
Fight in the Darkness of edge town

the camera pans to the road where various gnomes were just blabbering about as a blue tourism bus with the image of a beaver passed by,hitting a few and sending the rest running back to the bushes.

the bus stopped as the door slowly opened,from two sizeable bags are thrown off the bus as a pair of brown brown shoes followed by black boots land on the dirt ground. the camera pans up to reveal two figures.

one was a tall raven haired boy with a muscular built and a grin on his face. he was wearing a white shirt which did not hide his muscles very well,grey jeans and brown shoes

behind him came a smaller but still tall raven haired girl with a shy look on her face. she was wearing a long sleeved brown shirt,the sleeves covered her hands and hanged a bit due to the size,she had a short skirt and black pants with black boots,on her face glasses and a french cap on her head

"gravity falls,here we are. pines just you wait!"the boy said smiling with his arms crossed as the girl looked ahead holding one arm as the other hanged in front of her



"you don't have many friends huh,poor thing. i can help with that,how about a gift,that's what friends do right?"the disembodied voice of pyronica said

"you will obey me! what do you even have to lose?no one likes you anyway,you're too weird for anyone else,not me i like your spirit" a manpulative and rather charming voice said

a colorful silhouette appeared attaking with various punches shattering everything around it as lightning lit the place while the sounds of slot machines accompanied it

the figure of a boy with a pine tree hat appeared with a angry face

"you hurt my friends,you don't deserve pity,to think i may have liked you. you're just the rest of them,a demon!"


the boy was cut in half as everything was covered in red


"NO" candy shouted shooting up from her bed sweating

she placed her hand on her head as she felt a headache coming

"another nightmare,how long will this continue for. i can't handle this,is too stressful" she said standing up and looking at the clock seeing it was 10:30 AM

"maybe a bath and breakfast will cheer me up"she said walking to the shower taking her sweaty pijamas off and taking a refreshing bath.

"i feel better already"she said looking herself in the mirror,she reached down to grab her hairbrush

when she looked up she didn't see herself,but [deadwood] covered in blood.

"ahhhh" candy stumbled back slipping and hitting her back on the door

"ouch"she looked back at the mirror to see her wet self covered in a bath towel,she sighed heavily . her hands going to where the tiara once was.

"who am i kidding?"she asked herself standing up

after getting ready and putting her signiature clothes,she went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"mom,dad? anyone there?"she asked but got no response,going to the fridge she saw a note

"hey sweetheart if you read this then me and your mom left for work already. you were sleeping so peacefully we didn't want to wake you up. ps:your mom left your breakfast at the microwave. love ya-dad"candy smiled at the note,heating her breakfast which consisted of eggs and bacon.

she was eating her breakfast peacefully reading things on her phone when the doorbell rang.

"hmm, i wonder who it is" she stood up and opened the door,candy paled slightly when she saw dipper and mabel pines

"hey candy how it's going?" mabel said loudly energetically hugging the asian girl

'hey m-mabel" candy said surprised by the hug,she then looked at the other twin trying but failing to look him in the eyes

"hey candy,it,uhhh,it's been a while"dipper said attempting to break the ice

candy didn't really know what to asnwer,she stared trying to fidn something to say. dipper noticed and sighed lightly,candy then looked at mabel

"w-what bring you guys here?"she asked awkwardly

"soos is going to take us to the local arcade,wanna come?" dipper asked pointing to a pickup truck behind them from where soos waved at the girl who looked skeptically

"look,we know it must be weird talking to people you tried to kill,but it won't get us nowhere to keep avoiding each other,how about we start over?"dipper smiled

candy smiled a bit and nodded

"okay"she said


"this is it dudes my favorite place in gravity falls,everything i know i learned. a frog taught me how to cross the street,when my house was hunted i learned to eat ghost. and that taught me how to dance" soos said pointing to a dance machine

"woo-woo-hoo,i have been jiggin here for 7 days straight" old man mcgucket said dancing weirdly. mabel approached the machine noticing it was actually not even working,she looked to soos who raised is hand

"let him have this"soos said walking away

in another machine dipper and candy were playing a game called 'heritage to the future'

"GOLDEN VAMPIRE WINS" the game nouncer said

"KONO VAMPIRE DA" golden vampire said striking a pose

"dammit,you're pretty good at this" dipper said

"thanks,i used to play this a lot when i was younger"candy replied

"yeah it definately shows,let's go another round" dipper said,candy nodded as they started another match which soon ended with the same result


"yes"candy raised her fist in the air

"you lost to a girl,you must really suck" the teens turned to see robbie behind them with crossed arms. dipper sighed

"what do you want robbie?" dipper asked,candy stepped foward

"and what's wrong about losing to a girl"candy asked sternly with her hands on her hips,robbie raised his arms in mock defense

"hey,don't need to be rude four-eyes,i'm just putting up posters for my band. no biggie" he said motioning to a poster of him angrily pointing foward.

"are you wearing mascara?" candy asked pointing at his eyes on the poster,robbie froze slightly

"it's uh,eye-paint for man"he said

"sure"dipper said sarcastically,robbie lloked at him

"whatever,look i haven't forgotten what happened at the funfair. you get away from wendy and tell me hwere she is i gotta talk to her"robbie said as a warning but to it only came as a empty threat

"wether she wants to speak to you is not up to me,she said she was travelling soon. is all i know"dipper said,robbie waved his arm annoyed

"yeah yeah,if you won't help no need to criticize,dweeb"he said walking away

"he is a meanie"candy said

"yeah,but there's nothing much we can do about it"dipper said as the duo turned to play another match


back in the mystery shack everyone plus candy were (attempting) to play poker,which they found to be a lot harder than anyone thought

"King me!" mabel said showing two kings making everyone groan

"it's not fair,she doesn't even know what game we are playing" stan said putting his cards on the table

"go fish?"mabel asked clulessly

from the outside the group started hearing what sounded like guitar playing

"you guys hear that?" candy asked

"dude,i think i'm getting a radio signal on my head"soos said

"try blinking to see if you can change the station"mabel said

"weeeeeeendy!" a voice came from outside

"sounds like robbie"dipper said after hearing the voice

"robbie? is he that jerky twerp i see making goo-goo eyes at wendy all the time?"stan asked

"he is the one wendy complained didn't go see him at the hospital once?"soos said,candy perked up at that

"should i send waddles on him again?" mabel asked as waddles bit her sweater,dipper sighed and stood up

"let's just get this over with"he said walking off,mabel followed him

"wendy!wendy!wendy! c'mon girl,get down! get down!"he shouted. dipper and mabel got out the door with annoyed looks on their faces

"you know she isn't here right?"he asked,robbie stopped playing and looked confused


"she went out camping with her if you listened for once you would know"he said,robbie gave him a serious glare

"what did you say?"he said angrily

"you heard him,scram" mable said

"no!no!no! i'm sick of you! first you embarass me in front of mine friends,then you ruined my chance to get with wendy and now you mock me! you are not getting off that easily

"you don't have to prove anything just leave us alone man"dipper said,robbie grabbed him by the collar

"let's finish this. you. me. circle park. 3'o clock"he said walking away dropping dipper on the ground. after the boy left mabel helped her brother up

"you sure about that bro? you're not the most physically fit"mabel said,dipper waved her off

"relax,he is just a bully. plus i have [maps and legends], i'll be fine" dipper assured calling his stand making it flex to show his point.

"i don't have much room to talk right now but maybe you're being too careless about this dipper"candy said,dipper stared at her

"c'mon,you guys think i can't beat robbie,you think i'm a weak?"he asked making the girls back off slightly

"relax brobro"mabel said lifting her arms in defense

"we are just saying we don't know what robbie may try to do,teenagers can do crazy things. we are just worried what this situation may lead to" candy said

"relax,what can he do to me anyways. since you are so worried i'll carry extra papers just in case. hey soos,wanna go to the arcade? " he said walking away as the girls looked at each other


dipper was on the arcade playing heritage to the future against the CPU as he thought of the conversation with the girls

"maybe i shouldn't have been so rough with them,they were just worried. i feel kinda bad now,oops"he accidentaly dropped his quarter on the floor and leaned down to get it.

"there you are,huh?"he saw starnge writing on the floor,it seemed like it was carved there

" 'enter this code to unleash ultimate power'? what is this all about,let's give it a try" he get back on the arcade and put the code as written on the floor

the code caused the machine to spark a bit before shutting down causing dipper to shrug

"maybe it didn't work" he said turning away when the screen lit up again in a strange color

"CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER" the announced said,but the voice was different like it was glitching on and off

"ummm... edgy deliquent"the screen shined brightly,from the screen the character jumped off landing near dipper

"I'M TIRED OF THIS ALREADY" the character said striking a pose using his cap to cover his face

"wow,you're real! i gotta show this to soos. soos?"dipper looked around for the handyman but found nothing

the scene cuts to soos trapped in a arcade machine before cutting back to dipper

"hmm,weird"dipper's watch then starts beeping

"oh,it's 3 o'clock already,let's go"he motioned to delinquent to follow him

"sheesh kid,were we even going? tired of this already"he said dipper turned

"i have to fight this guy who thinks i ruined his chance to get a girlfriend"he said

"teens and their hormones. damn i'm tired of this already" dipper looked at him suspiciously

"umm,do you say that after every sentence?"dipper asked a bit awkwadrly

"maybe,damn i'm tired of this already"he responded,dipper just stared blankly

"oookay,lets just go then"he said walking away as the video game character followed

"why are you even going to fight a guy anyway?"delinquent asked

"well that guy has been annoying for long time,i just want toshow him to not mess with me"dipper said

"i relate,some people just get on your damn nerves. i'm tired of this already" the fighter said covering his eyes making dipper sigh comically


dipper and the delinquent made their way to the circle park where robbie was indeed waiting for him,standing impatiently drinking a soda. when he saw dipper his face became one of anger as he gave a cocky smirk.

"geez,finally arrived. those stick-legs of yours really show huh?"he mocked making dipper grunt,his gace then turned to the large man besides his target

"and who may you be?"he asked trying to intimidate the larger man

"get off my face,or you wanna me to beat you instead"he said,robbie laughed dryly

"like this wimp could beat me. and you tall black and ugly why don't you go cry to momma or something huh!" robbie said throwing his soda at the man

"that's it!"delinquent looked at robbie with a deathly glare,in the blink of a eye he punched robbie full force in the stomach making him cough blood and sending him into a tree splitting it in half.

dipper looked at the video game character with a bit of shock in his eyes

"hey,what was that for? you could have killed him or something"dipper said alarmed,delinquent loooked at him with a emotionless stare

"that's the idea!"he said jumping over to the recovering robbie

"what the-aaaah"the emo teen rolled off the way as the large coated man slammed the ground where he was seconds ago

"y-you're crazy!"robbie whimpered as he crawled away

"geez you suck! time to send another asshole to the grave" delinquent said clenching his fist as it was covered in purple energy in the shape of a star


the fighter shouted bringing it's fist down on robbie as his life flashed before his eyes. the punch however never came as a rock hit deliquent's head taking his attention. robbie used this chance to run away

"STOP IT! he may be a bastard but he doesn't deserve to die" dipper shouted as the fighter walked towards him


"ughh,that hurts a lot" dipper groaned standing up after getting hit by the delinquent as blood ran down his mouth,he was then grabbed by the collar of his shirt

"you learned you lesson yet huh? after your toast i'll make sure the other wimp also bites the dust. now go to hell 'PLATINUM STAR'"delinquent shouted as he intended on finishing off dipper


suddenly deliquent's arm wasstruck by various small projectiles,he looked to see

"red jawbreakers"the fighter said grabbing one and looking closer,the candy started to shine before all exploded in a fiery blast

"ahhhhh" the fighter said dropping dipper and stumbling back as he caught fire

dipper looked to see his savior was

"c-candy?"he stuttered as he saw the asian girl standing before him with a stand by her side

it was a robotic looking stand with feminine features close to it's user dressed like willy wonka. it's face was covered by thick goggles and had briight pink hair in a ponytail,on it's back the stand had what seemed like a candy compartiment with strange substances in different tanks,it's left arm had a sort of hole on the palm while it's right hand was a gatlling gun.

"hey dipper. you alright?"she asked getting closer,the boy had no words

'i hope this is a good thing' candy thought

"you h-h-have a stand?"dipper said still in disbilief

"i call it [sugartime] seems crazy i know. i'll tell you more after this"candy said

dipper recomposed himself summoning his own stand

"r-right,sorry"the stands

"hmmm,another annoying brat"delinquent said readying his platinum star once again

the fighter charged rapidly

"stop right there [sugartime] slow him down!"candy said,the stand aimed it's gun arm at the ground and shot purple colored jawbreakers,once they made contact with the ground they splattered into a puddle in the ground

when deliquent stepped on it his feet got stuck in a sticky substance making him unbale to move

"what the"

"now!"he looked up in time to feel his chest be hit,he looked down to see black jaw breakers stuck on his chest

"[maps and legends] do it" dipper sent his stand foward delivering a flurry of kicks on the fighter's chest

'kakakakakakakakakaka. EUREKA'

[maps and legends] finished his attack by giving a final kick to deliquent's head making it whip back,candy flinched at the kick.

the impact of the kicks made the jawbreaker shine brightly before the fictional fighter was covered in a massive explosion

the smoke dissipated to show deliquent was still standing even if barely his face filled with unrelenting anger

"you...kids will definetly pay for this"he said stabnding up

the two teens went into combat stances again


a black blur went through deliquent who was sliced in half before dissapearing into various pixels,the teens looked in surprise

their surprise was turned to shock and fear,before them was a tall figure clad in black samurai/ninja hybrid armor holding two large serrated swords

"what? isn't that" dipper was interrupted

"[d-deadwood]?"candy whimpered as her former stand turned around,she almost fainted as dipper grabbed her

"you really saved me time dealing with him" he said with a deep semi-demonic voice

"we destroyed the gem?! how do you have that stand" dipper asked readying [maps and legends]

"it doesn't matter how i am what i am. and while i could fight you right now!" he pointed the swords before lowering them

"but consider it a mercy call,i have better thing to do, and i am no deadwood,my name is [darkness in edge town] cool huh? and you have angered my superior pines." the stand said

"what? i don't even know what you're talking about"dipper said holding his stomach

"you WILL know pines,i will let you go this time. but next time you won't be so lucky" [darkness in edge town said before throwing a smoke bomb in the ground ,vanishing for good.

after the moment of tension cleared,dipper and candy sat on a bench,looking at the destroyed park

"this sure was something huh?"candy joked to lighten the mood

"how did you know i was here?"dipper asked

"mabel and stan went to the water tower to fix his fear of heights,i decided to go to the arcade where i saw soos stuck in a arcade machine saying you went to fight robbie. so i decided to see if you were okay"she said,dipper blushed a bit

"thanks then,you really saved me back there. but it's getting late,is better if we go home"dipper said standing up before feeling a pain in his stomach

"that fight really left a number on you,take this"candy gave him a green jawbreaker

dipper looked at it skeptically,seeing at what the others did

"relax,this one is a healing one"candy assured,dipper shrugged and ate it.

as soon as he swallowed it he felt brand new,as all his wounds healed

"wow,this is amazing,not even my stand can fix myself that good,thanks" he said stretching

"it was fun today you know" she said

"well,your free on the shack when you like,more company is never enough,espcially wth gideon and stan bickering all the time.

"alright,thanks"candy said as she left


robbie limped his way back to his house as he held his stomach in pain. once he got there he groaned when he saw someone near his door

"it's you... what you want. i'm not in the mood"he said

before him was pyronica,now with a eyepatch with a flame design

"don't think i wanted to play messanger either emo-boy. boss is calling,c'mon"she said walking past him

robbie considered just ignoring her and going to bed. until he heard her again

"if you don't appear he will be maaaaad" pyronica said in a mocking tone. robbie sighed and started to limp the other way


candy officially joins the party,plus we see her stand and what gem stands can cause to the me what you think


stand name-sugartime

user-candy chiu

ability-can create and shoot jawbreakers with different effects









stand name-darkness in edge town


