"What is it?" Arthur said.
"If I'm not mistaken, at the end of this dungeon, there is a living dragon!"
"What? How?"
"The gods put her inside this place not that long ago, but from what I heard, she isn't a full dragon but a half-one. Her father is a dragon called Nefion." Wrutzus said.
Arthur did not mutter a word. Nefion was someone he wanted to find, eventually, and now more people related to him were around.
Was Nefion and his brother the two remaining dragons? Not counting with Arthur, of course.
"Do you know if there're more monsters inside this place? And how do I get both you and her out of this place?"
"There are no monsters, and she is locked inside the next floor, however I'm uncertain you'll be able to rescue her, and if you can't rescue her, then I'm trapped here as well."