
Secret Warning

"Yeah... He's gorgeous." Jun Li was sitting on the beach watching a few members of Inferno play in the water.

"Gorgeous and fluffy, I want one of those." Semmi wore a one-piece white swimsuit that Nix had made her.

"Raaawwwr" The huge bear splashed through the surf, his shaggy fur sending droplets of saltwater in all directions. Every once in a while he would plant his butt down and swipe at the water with his huge paws. The result would be a massive wave of water being sent at his playmates. Mina and an Aquarion healer named Saji were laughing loudly while they played with him.

"Where's Nix?" Jun Li had been watching the events for half an hour, as of yet, there was no sign of the Inferno guild leader.

"Sleeping it off I assume." Semmi had witnessed a certain young Fire Mage sleeping on his deck. "Nix, Chael and Wind decided they could drink more than Pon."

Jun Li snorted, "no one can drink more than that old fish."