will exert unimaginable potential in Shikari's hands!

 "Then, let me prepare first. You and your wives should tell us that we are not going to the Kingdom of Light. We will go to planet K76."

 It's deserted there and there won't be any abnormalities.

 On planet K76, captain Kane, security team members Zero, Tyro, and Severn all stood quietly on the top of the mountain. They looked at the Ultra King who was communicating with the light in front of them, and they couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

 The light of evolution that attracted several human girls contained energy that far exceeded that of these giants of light.


 With a soft drink, the female giant of light, whose body was blue and white, with lightning patterns on the surface of her body, and a blue lightning timer on her chest, stood quietly in the canyon. She looked at her hands calmly, and then the light Flickering, a pair of wings condensed with blue light appeared behind her, and the wings also exuded a terrifying thunder arc!

 "Lereira, how do you feel?"

 There was another soft drink, and the slender giant of light, all silver in color and with a water drop timer on his chest, patted Lyrilla on the shoulder. The patterns on her chest were constantly changing every moment!

 "Not bad, Ain. I can feel my strength getting stronger, and I seem to have learned a lot of new things."

 Lyrela was very happy.

 Here Lairla and Ain have both successfully transformed, and the two rays of light on the other side have also transformed into slender giants of light!

 Nami, the Giant of Light, is full of color and has various patterns of clouds, hurricanes, lightning, and flames on her chest! The timer on her chest is directly the King of Heaven, Uranus!

 The last Robin transformed into a giant of light that looked exactly like Mary, except that her whole body was gray in color, she had a golden flower-patterned armor on her chest, and her hair was not a twin ponytail but a single ponytail.

 As for the timer on her chest, it is a heart-shaped timer that looks like the mysterious Four Ossaga!

 Four girls, all transformed successfully!

