
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 85: Becoming a Navy...


After a few people chatted for a while, Xiu March's voice suddenly came.

I saw that he was standing on the navy ship next to the Longteng Wanli, gnawing on an apple in his hand.

"Lieutenant Colonel Xiu March, long time no see!"

At this time, Zhang Jun said hello.

"Don't talk about some of these! Originally I came to fight with you, but now it seems that I can't beat you."

Xiu Maqi shrugged, he could feel it from Zhang Jun's performance in the battle before.

"Haha, the back wave is getting higher and higher!"

Xiu March said with a big laugh.

"Lieutenant Colonel, the speed at which you become stronger is not much slower than mine."

Zhang Jun shook his head and said with a smile.

He is not a compliment, Xiu Maqi's speed of becoming stronger is really not much slower than him!

But it is precisely because of this that Zhang Jun is very curious, why is he so nameless in the original work?

"Well, Lieutenant Colonel, why are you in this sea? Is it really for me?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Jun still asked vaguely.

"Oh, your kid is getting more and more narcissistic? I have a mission."

Xiumaqi threw the core into the sea, clapped his hands and raised his brows.

"What task?"

Zhang Jun had an intuition that it was this task that hurt him!

"What? You want to join the navy?"

Xiu March said with a smile.


Zhang Jun suddenly realized that he was asking about Navy secrets, so he scratched his head in a nonchalant manner.

"Okay, I don't think you guys have this idea. I have seen it before, but I can't beat it, and I'm leaving!"

Xiu Maqi gave Zhang Jun angrily and motioned for his men to set off.

"By the way! Don't take those lads and lads with you, or I will be the first to let you go!"

Suddenly, Xiu March turned around and said fiercely.


Zhang Jun stood at attention and saluted.


The two looked at each other and smiled, and the navy ship slowly moved away.

"Lieutenant Colonel, that's a great pirate offering a reward of 120 million. Just let them go?"

A navy said on the going navy ship.

"What? You can't beat it? I can't beat it anyway!"

Xiu Maqi said blankly.

I was full of emotion inside, and there was a complicated feeling of watching my junior surpass myself.

"Boss, Lieutenant Colonel Xiu March is as usual, okay, ah."

On the Longteng Wanli, Missoga thought about the words and spoke slowly.

Zhang Jun didn't reply, but just nodded.

He was thinking, thinking about how to help Xiu March.

"No, Missoga, you stay here for a while. I have something to do. I will come to you later."

Zhang Jun still couldn't watch Xiu Maqi go to death, he believed very much in the intuition brought by the domineering and domineering he reached the second level!

When the words fell, Zhang Junfei rushed towards the navy ship that was about to sink into the thick fog.

"Brother Jun!"

Hill called out, but was stopped by Missoga.

"Hill, the boss must have his own business, let's just wait for him here, just because Mo Yan hasn't woken up yet."

Misoga said comfortingly.

Hill nodded and walked into the room pouting.

Also, when Zhang Jun just came back, he left without saying a few words to her, and Hill was reluctant and wronged.

On the sea surface, Zhang Jun quickly approached the navy ship, and then he got on board.


Several navies were instantly alarmed, yelling and holding their guns at Zhang Jun.

"Huh? Boy, why are you here?"

Lieutenant Colonel Xiu Maqi waved his hand not to be nervous, and looked at Zhang Jun suspiciously.

"I'm afraid you will die in that mission, come and help you!"

Zhang Jun said directly.

"Cut! Forget it, come here, find him a navy suit. Hahaha, your kid still became a navy?!"

Xiu March frowned first, then stretched his brows and jokingly said.

He knew that Zhang Jun would definitely not come from nowhere, anyway, he was not a rigid person, and it was not a big deal to bring a big pirate with no evil.

Another very important reason is that Xiu Maqi trusts his subordinates!

"Find me a room first, I'm exhausted!"

Zhang Jun shrugged and said with a tired face.

Thus, a pirate who was offered a reward of 120 million successfully "mixed" into the navy ship...

In the room, Zhang Jun sat on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Fuck, isn't this system coming out yet?"

After a while, Zhang Jun opened his eyes and vomited.

Then he fell back on the bed.

Soon, a feeling of exhaustion flooded my body, and sleepiness came.

"here is?"

In the dream, Zhang Jun was in a strange space.

There is no distinction between up and down, left and right, no objects, only streams of light flashing.

Zhang Jun tried to touch the streamers, but the streamers went straight through his body.

This hazy world reminded Zhang Jun of the space where the hook and bait entered each time he was fishing.

Wandering here for a long, long time, Zhang Jun tried again and again, but never touched a streamer.

"Ding, the system upgrade is complete."

Suddenly, the familiar voice of the system wakes Zhang Jun from his dream.

"Upgrade content:

1. Increase the upper limit of bait: myth bait, ten thousand world class bait.

2. Task level breakdown (corresponding to bait): inferior, ordinary, high-quality, best, legend, myth, ten thousand worlds.

3. If you touch items outside this world, you will get a designated fishing opportunity (if the designated item exceeds the bait level, there is a high probability of failure.) Opportunities: 1"

After a while, Zhang Jun received all the information.

"Ding, the hidden task is completed, the task reward: the best bait*2!"

"Ding, task trigger: change the fate of Xiu Maqi. Task reward: the best bait*3!"

Before Zhang Jun could think about it, the voice of the system sounded continuously.

"The upgrade changes don't seem to be very big, but it's a bit interesting to specify fishing! Moreover, it actually added the reward for that hidden task, and it triggered another task..."

For a while, Zhang Jun was a little confused.

Moreover, he keenly noticed the items that did not belong to this world, and Zhang Jun immediately remembered those few stones as keys.

Zhang Jun was a little curious about who built that altar.

At this moment, Zhang Jun suddenly had a doubt, how could he use a high-quality bait to catch this lightning fruit?

So far, Zhang Jun felt that this thunder and lightning fruit could not even catch the best bait.

Is it a novice reward?Eight achievements are.

This system seems to be a little imperfect, and it is justified if it was not stated.

At this time, Zhang Jun already has three top-quality baits and two stocks of high-quality baits.