
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

3 islands capable of destroying the new world

"Please wait a moment..."

Looking at Robin who wanted to continue talking, Qing Zhi stretched out his hand to stop Robin's words with a cold face, and then asked with doubts, "Please explain first, what do you mean by the historical text after you have marked the key points? Mo. Well, have you found her?"

The last sentence was asking about Moen.

Moen put down the tea cup and looked at Robin with a smile. Robin also took off his glasses very gently, and his whole demeanor seemed to have changed.

"Long time no see, Aokiji. Also, long time no see, General Akainu."

Hearing the familiar voice, Qingzhi suddenly felt bad. He looked at Robin blankly, then looked at Moen, and finally smiled bitterly.

"I should have thought a long time ago that Nia appeared inexplicably and that you paid attention to her. These all show that her identity is not simple. But because of Hailou Shi, I gave up my suspicion. You helped us some time ago I was so excited when I eliminated the side effects of the Devil Fruit that I didn't even think about this!"

"The one who killed Lieutenant General Carmende is you, Nico Robin." Akainu lit a cigar, sat up like a boss, and then exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Why did you choose to reveal your identity today? Moen is here to support you. As long as you don't take the initiative to expose yourself, even I, who have suspected you for a long time, can't do anything to you, right?"

Listening to Akainu's words, both Aokiji and Moen looked at him with wide eyes.

What is this red dog saying?

Qing Pheasant has been chasing Robin for twenty years without recognizing the disguised Robin. He has already suspected it?

Is this the dog's sense of smell?

Moen noticed that Akainu's legs were shaking slightly, and the end of the cigar in his mouth was also chewed out with scratches.


The search was so exhausting!

This guy is totally showing off!

What have you discovered a long time ago that he just wants to crush the blue pheasant!

Isn't that just bragging!

He, Akainu, doesn't boast enough!

Moen smiled and continued to look at the document in his hand. As he looked at it, his face gradually became serious.

"Robin, are you sure there are no flaws in your translation?"

Taking the two pieces of paper and comparing them with each other, Moen discovered that the content on the historical text of the road sign seized from Cake Island where BIGMOM was located was actually different from the content captured by the revolutionary army on Onigashima next to Wano Country!

Except for some changes in sentences, they are almost all clichés praising a huge kingdom that existed in the past.

They say they are saviors.

They gave the people hope to live.

They left behind the last treasure, which can make the sea peaceful!

Opening the translations of these two historical texts, Moen read them horizontally and vertically several times. Each page was filled with such gorgeous words praising the huge kingdom.

But Moen could see the words between the words, "flattery" and "arrogant"!

Seeing that Moen had finished reading the translation, Robin also felt that this was the most substandard and dull historical text she had ever translated.

It doesn't involve any trace of history, it's just the kind of congratulations on the mountains that are carried out by God and the emperor's edict.

Among the two translations, there were only two completely different places that Robin marked below with a red pen.

These two places are exactly the names of the two islands!

"Fas Island, Saiken Island? Why does this name feel so familiar?"

Listening to Morn murmuring to himself, it wasn't until the names of Fas Island and Saken Island were mentioned that the expressions of Aokiji and Akainu changed instantly.

"Are you sure that the names recorded in the historical text of the road sign are the names of these two islands?" Akainu bit into his cigar, and the broken cigar fell on the table, and soon the table was burnt black.

Aokiji also sat up straight. These two islands are not ordinary islands and must be taken seriously!

"Why, do you two know these two islands?"

Moen raised the translation, flapped it twice, and threw it to Aokiji and Akainu.

"Fas Island and Secon Island are islands with naval stations in the first half of the New World."

Qing Zhi held his chin with one hand and pointed out with his finger. The cigar that was about to catch fire in front of him was frozen.

"They also have a brother island."

"Terminal Island."

Akainu spat out the cigar residue in his mouth, took out another one and lit it in his mouth, "These three islands are once again called the horror story islands of the new world!"

"The reason is because they store the End Point magma that can completely destroy the new world! If these three islands are destroyed, the magma lake on the seabed will completely erupt, sending the entire new world to the sky."

Mo En was cold for two seconds, and then he laughed so hard that he couldn't stand upright.

He finally remembered, weren't these the three islands that Zefa wanted to destroy in the original novel?

Moreover, it seems that the Navy is very proud to store the explosive rocks that can destroy the islands on these three islands.

Why, I'm still worried that you can't destroy it, even the tools are prepared for you?

(When I saw it, I thought it was outrageous. It's just that you don't take good care of something like dynamite rock, which is said to be comparable to ancient weapons, but it was placed directly on the magma island? Do you think the New World is not dying fast enough?)

It's just that...

What level of magma lake is needed to send a new world to the sky?

You must know that this is the world of the sea. Except for the red earth continent, all are scattered islands. Unless the core of the earth is stirred and all the magma explodes in an instant, it will be impossible to destroy the ocean.

At most, some marine life will die, some islands with volcanoes will be destroyed, and then the magma will cool down to form new islands.

"So, these three islands are the legendary signpost islands?" Moen stroked his forehead, reluctantly took a piece of white paper and drew three dots on it.

Representing Saiken Island, Fas Island and Terminus Island respectively.

After connecting three points, it becomes a triangle.

Throwing the pen on the table, Moen grabbed the teacup on the side and took a sip.

"It seems that the legendary Rafdru is already in the palm of our hands!"

"Although I don't know where the fourth island is, there must be Rafdru on these three lines!"

Anyone who has learned a little bit of mathematics knows that when four points need to intersect to form a point, three points can determine the target line.

"You want to find Raff Drew?"

Akainu exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at Moen seriously.

"No, why are you looking for it? Roger has found Rafdru, has he accomplished something? We might as well stay down to earth and do everything we do well." Moen shook his head.

There is nothing about the legend of Ravdru that attracts the navy. A treasure that is as rich as the enemy?

Tezzolo, who is now also a vice admiral of the navy, can be extremely wealthy.

Possible ancient weapons?

Each admiral can compare with ancient weapons, but they may be a little inferior in the long term, but the advantage lies in flexibility.

In addition, there is one Pluto floating in the sky in the East China Sea!

Therefore, Morn will not even try to find Rafdru.

More than Ralph Drew, he wants to know what is hidden under Mary Joa!

