
Dragon Puppet

Nix spoke with the merchants while they ate lunch at an open-air restaurant next to the vegetable markets. The owner of the establishment frowned at him when he opened his own boxed meal but didn't make an issue of it.

After the meeting, Nebs briefed him on town development and the need for better local roads. Three families in town wanted permission to buy land to raise livestock and several business owners from Free Trader City wanted to expand to Ionova.

"I'll have the quarry supply materials for making cobblestone, you'll have to find the stonemasons."

Nebs nodded and made a note of it. "I'll put the word out locally first."

"As far as the business owners from Free Trader City lets hold off. Encouraging commerce is great, however, I'm okay with slowing it down if it means our local businesses develop to the point where they can expand."