
Pierced Heart

A heart, as soft as a cloud, goes through so much pain and agony. Any smile that lits up his face, later turns into sorrow. He was laughed at, he was mocked and he was tortured. But who could blame him, growing up without not knowing what a motherly love was. Living and being raised by a man was all he knew of, but nature seemed to have smiled at him. This poor little boy has grown to become a handsome successful man, making his father, the only family that he has and knows of, proud. Thinking that is the best nature could do for him, he was proved wrong by this beautiful woman he encountered. This woman who took his breath away, who sealed the hole in his heart and gave him the happiness he could ever wish for. But they start going through their own struggles now. Only one fear keeps eating them up. Can they go through this situation together ? At the end of their troubles, would the bond between them still exist? That is a mystery about to be solved. ******************* ******************* Jessica Montenegro, a wonderful fashion designer but helps her father also in his company, to avoid the practice of her brother misleading others through lies or trickery in the business industry, has all she needs. Money, success, aspirations, love from many. She has all she needs, but has not gotten what she wants yet, a man. Dracardo Lincoln, going through many struggles in life but with the help of his father, makes it. But with all the money, he still lacks happiness.

Pabay · Urban
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


"I will pay you handsomely if the job is done well." he offered.

"I don't need your money, I am interested in the guy anyway. All I need is for you to pave a way for me into his life, nothing else, get it." Victoria said, seeming derogated. Raphael was astonished at Victoria's authoritative voice. He had never met a woman this brave and wicked before.

Now that it had been made clear, it seems he was not the only one interested in ending the relationship between his sister and Dracardo. And while he thought he had the most wicked heart of destroying one's life, this woman had proven she had the baddest.

He had to give all the credit to Ruffy, for tracing her to him. Finally, he is now feeling some little bit of glamour building up in him. Oh, how long it has been since he felt that feeling. The feeling of seeing his sister suffer. The feeling of seeing tears in her eyes. The feeling of seeing her heart break into pieces.

He thought of all the times he had failed to bring his sister down. The times when he wanted her to be kicked out of the business industry. All those years had been added up to his new hoax, and he is very much sure that this will make her vulnerable.

"We must plan this very well and not make her think I am part of it." he said.

"And what makes you think she might think you are part of it. Isn't she your sister?" Victoria asked, confused.

"She might be my sister, but it is not well between us," he replied.

"Well that isn't surprising. With this attitude, I would be shocked if you are married."

The smile he had on his face abruptly got replaced by a frown. What does she mean by that? Was she insulting him or what?. "Excuse me," he said.

"I am perfectly sure you heard me right, so I don't have time to explain anything." she said getting up from her seat. She adjusted her dress and then took her purse.

"I hope I hear from you sooner, or maybe later. But until then, I have to go accomplish my part of the plan while you sit here drinking. "She said and began to walk past him out of the pub but then stopped, turning around to look at him she said "And if you don't have any useful information for me, don't bother calling.," she said and then stormed out.

Raphael bit his lips trying to control the anger boiling in him. Who does she think she is? Does she think she could just come and boss him around? He needs to make a conspiracy about her. She can't just make a deal with him and then be the one giving the instructions.

And on the other side, he needs to be very careful around her. She looks very fierce and people like that he doesn't like. Though he had to admit someone like her was perfect for his plan, he didn't like her character.

People like her could be unscrupulous. They cause anarchy and maim people. All they do are atrocities and seem to be a devastation among people. And if he was in a deal with someone like her, then he was in great danger.



It's been three days now since Jessica had been admitted to the hospital, and she seemed displeased with Drake's behaviour of worrying for her. 'It's okay, I am alright. It was just some little sharp pain. But it has died out now, so quit acting like that."

He shrugged "Okay, I am sorry if I have annoyed you. I was just angry at myself for causing you this pain. I don't know why, but I could feel anger rising within me these few days. It hurts, it's like a burning larva, which turns everything in me into stone. But that is not what I want. I don't want my heart to be as hard as stone. I want my heart to be filled with love and passion, just like yours." he said meekly.

Jessica put her hand on his shoulder "Calm down, breathe." She told him noticing that even though he seemed a bit calm, he was hyperventilating. She didn't know why, but she guessed he must be tired.

"Why don't you rest for a while, that would help you." she suggested.

"No, you will be discharged soon, then we can go home to rest," he replied. He felt satisfied mentioning the word home as if it was theirs. How he wished she could stay with him forever, not having to go to her mom's place to change clothes and do all sorts of things.

"Drake, my parents are here, they can bring me there. Right now, I just need to make sure you are alright and strong just like how I am feeling. So please, go home and take a rest, then I will be satisfied.' After exchanging a few other words, Drake agreed to leave. But assured her he would be back before she knew it.

She only shook her head smiling at him. What he didn't know was that she would be discharged in about thirty minutes time, which meant she would be going to his house alone. She felt sad lying to him that her parents would escort her, but she didn't want that.

She wanted to be alone, free from her parents, free from her guards. That was why she asked her mother to put aside a special driver for her, in which her mother complied. Now that she was on her way to his house, she put all those behind her and focused on her journey to his house.



"Boss, there's someone here to see you."

"I am not expecting anyone, so who could it be at this time." Drake asked, looking at the time.

"Someone who you would not be happy to see as your boss." Santo said worriedly. This changed Drake's mood as he felt the sudden urge of seeing who it might be that came to look for him.

"Okay, let the person in." he said. Shortly after, Santo came in with the shadow of what he saw was a woman, but not just any woman, Victoria, the woman he had been avoiding.

"Hi." she greeted shyly, but Drake didn't care any more . Even if she greeted with the cutest voice ever heard, he didn't want her here.

"Hello. How did you know where I stay, and how may I help you?" he asked, going straight to the point. He didn't care if he was being harsh with her, he just wanted her out of his house, and out of his life, nothing else.

"You are a prestigious man. Your big mansion is all over the net." she said sarcastically.

"Okay. Now, how may I help you?" he asked once again.

"Can't I at least have something to drink from your little bar there. As a friend you are supposed to offer me something."

"Suit yourself." He could see that she wasn't in a hurry to leave, for she was just getting started with her little gentle girl drama.

What is wrong with him, why is he acting like this with me. Does he have to be that naive and impotent? Victoria mumbled to herself as she poured wine into two glasses. She raised her head to look at Drake, he seemed to be focused on something else and didn't even catch her gaze.

Slowly and quietly, she reached into the back pocket of her jacket and brought out a drug. She dipped some into one glass and left the other just the way it was. She put the drug back into her pocket, took the two glasses and strode back to her seat.

"Here." she said, handing him over a glass.

"'I never asked you to pour me one." he said displeased.

She narrowed her eyes on him and said "You should have told me, but I am here to discuss a lot of things with you so believe me, this would help." she said. Drake looked at the glass of wine before taking it. He gulped it all down and placed the glass back in the tray.

"There, now talk," he said.

She looked at him smiling. She never thought it could be that easy to make him drink it all, but his naiveness has completed the job for her.

"I came here because my father wants to make a deal with your company. He wants to purchase a great amount of your goods and I believe that will help you make more money than you are usually making. Not to forget…" She kept on talking but Drake wasn't listening anymore because he had started to feel dizzy.

He could see the room becoming dark little

by little and thought he was dying. Victoria noticed this but kept on talking about business, taking her time before going to do anything stupid. The more she kept talking, the weaker he was becoming.

"Vic..t.. what did y...ou give me?"he groaned as he held his head. Thinking this was the right time, she stood up to offer him her help.

"Drake, are you alright? Let me help you. You might only be feeling tired. Where is your room, show me." She said as she helped him get up. Slowly, she started walking with him to the stairs. Since she didn't know his room, she would have to guess on her own. She walked to the first door and then opened it, but none of his pictures were in it.

Drake, with his head feeling like it was being used as a drum, pointed to a door at the far end. Slowly, she began moving with him in that direction. She opened the door and peeked inside. But this time, she saw the room furnished with beautiful frames and in fact, the room was heavily decorated.

She walked him inside, closed the door behind them and stood with him. Just as he tried to move towards the bed to lay down, she held his head with both of her hands and claimed his lips passionately.

He tried to move away from her, but she kept pushing her head forward. He felt weak and felt his legs trembling as if trying to fall but just then, the door opened and someone stepped in.
