
Pillar man in Demon Slayer

A JoJo fan dies... meets a Rob.. Rest is history.

Beta_Force · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Vampire abilities

Quetzal pov

So I have become a vampire now, it is a weird feeling. I am feeling much stronger than before but I have the feeling that I am not alive.

"Congrats mom, you are now a vampire" I heard my son's voice. He looked a lot more relaxed and happy now.

'He must have been very tensed these few days'

"So, now you have become a vampire I will give you an overview of your abilities. Like I said in the beginning you have enhanced strength, speed, agility, regenerative powers.

You also have great control over your body and flesh. You can even mimic the elements with your body. As you have already noticed you can suck blood through your blood vessels" as I become a vampire myself I can confirm that everything he said was true.

I feel that I can command any part of my body to anything. I moved my gaze towards the two bodies I felt a bit guilty.

'I can't waver now. I must stay firm with my decision'

"But be careful as the sun is not the only thing that can hurt you. And being even more powerful than you exist" he warned me as I looked at him in surprise.

'Even the powerful vampires have foes stronger than them. But how did he know that? Has he encountered a stronger being?'

"Also, you can create vampires now with your blood. But you need more practice and control over it. For now, you can only create zombies" I was again surprised and awed by the powers of vampires. But I was even more awed by my son who created this species.

"Mom there is something I need to say to you," he said in an odd tone.

Huitzilin pov

It seems she has not yet discovered the flesh bud. But she will soon discover it. It is better to inform her myself now rather than her finding out on her own.

"Mom there is something I need to say to you" she looked at me in doubt.

"What? Is there anything you forgot to mention" she asked me curiously.

"No, it's not about vampires. Err how do I say it. Well, once I erased your memories" I finally said it. I noticed that she had a look of doubt.

"What!? What are you saying, Zee?" she asked in obvious confusion.

"There will be a bud in your brain. I implanted it into you to erase your memory. Remove it and you will get your memories back. I am very sorry mom, I didn't know what to do at that time"

After some seconds she inserted her fingers into her brain took out the flesh bud. It was still squirming in her hands. I sensed my cells in the bud and quickly killed them. Soon, they stopped squirming and was burned away.

My mom stood on the spot rooted to the ground for some time. Soon, a drop of tear trailed from her eyes as she had a look of betrayal in her eyes.

'Sigh, what will happen now' I thought.

Soon she composed herself and said "It's ok. Don't worry, you only did what believe was correct. And honestly, I was pretty scared of you at that time. But now I understand" in a forced smile.

I honestly didn't know what to say. I remained silent and soon we left the cave. On the journey back both of us didn't speak again. I returned home and she went to visit my father's tomb again.

The next day my mother greeted me seemingly normal but I noticed that she is trying very hard to appear normal.

'Only time will resolve this issue'

She came to me and asked "I want to train with my vampire powers. Can you help me?"

"Yes" I accepted readily as it allowed us to bond.

At night we went to a nearby forest to train her vampire powers. I thought her all the insights I had from my body manipulation. She was pretty talented.

I also noticed that her regeneration and control was greater than the test subject I previously used.

'Does one's potential as a vampire have any relation to one's potential before they become a vampire' if this theory is true that means more skilled humans become more skilled vampires

The same can also be said for demons. Even among demons, there are those with high potential and those who can't even use blood demon arts.

She hunted various animals and participated in combat to further familiarize herself with her body.

Now we were standing in front of the corpses of animals we hunted. We are going to try creating zombies.

'Who wouldn't want an army of zombies'

My mother picked up a corpse of a monkey and inject some blood into it. The monkey became a zombie as it eyed us with saliva in her mouth.

My mom tried to control it and make it not act on its instinct but ultimately failed. As soon it attacked her, she smoothly and quickly absorbed the zombie.

She tried the same experiment with so many animals and finally achieved initial control over zombies. It was still carved for blood but its extent was very less.

She also grated different parts of animals together creating strange and bizarre creatures.

'This can be definitely used to scare one's enemy' I thought in an amused manner. It was going to be daybreak soon and I don't want my mother to become ashes. Soon we reached home.

She went to sleep quickly as today was very taxing on her. I didn't get any sleep.

'There is still some time before the sun rises. I can probably go for a walk outside'

I left the tribe and walked on a wide and spacious road that was used by traders and cargo dealers. But usually, these roads were very dangerous and many would encounter bandits and lunatics.

The roads were surrounded by forest on both sides. The moonlight radiated upon the trees as light scattered illuminating the road. All I could hear was the chittering of insects and the noises made by wild animals.

Soon the light from a fire torch came into my field of view. I moved in the direction of the light. A group of people were surrounding a lonely merchant.

'Why the hell does he travel at this time?' I thought, unable to find a reason. These bandits were trying to steal something from the merchant. I focused to hear what they were saying.

"Do you think that gem would sell for a good price?"

"Yes, look at how it is shining. And it even has a magical property. When he allowed the light from a fire to pass through the gem the ground caught on fire. It will definitely fetch a good price"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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