
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 49 Fierce battle! Hill's transformation!

"Huh? MISS Valentine's Day, the ship in front seems to be coming from the Whiskey Peak?"

Wearing a brown long dress and black sunglasses, Mr5 with a proud face said to MISS Valentine's Day, who is holding a fluffy umbrella and dressed as if going on vacation.

"It seems so, Mr5. How could they pass the Whiskey Peak unharmed? And hit us?!"

MISS has the iconic smile on her face on Valentine's Day, but her heart feels strange.

Know that they went straight from Alabastan to the Whiskey Peak. It stands to reason that few pirates have a permanent pointer in this direction, let alone the Whiskey Peak gathered by bounty hunters!

"Hey, bastards, how are you doing to the people at Whiskey Peak?"

The two boats approached quickly and stopped tacitly. Curly-haired Mr5 stepped on the side of the boat and asked with disdain.

Out of his arrogant mentality, he didn't think that these children really came out of the people who defeated the Whiskey Peak.

"Went out!"

Standing on the bow of the ship, Gui Moyan embraced the ghost knife and spoke indifferently.

"Yeah hahaha, boy, you guys can really joke!"

MISS turned his umbrella on Valentine's Day and said with a smile.


A faint light flashed, and the two cadres of Barak's studio were suddenly jumped down, and instantly jumped to one side.

The shadow fell on the deck, and the deck was cut directly!


Mr5 roared and planned to step forward.

The instigator of this incident, Gui Moyan, didn't say a word, slowly retracted the knife into its sheath, and then nodded to the silent faces of Missoga and Hill behind him.

"The bastard actually looks down on us! Nose!"

Mr5 became angry and took out a piece of booger from his nose to play like the back of Gui Moyan.

At this moment, a stick figure appeared, just hitting the flying nose.


There was a loud noise, and the booger exploded at the touch of it!

Missoga, who was swinging his club, was blown upside down.

"Oh! So disgusting!"

Hill on the side said disgustingly, his delicate little face wrinkled, full of disgust.

"Fuck! Booger will explode?!"

Misuga at the back patted the dust on her body, looking surprised.

"you guys!"

The opposite Mr5 has been so angry that he can't speak. Why are these people so weird, can they fight well!

"Ahahaha, Mr5, you have been mocked!"

MISS Valentine smiled on the sidelines, while laughing, her body floated.

"Wow, she can fly!"

Hill was shocked, these two people are really amazing!

"Missoka, you deal with that booger weird, let me deal with this flying man!"

Suddenly, Hill rolled his eyes and said to Misuga with a smile.

"Uh, good!"

Looking at such a beautiful Hill, how could Missoga say something to refuse?

The two jumped and reached the other's ship. They weren't like fighting on the Longteng Wanli. If they broke something, it would be bad!

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, hell has no way to break in! Take it to death, punch!"

When Mr5 saw Missoga rushing towards him, he hit him with a punch.

"Break the wind!"

Seeing this, Misuga immediately used all his strength, and the weather stick made bursts of sound like fists.


There was another loud noise, and Mr5's fist instantly exploded, and the huge impact caused the two of them to fly backwards involuntarily.

But obviously, Misuga suffered more damage!

"Yo, little sister, now is not the time for you to watch the show!"

Just as Hill looked worriedly at the figure of Missoga flying upside down, MISS Valentine's Day's voice came, and she saw that she was falling rapidly from high altitude.

"One catty, two catties, ten catties, one hundred catties, one thousand catties!"

The voice of MISS Valentine's Day became louder and louder, and her speed became faster and faster.

"not good!"

With a secret cry in his heart, Hill immediately walked away.


The moment Hill just walked away, MISS Valentine's Day just fell.

There was a big hole in the deck!

"Little sister, escape very fast!"

Soon, the figure of MISS Valentine's Day floated in the air again.

"No, she fell too fast! I can't keep moving fast, nor can I stand still and wait for her to fall! As long as I get hit once, I'm afraid..."

Hill frowned, his body was constantly running, and it was difficult to aim only when he moved MISS Valentine's Day!



At this moment, a booger bounced from nowhere, and instantly exploded on Hill.

When it flew out, Hill only had time to see Misuga's anxious face.

"Damn it! Fight with me and have the strength to carry out sneak attacks! Go to death!"

Miso's eyes were red, rushing towards Mr5 frantically.

"The rain is coming! The wind is coming!"

There were two loud shouts, and the whole ship was stormy in an instant.

"A stick breaks the sky!"

Misuga used the most powerful move and swung straight towards Mr5!


Feeling the huge threat, Mr5 made a decision instantly and used his most powerful move.

In the squally rain, a dazzling white light flashed.


After a while, a figure flew upside down, smashed the hull, and fell into the cabin.

Soon, the wind and rain cleared, and Missoga was kneeling on the ground covered in blood.

And MISS Valentine's Day, who was holding on to the mast, came back in disbelief.

In the wind, her light and fluttering fruit is difficult to play a role, because it is blown away when it floats!

Fortunately, the man who created the wind is exhausted!


Thinking of this, MISS Valentine couldn't help but laugh, and walked towards Missoga step by step.

"Have you forgotten something?"

At this moment, a sweet voice sounded, but it was like a reminder for MISS Valentine's Day.


MISS heard the sound on Valentine's Day and turned around subconsciously, but suddenly felt a little tingling in his arm.

Looking down, there was a needle sticking to her arm!

"what is this?!"

MISS Valentine felt that her body was getting stiffer and stiffer, a flustered feeling came to her heart, and the iconic smile on her face disappeared.


Hill said coldly, with a beaten hair, that she was exuding an icy aura at this time, as if she had returned to the old days of drifting away.

"Hill, you are doing well, it seems you have found your way!"

At some point, Zhang Jun came to Hill, and Missoga was also carried back to Longteng Wanli by Gui Moyan.

"Brother Jun, I am too weak, too weak! Since I can only poison, then I will let all the enemies in my poison!"

Unusually, Hill did not cry about acting like a baby to Zhang Jun, but instead looked firm.

Seeing the perseverance on Hill's face, Zhang Jun moved in his heart and touched her head.

"Go! Go home!"

Zhang Jun laughed, picked up Hill and jumped back to Longteng Wanli.

Hill's cheeks were flushed in his arms, looking at Zhang Jun's face madly.