

After a few hours, Alpha team took a break just inside the entrance of the Gemini Temple. They had learned several value bits of knowledge. The first was that they weren't ready for Oasis, even the garbage mobs in the temple managed to wipe them out will little effort. Nix's multiple deaths had resulted in him dropping 3 locked levels and left his armor at 50 percent.

Fajii was sitting next to him while they leaned back on the Gemini statue. She passed him her canteen, her tan face never seemed to lose its smile. "You did well Nix."

"Compared to Pon who died six times, I'd have to agree." Nix looked at the three items he had picked up. Although they couldn't beat anything in the temple, they did manage to open and steal just about every chest. There were a half dozen minor treasures and the three major ones.

/Alpha Team: Semmi: Link the two thief stones again Nix.

/Alpha Team: Nix: Sure, but there's nothing to them.

[Gemini Thief: 4th Tier]