
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 16 Ancient Writing

"Hill, although I promised him to spare his life, I didn't promise him to let him go comfortably. Are you right?"

Zhang Jun, who returned to the Longteng Wanli, said with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and said to the young and beautiful Hill.

"Yes! They arrested Hill anyway. Although I rarely feel more stable during this period, I know their minds very well. Then I will trouble you and help Hill teach him a lesson!"

Hill said playfully in a torn white dress.


Zhang Jun waved his hand, and a cannonball flew towards the distant Black Bear.

With a bang, the Black Bear was blown into two pieces, and the black bear on it did not dare to yell, so he kept shouting.


The three of them looked at each other and smiled, Long Teng Wanli also shook lightly, seeming to be smiling.


"Brother Jun, why do you want to be a pirate?"

On the endless sea, the Longteng Wanli drove forward leisurely. A girl in a pink tutu put her chin on her hands, her lips lightly opened.

This girl is the Hill that Zhang Jun and Zhang Jun'rescued' from the Black Bear Pirates, and she was wearing the clothes that Zhang Jun caught before, but she didn't expect that she was wearing the right fit.

"One Piece, it is my dream since I was young. I didn't have the opportunity before, but now I have the opportunity to do my best!"

Zhang Jun, who was fishing on the side, had a smile at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were deep, and his eyes seemed to contain the sea of ​​stars.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Iron Nugget of Navy Six!"

The cold voice of the system sounded in Zhang Jun's mind, his brows were slightly furrowed, and then a dashing close was made.

Iron nugget is one of the worst skills in navy type six!I don't know how it actually is.

Zhang Jun was a little upset. He had also consumed the two ordinary bait he had obtained this time. He did not expect that besides this iron piece, he would actually catch another inexplicable book.

"Brother Jun, Hill is very curious, what are you fishing for? There is not even a fish!"

Hill's small face was full of big doubts.

"It's really pleasing to the eye..."

Missoga murmured, looking in the distance.

"What I fished is a state of mind, this is also a way of my cultivation!"

Zhang Jun replied in a serious manner that although his combat effectiveness has not been fishing for a long time, with his daily exercise, he has only increased his combat effectiveness by ten points.

"Wow, what a great feeling!"

Hill's eyes lit up and she looked admiring. She learned from Missoga's mouth that Zhang Jun had killed a lieutenant colonel and he had killed the Black Bear Pirates last time!

Of course, Missoga's credit was ignored by her without hesitation. Who calls Brother Jun so handsome!

"Hey, by the way, Hill, do you know the words in these two books? Help me see what books these are?"

Zhang Jun smiled awkwardly in the cannibalistic eyes of Missoga, and then he did not know where he took out two books that looked quite old.

"You can ask the right person! Hill knows a lot of words!"

Hill smiled and took the book in Zhang Jun's hand, and carefully checked it together.

"Brother Jun, this, this seems to be ancient characters! Hill, Hill can't read..."

After a long while, Hill frowned Xiu's brows and pursed his mouth, and said glumly.

"Sister Hill, it's okay, it's okay."

Missoga, who had come in long ago, quickly comforted.

"Ancient text?! Historical text?!"

Zhang Jun exclaimed involuntarily.

"Ding, task trigger: ancient text, completion condition: get two books written in ancient text (completed), task reward: the probability of catching ancient text knowledge in the next fishing is increased by five times (the higher the quality of the bait, the greater the chance) "

Suddenly, the voice of the system sounded in Zhang Jun's mind, and his eyes suddenly burst into light!

In the world of One Piece, there are three ancient weapons with the title of "gods" that can destroy the world in ancient times, namely Pluto (Pluto), Sea King (Poseidon), and Heavenly King (Uranus).

And the historical text is not only the true truth of the original history, it is also likely to record the whereabouts of ancient weapons!

Although two ancient weapons have appeared in One Piece, and the mermaid princess who appears in the plot is likely to be the sea king, and the Pluto drawing that Frank will burn in the future, even Zhang Jun does not know the whereabouts of the king.

Because the original One Piece world has not been performed until then.

However, if you can understand ancient characters, it must be an extremely important ability!It can even be said that without a person who can interpret the text of history by his side, it is almost impossible to become the One Piece!

Thinking of this, Zhang Jun started fishing directly regardless of the two people who were still depressed and comforted!

This time he used the highest quality bait he has obtained so far, high-quality bait, he can not wait for a long time to obtain higher quality bait before fishing, this is the best choice.

If you can get it, everyone will be happy, if you can't get it, you can only think of a way later!

The two people on the side saw Zhang Jun's face very serious. Although they didn't know what happened, they still stood there quietly and waited.

The longer the waiting time, the more tormented the rescue, and the fishing time was inexplicably long!

The two of Missoga had long lost patience. One returned to the room and began to study Navigator's books, and the other went into the kitchen to show off.

It is worth mentioning that since Hill arrived on the ship, the two have been feasting on their food. Her craftsmanship is incredible, and according to her, all she cooks is medicated food!

The sky gradually darkened, and even Zhang Jun, who had been fishing calmly, showed a trace of impatience.

Finally, I don't know how long I have been fishing. In the night, only Zhang Jun can see. A white ball of light emerges from the fish hook. It slowly floats in front of Zhang Jun, and it looks like a bright moon in the sky.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for catching the ancient text interpretation ability, which can be given to others!"

At the same moment, the sound of the system appeared in due course.

"Gift to others? What do you think!"

The corner of Zhang Jun's mouth twitched. Although he did appreciate Hill very much, he had no plans to give her this ability.

Because, once the matter of knowing this ability is exposed, it will be completely destroyed if the strength is not enough!

Zhang Jun acted decisively and integrated the light group into his body.

After a while, he rubbed his slightly painful head and walked back to the room.

"Brother Jun, have dinner!"

Hill's voice came from outside the door, without asking Zhang Jun at all.

What a good girl!


Zhang Jun shook his head, took a sip of water and walked out of the room.

After the meal, Zhang Jun went into his room again and took out the two books written in ancient characters.

"Doctor, the real explanation of medical theory? Both? Oh, it was the first volume and the second volume..."

Zhang Jun carefully looked at the book in his hand.