
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 83: Reinforcement to Repair March

"Let me out, let me out!"

The little girl's voice sounded extremely miserable, and even Zhang Jun couldn't help feeling a trace of compassion.

But looking at the figures standing in front of him, Zhang Jun shook his head.

At this time, there were only Zhang Jun and the Five Dao figures in the ancestral hall.

It seems that the little girl's ability to hurt the soul can no longer be used.

This was when the five figures appeared, Zhang Jun suddenly realized.

But it was too late, he was already surrounded.

There are humans and underground people in these five figures, but now they all become fallen ones who sacrifice their souls to demons.

They should be called demons too!

This is the accumulation of the little girl over the years.

If it wasn't for the lack of energy and daring to fantasize, perhaps all the underground people have become like this at this moment.

Zhang Jun's face is solemn, although he can't detect combat power without a system, he can feel that it's tricky!

"Yo, kid! It looks like your situation is not good!"

At this moment, a rough and familiar voice came.

"Xiu Macchi!?"

Zhang Jun glanced slightly and said in surprise.

Time went back to half an hour ago.

Just as Xiu Machi stopped a few people in Misuga, a loud noise broke out underground.

Then Missoga told him about the current situation.

As a result, Xiu Maqi patted his chest, saying that he would let them stay here, and he went to find Zhang Jun.

The beautiful name is apprehended.

Misuga had a good impression of Xiu March. Although he said that he would not be merciful when meeting again, it was obvious that he did not regard them as enemies.

But he still didn't worry about Xiu Maqi's strength, knowing that he is much stronger than the original Xiu Maqi.

As a result, Xiu Maqi glanced at him with disdain.

Jumped up and stood in the air, then punched out.

Fist Jin brought up the wind, both boats shook, then Fist Jin entered the water.

The sea sank in an instant, about ten meters deep!

So Missoga swallowed and gave a thumbs up to express his approval to go to Zhang Jun.

"They are the navy, are they credible?"

Hill approached Missoga's ear and whispered.

"Credible, hahahaha!"

As a result, Missoga hadn't even spoken, and Xiu March's voice came from a distance.

Misoga smiled helplessly, then nodded to Hill.

It's a pity that Gui Moyan hasn't woken up...

Both of them sighed at the same time.

So, Xiu Maqi came to Alcatraz Island.

Following the traces left by Zhang Jun and the others, he jumped into the hole.


With a loud noise, Xiu Maqi bent his legs and landed steadily.

"Are you Zhang Jun's companion?"

As he looked around, a voice came.

In the darkness, Ou Da's younger brother Ouji came out.

"Forget it! Where is he?"

Xiu Maqi nodded, and glanced at the tiny Ouji weirdly.

"follow me!"

Ao Er and Ao Da are completely different, they look like they are thousands of miles away.

So, Xiu Maqi followed Ao Er towards the ancestral hall.

Ouji's appearance was ordered by the leader. He guessed that people on the sea in the distance would come to look for Zhang Jun after feeling the shock.

The facts are just as he expected.

Let's talk about the other side.

Originally, the leader didn't intend to let Lan Ling, a girl who looked so innocent, get hurt, so he concealed it.

But she was worried that Zhang Jun's inexplicable death would be furious, so she chose to tell her.

Sure enough, Lan Ling was shocked when he heard the news, and then ran towards the ancestral hall.

"Boss, you weren't so kind."

The woman Xiaoxiu said softly, not knowing where she came from after Lan Ling had left.

"When you are strong, you don't need it, when you are weak, you naturally have to know how to judge the situation!"

The leader said indifferently, he didn't think there was any mistake in his approach.

Sure enough, it's not easy to be a leader!

Back to now.

Xiu Maqi greeted Zhang Jun and walked towards Zhang Jun.

"Don't come here! They are strong!"

Zhang Jun raised his hand to stop Xiu Maqi.

"Last chance! Let me out!"

The harsh roar did not appear in Zhang Jun's mind for the first time, and several people heard the sound.

"You are pitiful, and I sympathize with you."

"But you are also hateful! You have killed so many innocent people and want to come out? Stop dreaming!"

Zhang Jun said loudly, slashing at one of the fallen ones.

"court death!"

At the same time, the little girl's voice sounded, and for an instant, all the fallen ones seemed to have received instructions and began to act.

Cang Dang!

Zhang Jun's knife was not machete the fallen one, but was blocked by his arm.

Although Zhang Jun didn't use any strength, his body was a bit too hard!

"Boy, you can't do it!"

Xiu Maqi fisted a fallen man and said loudly.

Zhang Jun looked at Xiu Maqi in surprise.

"No way?!"

Zhang Jun raised his brows, and the blade flashed across the blade instantly.


The thunder blood quickly cut out, and the fallen person on the opposite side could not dodge, and was pulled out by thunder blood and fell to the ground.

This is what Zhang Jun has just discovered, and it feels less uncomfortable when using the flashlight lighting.

"Gluck... dare to disobey Lord Devil's order, go to death!"

Several fallen people rushed up frantically with weird laughter.

Zhang Jun and two of them stopped talking, and the strength of these fallen ones was not weak, let alone a five-on-two!

In fact, Lan Ling wanted to help, but she had just been traumatized in her soul and couldn't do anything.

Three fallen men rushed towards Zhang Jun.

Very fast, with an uncomfortable breath.

Zhang Jun didn't flinch, and rushed towards the nearest fallen one.

"Purple thunder flash!"

In order to maximize the power of the flashing thunder, he only used two kinds of spirit thunder, Jin Linglei and Yao flashing thunder.

And at this time, he also opened all four gears!


There was a huge impact, and this fallen one was obviously much stronger. Although the bombarded flew out, it only left deep marks on the skin.

At the same time, the other two fallen men attacked Zhang Jun from left to right.

Zhang Jun followed the force of the chop, with a little toe, floating towards the front.

The two fallen attackers missed the attack and immediately pursued them.

Zhang Jun landed again, twisted, and attacked the fallen man on the left.

This fallen one was the one cut by Zhang Jun!

Seeing Zhang Jun rushing, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"Kuang Lei broke the sky!"

With a loud roar, a huge blade light appeared, rushing away with the penetrating attribute.

Suddenly, the fallen one had no time to dodge.

It's about to hit.


In an instant, a group of Heiwu Cong, the fallen body, rushed out and collided with the blade light.

The black mist was split, but the fallen one disappeared in place!