

Nix walked into the turtle house at 1700 hours. He whistled happily to himself, satisfied that he was able to complete everything on his list. Hyai was cutting up vegetables on a cutting board while she chatted with Gil, Mina, and Nansu. All four of them turned toward the door when he walked in.

Gil's round face looked traumatized. "Nix... I want to buy this house from you. It isn't right that you live in a turtle mansion while a Titan Turtle stays in a normal place."

"Heh... Hyai must have given you the grand tour." Nix patted him on the back. "All because I found your grandpa's shell."

"That's right! I helped you bring it out of the lake! Let me stay in your old room!" Gil's round face smiled at his own cleverness. "I'm a very quiet turtle."

"Denied!" Nix walked past him, pausing long enough to kiss Hyai on the cheek before taking a look out the back door.

Soup was basking on the shore of the new cove; her eyes popped open when Nix opened the backdoor.