

Nix studied the expired docket. It had already been up before Parliament twice. It would fall under the 3-time rule if it was submitted again. The only issue was that it had never been resubmitted. Initially, all submissions are required to pass through a screening process before they became dockets.

"Hey, guys!" Semmi walked into the Parliament Guild Office, unexpectedly Nix was hard at work at his desk and Fajii was sitting on the couch.

Semmi took a seat at her own desk before wheeling her chair over to Nix. "What ya reading?"

"All about the 3-time rule." Nix studied the hud before pointing out the items he was interested in.

Semmi leaned forward and read the screen. "This is about amending a docket?"

Nix nodded, "yes."

"Dockets can be amended, however, it requires a vote of at least 25 percent and the submission rule doesn't reset." Semmi considered it for a moment. "You want to amend a submission?"

"Yes, guess who has enough votes to amend a submission?"