
Phoenix: Reborn From The Flames

Born as a rich heiress, Su RuQian never had to worry about her life in any way. Until she fell for the wrong person and was abandoned by her family, friends and even the person she loved the most. Dying a tragic death she uncovered a truth about herself she never knew. Now reborn from the ashes she rises as a phoenix to take everything that was hers back. But Oh! Who is this man? Why does he look so familiar? Why does just thinking about him make her heart beat faster? Young master Mu, heir of the Mu Conglomerate, the CEO who despises women and feels they are a hassle, fell for a girl whose eyes burn with a flame he never saw before. But he has a huge secret which he wishes to keep from his beloved. What happens when RuQian who herself bores a dark secret finds out about Mu Chen's hidden darkness? Will she be able to accept him after finding out the secret he hides from everyone? Will they have to separate after finding out these hidden truths about each other or will they have a chance together? Note: No rape scenes, no major misunderstandings. There will be a few twists but there will be a few clichés. The MC is not an innocent woman, she will be aggressive, might it be with her language, physically or sexually. I know many would not want a cold type of CEO, so I will try to make him different. I have a basic storyline so if anyone wants to suggest any particular scenes I will try to add them in. As far as I know this will be a free book regardless of the number of chapters. I am hoping to keep it that way. ----------------------------------- This is my first book guys so please bear with me. I'll try my best to upload as many chapters as I can. Please don't curse at me if you don't like it. This is an original work and not a translation. This novel is only available on WEBNOVEL.com. And please ignore the grammatical mistakes if there are any.

Shining_Star · Urban
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

32. The Show

"Can we start?" It was RuQian who asked this. Everyone in the room was stunned for a moment, even grandfather Zhang. Her voice oozed with authority, she was not a small girl, it felt like she was completely used to these kinds of meetings, it felt like she was the owner, even her own grandfather felt like he was hallucinating, RuQian resembled his wife too much.

The man behind the camera raised an eyebrow in fascination. The power and authority radiating from this woman were not something that could be replicated, you would only learn it after years of working, you would have to be able to control and be responsible for a lot of lives to have this tone. The responsibility of all those lives hardens you to the point most of them fear you but that would be the price one had to be willing to pay.

He could not understand how a fifteen year old could have this kind of an authoritative side to her. Had she managed a company? Did she start a company? But if she did so he would have known, he decided to check it out personally.

RuQian was herself a little surprised, she did not mean to use her work voice but she guessed it was a habit, she was in the conference room of the company after all. She had just greeted her grandfather in the normal way and she became the director in the next second.

She would not be able to get rid of this habit, it was in her bones. But moreover she did not want to rid herself of this side of her, she would be building her business in a few years, she might as well go along with this. She raised her eyebrows towards the people in the room and they snapped out of their reverie.

"Xiao Qian, do you want some water?" RuQian blinked her eyes in disbelief. Did her grandfather just ask her if she wanted water? Here? Now? Really? This was the exact same thought everyone in the room, even Ren Wei, had.

"No, I am fine. We should start." RuQian was much more professional than these idiots so she replied with a straight face. But some of the shareholders and executives were even more incensed than before. Now they were sure the CEO was in an affair with her, no wonder she was acting as if she was the owner of the company, all the gold digging bitches were the same.

"Xiao Qian, this is the advertisement director, Director Tan, he will be the one evaluating you." RuQian clearly understood what her grandfather was doing, he was not giving any face to the shareholders, RuQian smirked in her head.

"She is just a pretty face. How can we use her?" One of the shareholders started.

"Yes.." The others chimed in.

"A pretty face is what is needed in adverts. The face is what people would look at. Don't you think so gentlemen?" Director Tan uttered. The shareholders' faces became red when they heard this. It was true a model would need the pretty face and the aura which they knew this woman possessed but they wanted to oppose the CEO so this was what they could do.

When the chairman made decisions regarding the companies to collaborate with, the contracts, the terms, they had no say in anything as it always brought in profits. This was the first time they were able to find some sort of inconsistency where they could voice their opinions, but it looked like the chairman was not even giving them a chance.

Some of the shareholders did not mind, they were allies of the CEO, they felt he would only see the benefits of the company. Even though he was not as good as madam boss, he was still a good businessman.

The rest were those who wanted the seat of the chairman but they neither had the shares required nor the talent for the position, just greedy old hags. They were under total control when the madam boss was alive but after she passed away all these wolves wanted to pounce on the CEO chair.

But most of the shares were owned by someone who never even appeared to the meetings, the second largest shareholder was CEO Zhang. The third highest shareholder was also unknown. So there was no chance for them to buy any shares.

RuQian was the shareholder with 35% of the total shares under her name, her original shares were 10%, her mother had given her 10% and adding her grandmother's portion made her the largest shareholder, her grandfather had 30%, 20 his own and the rest given by her grandmother. Her grandmother had given the third portion, the largest she had divided of her shares, the 25% to an unknown man. The rest of the 10% were held by the rest of the shareholders.

Her grandmother had personally sold these 10 percent after choosing ten different members and selling them 1% each. Overtime, four of them had sold their shares to the other shareholders. Now one of the six held 4% and another 2%. The other four had their 1% shares.

The shareholders who held their 1% shares were the ones who always thought best of the company. In her past life, they had been RuQian's trusted followers. They had seen the Madam Boss's shadow in her and had always taken her side. The other two were the trouble makers. They were the greedy bastards who had sold themselves out.

RuQian had all the dirt on them. Even before working with Su Ting, these two had sabotaged a lot of the company's projects by selling out the project secrets. RuQian had done a background check before she entered the company in her past life, this was what she had found about them. So after she started working in the company she made sure every little detail was under lock.

RuQian was the only one who knew the details and terms of each project and she was the one who always negotiated the terms of contracts. This was the reason she was able to gain so many profits for the company. Her grandfather did not trust these men but he also did not know how to tackle them either.

It was not that he did not know what they did either, he just had a soft spot that it was his wife who picked them to be one of the shareholders. This kind of thinking was destructful for a company. She knew her grandfather was not a bad businessman but he was not a good one either.

"Even if a face is important, she would need skills, who knows if she even knows modelling." The one with the 2% shares, Zhen Lu Tei, said. This man was not that bad but he was always egged on by the actual evil one.

"I am sure she only knows the skill of spreading her legs." The evil one, the 4% shareholder, Tang Wen smirked. RuQian had to push this man out of this company, she would do it in this lifetime.

"Now, that's not a very good thing to say to someone the same age as your granddaughter, is it, Mr Tang? I would understand though, seeing as your granddaughter does go to the hotels with different men almost as old as you every two weeks, I understand why you would think all girls do that. But I hate to burst your bubble that's not what all kids do!" RuQian calmly replied, not even sparing a glance at the crone.

Today will only be words old man, you will taste defeat after I am finished playing with you! RuQian smirked in her head.

Hehehe our FL has opened her mouth..

Who do you guys think is the third largest shareholder? Will her grandfather force her to marry him? Will it be a new villain?

*Sigh* You can just wait I guess.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shining_Starcreators' thoughts