
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 77 The Black Hole Labyrinth

There are many plants on Alcatraz Island, and many are even as tall as people.

There is no way to see the front.

Zhang Jun walked ahead and turned into countless knives with lightning.

The knife flew in front, clearing the way quickly.

"Damn pirate!"

In an unknown area, in the darkness, a pair of white eyes filled with anger.

With the press of a button in his palm, the island has undergone some changes.

"Head, I'll take a look at the sky."

Lan Ling spoke slowly and floated into the air.

"I saw a dark shadow flashing across the island!"

Suddenly, Lan Ling flew down and whispered.

Her pale fingers pointed to the right.

Zhang Jun nodded and controlled the lightning knife to go in that direction.

In fact, Zhang Jun could also fly directly in that direction.

But he felt that the land under his feet was a little abnormal, so he chose to go step by step.

Sure enough, following his walk.

Through second-level experience and domineering, he can vaguely feel the vibration under his feet.

This vibration seems to happen in a very deep place underground.

"Missoka, you say, should we go and see..."

On the Longteng Wanli, Hill kept walking back and forth, speaking with some worry.

It didn't take long for it to be dark.

"No way, how dangerous it is to be in a coma on the boat with Ice Cube Face alone!"

Misoga took a bite of the apple in her hand and frowned.

Hill nodded approvingly, then gave him another blank look.

It made Missoga feel inexplicable, and then took another bite.

"found it!"

Finally, Zhang Jun chopped off batch after batch of plants and came to a dark hole.

This hole can't be seen to the bottom at a glance, it exudes a hint of coldness.

"Lan Ling, wait a minute."

Zhang Jun stopped Lan Ling who wanted to go directly in.

With a move of his right hand, a light group appeared in Zhang Jun's hand.

This is a cluster of light condensed by flashing thunder, in which countless small lightning flashes everywhere.

Zhang Jun just had a whim and thought of a way to possibly see the depths of the cave.

He knelt down and threw the ball of light on his right hand.

But he didn't throw them all at once, he was using his powerful control in the third gear.

Pulling a "string" like dropping a line ball.

Sure enough, this thread made of flashing thunder has excellent illumination.

However, looking along the entrance of the cave, only the smooth walls can be seen.

The line is getting longer and longer, incredibly long.

With Zhang Jun's eyesight, he could no longer see what was next.

"No, too deep!"

Zhang Jun stood up and shook his head.

"Just go in and take a look?"

Lan Ling said puzzledly.

She is not deeply involved in the world, and she has a shallow concept of danger.


Zhang Jun was about to speak, and suddenly felt a violent vibration under his feet.

The whole island is shaking,


Zhang Jun's speech was interrupted before he could take off.

Because he felt a chill on his back, his body unexpectedly lost control for a while.

When he regained control of his body, he found that he and Lan Ling were falling towards the ground.

"Lan Ling, air barrier, then fly up!"

Zhang Jun said loudly.

However, Lan Ling didn't react at all, just looked at him weakly.

"Damn it! Hailou Rock?"

Zhang Jun was surprised.

Holding Lan Ling's waist instantly was like rushing online.

However, his back felt a chill again.

The body lost control instantly again.


A violent impact sounded.

Deep in the ground, Zhang Jun and Zhang Jun, who had been falling for a long time, finally touched the ground.

In order to reduce Lan Ling's damage, Zhang Jun used himself as a meat shield.

Fortunately, Zhang Jun desperately slowed down through the wall on the way he was falling, so he didn't suffer any harm.

"Thank you."

Lan Ling said weakly, her always delicate and indifferent face was blushing, looking very moving.

Zhang Jun helped Lan Ling stand up and shook his head vigorously.

This is not the time to engage in feelings!

Looking around, Zhang Jun found that there were many black holes around, and they didn't know where they lead.

Being in such an unknown environment, coupled with the weak Lan Ling.

Zhang Jun felt a little headache.

"Missoka! Don't eat it!"

The other half, aboard the Longteng Wanli.

Anxious Hill patted the table.

"It's dark! How come Brother Jun and the others haven't come back!"

At this time, the sun had just set, but Hill still didn't see the figure, and his heart was restless.

"Yes, why haven't they come back?"

Missoga also became serious, frowning and looking in the direction of the island.

"Hill! Look at it!"

Suddenly, Missoga took off the telescope and called out in shock.

"What? Are they back?"

Hill moved his expression and grabbed the binoculars.

"Then, those are..."

Seeing the scene on the island, Hill stammered speechless.

At this moment, there were many dark shadows on that island.

These dark shadows did not know when and where they appeared, and they appeared so abruptly.

The hairs on Hill and Missoga's backs stood up.

"It's over... Boss, they're afraid it's too bad for you..."

Misoga spoke tremblingly.

"Impossible! Can you speak well!"

Hill's eyes were red, and he yelled at Missoga.

"Right, yes..."

Suddenly, Hill remembered something and took out a thin small box from his arms.

Opening the box, there was a torn piece of paper lying quietly inside.

"They are fine! At least Brother Jun is fine!"

Hill cried with joy.

This piece of paper was Zhang Jun's life card, and it came into use at this time.

So Misuga and Hill took the life card and looked in the direction of the island worriedly.

At the same moment, the depths of Alcatraz Island.

Zhang Jun was hesitating which hole to head towards.

"Go, over there."

When Zhang Jun was tangled, Lan Ling spoke suddenly.

"I have grown up on an isolated island since I was a child. This may be the reason why I can't see life for a long time. As long as there is life on the island, I can quickly detect it."

"And I felt the breath of creatures in that direction."

Lan Ling calmly explained.

"You are too strong!"

Zhang Jun couldn't help but exclaimed.

Under such circumstances, Lan Ling possesses this ability, then she is simply the goddess of dawn!