
Pierced Heart

A heart, as soft as a cloud, goes through so much pain and agony. Any smile that lits up his face, later turns into sorrow. He was laughed at, he was mocked and he was tortured. But who could blame him, growing up without not knowing what a motherly love was. Living and being raised by a man was all he knew of, but nature seemed to have smiled at him. This poor little boy has grown to become a handsome successful man, making his father, the only family that he has and knows of, proud. Thinking that is the best nature could do for him, he was proved wrong by this beautiful woman he encountered. This woman who took his breath away, who sealed the hole in his heart and gave him the happiness he could ever wish for. But they start going through their own struggles now. Only one fear keeps eating them up. Can they go through this situation together ? At the end of their troubles, would the bond between them still exist? That is a mystery about to be solved. ******************* ******************* Jessica Montenegro, a wonderful fashion designer but helps her father also in his company, to avoid the practice of her brother misleading others through lies or trickery in the business industry, has all she needs. Money, success, aspirations, love from many. She has all she needs, but has not gotten what she wants yet, a man. Dracardo Lincoln, going through many struggles in life but with the help of his father, makes it. But with all the money, he still lacks happiness.

Pabay · Urban
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42 Chs

No, I Love You

Later the minute turned into minutes and almost an hour when the door opened and there came in the lady he had been looking all across the country for. She gasped in surprise and they just stood there staring at each other till he broke the silence.



 "What are you doing here?" she asked.

 "I've been looking for you," he answered.

 "Well then, here I am."

 Eduardo stared at her for a while not understanding why she was acting this way towards him. He had thought she would be nervous if Belinda was around, that's why he sent her away but was rather being treated coldly.

 "Do I annoy you?" He desperately asked.

 "Yes." she replied.

 "Do you feel disgusted by me?"

 "Very much."

 "Do I look dirty to you?"

 "More than you could imagine."

 "Do you hate me?"

 "Y.."she stopped. She could sense his disappointment, so she stopped lying and told the truth "..No... I love you, and always will." she confessed not feeling the least embarrassed. They had just known each other for a few weeks but she couldn't deny that she felt nothing towards him.

 Eduardo smiled widely as he stared at her. His heart began to beat erratically. She loves him, he loves her, so that makes it complete. He doesn't need to stick around to impress her with gifts and all sorts of things. In the hands of fate, it turned out good for him.

 Drake laid on the couch in his living room exhausted from the day out. His mind ran through the events of the previous evening as they occurred. From his headache, to Jessica fending for his needs. From how she changed his impasse situation into a useful one. 

 He shivered in fear as he recalled his conversation with the unknown number. He had told him lies which could have caused great damage to his relationship. His mind went on to think of what he could have done if she had left him.

 It would have opened up old wounds and even gone ahead to add a mixture of methylated spirit to it. He continued to think of the discrimination of people and why others kept doing evil to the innocent. He was sure her brother had something to do with this but didn't hook it up with her.

 A knock sounded on his door which brought his mind back to life. Just then, Jessica stepped in.

 "Hey, I have to leave now that you're in. I have been waiting to tell you personally." she said.

 "Oh, so soon." he said with disappointment 

"Why don't you stay for a few more hours. You are the reason I left work early, you know."

 "I would love to, but I've stayed here for almost a day now. I have an anxious mother wai.."Jessica suddenly went wide-eyed and stood still, staring blankly at Drake. She was sweating profusely.

 "What's...?" Drake began, but in a moment, Jessica groaned and was doubled up in pain. Drake, shocked and confused, quickly rushed to her side before she could fall. Minutes later, Jessica was being rushed to the hospital.



 Amanda went out for a break after going through a couple of files. Her head was piled up with information on the new development project the company was working on and had to send what she was assigned to do tomorrow.

 She had taken the position of assistant general manager of the Montenegro Group of Companies since Jessica went on leave. She had more documents and had no time to delay. 

 She sat at the Cafeteria taking her lunch without feeling any anxiety. She was quite aware that as someone who was in the league of the executives in the company, you had a private space where you take your lunch. But since she was not familiar with the rich people's ways, she decided to stick to her's.

 "Hey there girl". a familiar voice called behind her. She shrugged her shoulders as she thought of the time which was about to be wasted once again.

 "Hey Jones, what are you doing here?"

 "I'm supposed to be asking that, everyone keeps staring at you. I hope you know that you are not supposed to be here right, you have a private sector of your own."

 Sighing, she said " I know that. But you know I'm not familiar with these rich people's way of life. So I would rather remain here than to go there and embarrass myself among them."

 He nodded his head agreeing with her. There was an eerie silence which followed after that. He started stuffing in some fruits while she ate her lettuce peacefully.

 Speaking around a mouthful of fruit, he asked "So... mmare you pwaning for chooday."

 Chuckling, she said " I have no idea what you just said. Try swallowing what you have in your mouth first, all gentlemen do that."

 Jones rolled his eyes, but complied " I asked, what are you planning for today."

 "I don't really have anything to do but my work. And I don't plan on doing anything so don't you dare suggest something." smiling weirdly, he shook his head and got up to leave as he had been rejected once again.

 "I will come back later, maybe you might have a change of mind and accept my proposal." he said, winked at her and then left. 

 She sat there quietly minding her own business avoiding the gaze of the other colleagues. After some time of thinking to herself as well, she felt someone tap her shoulder. Slowly she turned around and found herself staring into some tantalising eyes.

 She stared at the man for a while and when she realised who it was, she frowned. What was he doing here again? Why does he keep bordering her? She hopes he is not here to ask for more information on Jessica again, because she had none to feed him.

 "Hello Miss, nice to see you again." he stretched forth for a handshake.

 Taking this hand in hers, she replied "Hi, nice to see you too. Is there anything I can help you with?"

 "Yes, but also no." he said and suddenly saw her brow crease with confusion, and so he boxed on "Yes because, as a blogger, I would need more information about your friend to feed to her fans. And also no because today I am not here to investigate, I am here to thank you for your services the other time. I never got the chance to do so."

 She became irritated and rather coldly said "Thanks, but I don't have any information to feed you on about my friend. So I suggest you get lost if that is what you also came here for." Noah's jaw dropped, shocked at her reply. He expected her to smile happily and give him what he needed, but was rather the other way round.

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