
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 55 Meet Smogg again.

"Mo Yan!"

Before a few people had time to surprise, Gui Moyan fell down because of separation.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for having a good partner. The task is completed. The task reward: top-quality bait*1, high-quality bait*1!"

At the same time, the sound of the system rang, which made Zhang Jun feel a little different for some reason.

Seems more humane?

Shaking his head, Zhang Jun looked at Gui Moyan who fell on the ground.

This is not the time to think about this!

"Hill, give him treatment quickly, please!"

Zhang Jun frowned when he looked at the bleeding Gui Moyan.

"Brother Jun can rest assured that such an injury will never endanger life or leave any sequelae."

Hill smiled and nodded. Fortunately, it didn't hurt the internal organs, but the abdomen was torn. As long as he sews it on and cultivates for a while, it will be fine.

"Ice cube face, you are so good!"

Missoga murmured, something new seemed to appear in her eyes.

Zhang Jun nodded, then took out a glass bottle from the system with a small boat inside.

That's right, Zhang Jun would put the Longteng Wanli away every time he went ashore, so that he wouldn't have to stay behind to watch the ship.

This was what Zhang Jun thought of after the last time he traded the ship, but it made him feel a little guilty for leaving Gui Moyan behind.

Thus, a magical scene appeared here.

A pirate ship appeared in the hot desert!

Fortunately, this place is relatively remote, coupled with the terrain, basically will not be discovered.

"Missoga, you will help Hill on the boat and protect them at the same time. I will get some camels so that I can move forward smoothly in the desert!"

After setting up the injured Gui Moyan, Zhang Jun ordered the two to head towards the city again.

Zhang Jun knew from the map that they had to prepare enough resources in Na Rohara first.

Then take the waterway to reach the dry city Elmar, and then pass through Yuba to reach the city where Krokdal is now, the rainy place!

This is the most comfortable way. If you don't go through the city, it's not impossible to just walk through the desert. It's just that it's too painful.

"Boss! Are these camels sold?"

Entering Na Rohara again, Zhang Jun quickly found a place to sell camels.

At the same time, not far away.

"Da Zuo! According to sources, the Thunderer Zhang Jun will arrive in Alabastan one step earlier than the Straw Hat Boy!"

A navy posted a word in Smogg's ear.

"Huh! Don't let me meet these two boys again! I will definitely catch them!"

Smogg said fiercely that although the straw hat boy couldn't beat himself, the electric boy was not his opponent.

However, in any case, even if you try your best to defeat him!

At this moment, Smogg suddenly saw a familiar figure that seemed to be buying a camel.

"The kid who uses electricity?!"

Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded behind Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun felt the voice a bit familiar, and turned his head in confusion.

"Yo! Smogg!"

Seeing Smogg wearing a rough navy suit with a cigar in front of him, Zhang Jun smiled and waved hello.

"This kid!"

Smogg only felt a crow flying over his head, I am the navy, and you are the pirate!

How can you say hello like an old friend?!

"Stop talking nonsense, just get caught!"

With a big wave of Smogg's hand, a group of navies surrounded him.

"Look! It's the Navy!"

"Who are they surrounding? Looks like an ordinary guy!"

"Then you are ignorant! That's Zhang Jun, the thunderer, the big pirate who offers a reward of 60 million Baileys!"

"What? Isn't that faster than Master Krokdal?"

"Impossible! Lord Krokdal has been a hero these years, and the mere bounty has long been gone!"

The more and more people around me.

"Klockdale's image is really well created!"

Zhang Jun muttered silently.

"Huh! White snake!"

Just when Zhang Jun was distracted, Smogg's face sank and he snorted and rushed towards Zhang Jun with his arms turned into serpentine smoke.

"Eh eh, you are not good!"

Zhang Jun frowned slightly, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and instantly wrapped all the smoke in it.

Although Smogg's combat effectiveness has risen to 1,100 points, he is obviously not his opponent!

It can only be said that Zhang Jun's fruit ability just restrained him.

It was all physical attacks like Luffy, and of course it was impossible to hit the smog of Smogg.

But Zhang Jun, who uses electricity, is different, which is why he was able to defeat Smaller in the first place.


Small was trapped firmly, and he couldn't escape without being completely elementalized for the time being.

"You guys get some sleep too!"

Zhang Jun said lightly to the surrounding navy.

Lightning flashed in an instant, and all the navy fainted to the ground after the crackling sound.

"Okay, boss, let's continue trading!"

Seeing that it was almost done, Zhang Jun ignored Smogg's shout and talked to the dumbfounded camel-selling boss.

"Ah! Okay, I'll give these camels to you, brother!"

The shop owner came back to his senses and said tremblingly.

"This can't work!"

Zhang Jun shook his head, dropped the four purses, and left with the four camels.

"Four, forty thousand!?"

Behind him, the shop owner called out in surprise.

This little brother is really rich!

The airtight thunder and lightning around Smogg disappeared when Zhang Jun left.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Smogg's complexion was extremely ugly, and Dasqi, who had just rushed over, woke up all the navy and left dingy.

Of course he has no plans to catch up, didn't he see that he and others are not opponents at all?

"The straw hat boy! I can't catch him now, I must catch you!"

Smogg was extremely mad inside.

"Okay, amazing..."

After the navy left, the surrounding crowd plunged into hustle and bustle again.

Everyone can't help but praise Zhang Jun's powerful strength.

"I am back!"

Soon, Zhang Jun returned to the Longteng Wanli.

At this time, Gui Moyan has woken up. According to Hill, his wounds are healing at an extremely fast speed!

At this rate, you can fully recover in less than three days!

This surprised Zhang Jun, but he also had such an even stronger physique.

At this time, Gui Moyan was barely able to ride a camel.

So Zhang Jun put the Longteng Wanli away again, and several people rode toward the beach on camels.