

"She'll get over it." Nix was near the southern edge of Shae's elemental world. The Salamander was telling him about an argument that his companions had been involved in. It started with Fey dousing Morti with flames and ended with Morti using a huge paw to slap some common sense into the drake.

"Fey just lay there moaning all morning, finally I had to run her out." Shae's long red hair was in a braid that hung down passed her round bottom. She was wearing her favorite red dress, sitting in the tall grass while Nix cleared out a small garden plot. "What are you planting?"

"Bhut Jolokia," Nix fished one out of his bag and handed it to her. The one he handed her was red and dried perfectly. "Give it a taste."

Shae eyed the pepper, first bringing it up to her nose to smell it. Apparently she found the scent pleasing, her next action was to pop the entire thing in her mouth and chew vigorously.